Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4609: The attitude of the ancient gods

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

In recent years.

The power of the three main groups is too great.

The road of its rise is made up of the bones of countless born spirits, **** sons, and even innate gods.

Even if the three main groups are not enough, they have a top-notch chaotic power, which makes all parties silent.

The world has a hunch, this is just an appearance.

Those innate groups of gods and spirits who had made blood feuds with the three masters absolutely refused to let go.

Unexpectedly, the fuse was so fast that it should be started in this situation, and it broke out before the new round of the Permian alternate impact.

Only when the news spread, did Chaos tremble, and all sides were shocked.

"Look at the Three Lords being uprooted, and see the Three Lords rise and fall!"

Other innate gods who are forbidden are paying close attention.

"At this time, the war against the three main groups must have been rumored by the existence of the Chaos Heavenly Taoist List, otherwise why can the rules of the gods be invalidated?"

Some **** sons have made speculations in connection with the chaotic image of recent chaos.

There is such an idea.

There are also descendants of ancient gods in reincarnation.

"Brother Xiao Ye!"

The true legends of ancient gods such as Hong Qian, Ba Cang, Yu Wei Chi, and Du Dongyu were all anxious.

In recent years, there has been too much information in the chaos.

Also let them know some mysteries of the level of innate gods.

Although the world is rumored.

The three main groups also have the power of the Heavenly Taoist Ranking, but they believe that it is difficult to compare with the numerous wing gods and Taishen groups that already exist in the Permian.

In the boundary of the ancient **** group.

Dozens of ancient **** pillars are all trembling, making a great sense.

A figure of a venerable ancient **** appeared on top of the ancient pillar of gods, looking towards the direction of Wanhua Great Forbidden Heaven.

"The three main groups are the alliance of our ancient **** groups."

"Today they are in trouble, we can't just sit back and ignore it!"

The young car source Hou, who was wearing a yellow robe, roared with a roar, and had risen into the air.

"This seat is with you!"

Tyrannosaurus, a tiger with a bear on his back, also appeared, along with several other ancient gods to keep up with the car source, trying to break away.

"Do not go out!"

But at this moment, a majestic voice suddenly resounded, stirring up a wave of supremacy.

This kind of fluctuation contains the original avenue of very high order.

Whether it is Tylenol or Cheyuanhou, all of them were crushed and fell down with a horrified look on their faces.

That kind of fluctuation, too horrible, they can't resist at all, clearly from the beginning of the ancient **** group clan!


It was the ancient gods of the Heavenly Taoist List that stopped them!

This Permian.

The ancient gods on the Heavenly Taoist List also appeared one after another.

"Sir of Yuanyuanzhou..."

Tylenol knew who the interceptor was, and quickly faced the void.

"You should be very clear about the situation of the ancient **** group."

"The difficulty of the three mains this time, the fighting power of the Heavenly Taoist List is the focus."

"If it involves me and affects the future of the ancient **** group, who will be responsible?"

"And you have done enough for the three masters because you dominate the adults. Even if you rushed away now, it would be nothing but death."

But before his words were spoken, he had been interrupted by cold words.

The meaning of the other party is already obvious.

The ancient gods of the heavenly doctrine list will not participate in this storm, as in the past, focusing on self-preservation.


All other ancient gods were silent.


As for the car source Hou, he gritted his teeth.

He is naturally clear.

Shou Yuanzhou said that the sounding grandeur is actually selfish, and he has heard a lot of news over the years.

Now, the other party has a decree, the ancient **** in the boundary of the group, who else dares to help out?

Unless the ancient gods come forward.

Available since that year.

After the ancient **** dominated the ten Permian growth periods for Xiao Ye, there was no more movement.


The banned days are all tumultuous.

As for the three main groups, the news has already been received.

Wanhua is forbidden, all the male gates are flashing, all kinds of large arrays are running, and the light is overwhelming.

The spirits of the Tao God Realm all retreated to the realm of the three main groups.

The descendants of the ancient gods of Nirvana Realm, the free repair of Nirvana Realm, and more than two hundred time creatures, led by the Four Emperors of the True Spirit, Nangong Xingyu, and the Emperor Celestial Emperor, were lined up in a square team, and the soldiers were born. , Ready to fight.

The Xiao family also dispatched a group of powerful Nirvana realms, led by Bing Ya and Xiao Nian.

The brothers and sisters Cheng Wen and Cheng Yi who were only at the middle of the Taoist realm were among them.

Their state is not high, but they already have the fighting power of Nirvana.

Even the seven nights at the critical moment of transformation are out.

The faces of these creatures are full of dignity.

This is not a fight between the alternating impact of the Permian.

With the participation of innate gods, they are very likely to become cannon fodder in the war.

Behind the three main armies, Yi Si, Xiao Bai, Wen Hong Da, and Jin Huan Shenshu also appeared.

"Shou Yuan Chau said that came true!" Yi murmured to himself.

He originally thought.

Even if it is really as Shou Yuan Chau said, there are several Heavenly Taoist rankings, and it is necessary to purge the three main groups, at least until the period of the alternating impact of the Permian period, and then move.

Although the Taoist doctrine exists, it is not bound by the rules of the gods, but after all it is the ancient gods, who once won ten growth periods for Xiao Ye.

But the war broke out in advance.

Now the wing **** and Taishen group cross-domain warfare has shown an attitude, and it will never stop if it does not achieve its purpose.

"What are you afraid of?"

"It's not a big fight with them. Even if it falls, it will drag several innate gods behind!"

Xiao Bai grinded his teeth, said calmly, the candle light was thin, forming a huge shadow behind him.

After the practice of this Permian period, Xiaobai refined the background of the candles of the Three Generations, and achieved results and improved his strength a lot.

"They, here!"

Xiao Ye, who stood on the side with his negative hand, suddenly shouted.


As his words fell, the originally peaceful Wanhua Great Forbidden Sky was wildly turbulent, and there was a boundless divine light that burst from the borderland.

Two rainbow bridges propped up by the Divine Power of Heaven and Dao extend towards this side.

On every Hongqiao bridge, there is an army of gods and demons running.

Above the Hongqiao, there were several standing on each other, lingering around the huge figure of supreme breath, eyes cold and cold.

Such a scene is not spectacular. The number of incoming creatures is not as great as the battles encountered by the three main groups before, but the heavy atmosphere makes the three main creatures nearly suffocate.

"Five Gods!"

"Five Wing Gods!"

"Both are the top-notch existence in the Gods List!"

Xiao Ye's eyes swept, and his eyes suddenly fixed.

This war.

These two top chaotic forces must have participated in the Heavenly Taoist List, but they have not been manifested and hidden in the dark, and he cannot find it.

(The third one is coming!)