Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4653: Domineering Guardian

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

This voice echoed from heaven to earth, rumbling, there was nothing to stop.

The wave of Destiny Avenue that is being driven in the mountains and the sea seems to shatter the whole rebirth.

Suddenly, the original legends of the ancient gods and destiny creatures who were fighting fiercely were all crooked and fell one by one from the sky.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

At the same time, the four top congenital spirit groups of the ancient gods, wing gods, Taishen, and Dharma gods all burst out a great sense, making the turbulent reincarnation stabilized.

That was the existence of the Heavenly Taoist Rankings in the boundary of the group, and there was a reaction.

As for the innate gods who have manifested in the reincarnation, after seeing the tall figure, their expressions changed greatly, and their backs became cold.


With the fate of the tribes in the world, for the first time, there are three innate gods of fate, attacking the pool and looting the ground in the three forbidden days, and then boarding the reincarnation, challenging the powerful chaos in the world!

No one was informed of the process during that battle.

And the three innate gods of fate are even traces away, but their extraordinary breath is remembered by them.

And the tall figure master is invisible, but they can recognize that the other party is one of the three innate gods of fate!

The opposite party sat in rebirth during this period, and the words spoken only above had already become obvious.

The fourth stage.

This innate **** of fate will also debut!

"It is indeed much stronger than Yang Xi. It is no wonder that the Chaos Heavenly Dao List can exist and make concessions!"

Xiao Ye looked at each other, his eyes changing.

Even he felt the pressure of boundlessness.


The master of destiny, just like the master of time, also accepted disciples and created a sect for inheritance.

Then Yang Xi is equivalent to a disciple of the inner door.

And this one who appeared, is definitely a true disciple!

The gap in strength is staggering.

"Fate is the avenue of honorable goods. It is unfair for your destiny group to take advantage of this and fight with the descendants of ancient gods.

"Xiao Mou only used a little tactics. If he hadn't been dispatched before, he shouldn't violate the rules."

Facing the question of this innate **** of fate, Xiao Ye calmly responded.

He is different from other ancient gods.

It is through self-cultivation and transformation. It has experienced the kind of grudges and grudges in the world, guarding the obsessions of the old friends, and has long been integrated into the bone marrow.

And he already has that ability.

If he still wants to watch these old friends and be buried in front of him, then why does he need to practice all by himself?

"Isn't it against the rules?"

"It turns out that time has passed on, has it reached the point of nothingness?"

The innate **** of fate lit up with a pair of bronze bell-like eyes.

His voice changed.

It's no longer cold, it seems that my emotions have faded, and only the endless vicissitudes are left. It seems that it has crossed the river of time and came from the distant years, so that all the innate gods in the reincarnation are pale.

Because they found out that the other party's real body was clanging, and it seemed that they were about to leave the place of fate and manifest themselves in the world.

"You have to fight, my time gods, accompany!"

Facing each other's actions, Xiao Ye had only such words, and his chest position was already glowing.

He is also difficult to defeat this innate **** of fate, but it does not mean that he has no way to check and balance each other.


At this moment, the inborn **** of fate obviously shook his figure, as if restraining something.


Without saying a word, he returned to the place of fate again and disappeared.


This scene made the reincarnation of the God of Strength, the Three-faced God and the Dark God all relieved.

If the other party disregards the manifestation of the rules, they will not only have no choice but to suffer the disaster of impunity.

As for the Wing Gods and Taishen, it was a horrified look.


The other party and the other two innate gods of fate, came to reincarnate, and dared to challenge the existence of the heavenly Taoist list, what a strength.

But now facing Xiao Ye, but so patient, this can already explain a lot of things.


At this time, in the rebirth of the forbidden sky, a dazzling divine light was blooming.

I saw that the fateful creatures who appeared in the third stage, led by the existence of the Divine Child Realm, had already taken the opportunity to retreat and rushed towards the sky.

Fang Cai's fight is really terrible.

On their side, the Nine Gods Realm exists, and Mu Chengyun was killed by two.

The creatures of the Thousand-Zun Nirvana Realm also died of two hundred battles.

They are very clear.

Under the blessing of Xiao Ye's Tung Yuan Tian Xin Fa, it was impossible to blood wash these ancient gods. If they continue to fight, they will also lose a lot of themselves, so they made a decisive decision and immediately retreated.

This is the first time that their fate group has participated in the alternating impact of the Permian.

"Finally pushed them back..."

In contrast, the true biography of the ancient gods, headed by Hong Qian, all wobbled in shape and sat down with tired faces.

After a **** battle, more than 30 creatures fell on their side.

The direct injection of Xiao Ye's innate spiritual origin can sublimate their strength in a short time, but the sequelae are also terrible.

Now, those sources are all broken up. They suddenly feel like there are countless knives, cutting their bodies, the pain is unbearable, so weak that it is so extreme that it is difficult to even move the bullet, where is it to pursue it?

As for Mu Chengyun, he has stood at the peak of the Divine Realm, and has condensed the blood of the Divine Source, and his condition is naturally much better.

"Quickly adjust interest rates to restore the injury, there may be hard work behind!"

Mu Chengyun snarled and glanced around, guarding this group of ancient gods.

The reincarnation ban in the third stage did not usher in peace.

The fate of the retreated creatures, there is no stop.

Their bodies are empty, as if they want to vent their frustration against the enemy's ancient gods, just like a group of deaths sweeping all sides.




The blood of various colors splashed, and I saw a strong Nirvana Realm who surrendered to surrender, and died in the hands of destiny creatures one after another.

Even, even a **** of power, because he can't avoid it, is blood on the spot, showing the terrible fate.


The rebirth of the Great Forbidden Day is boiling again, and the clamor is soaring.


"You want to vent your anger on us?"

The remaining true stories of all the parties, as well as the chaotic gods, rushed towards each place in a panic and quickly hid.

Facing this scene, Xiao Ye shook his head.

He is not a savior, not to mention that under the reincarnation of heaven, the born spirit is already fragile.

As long as the group of ancient gods that he had made a true biography could survive, he wouldn't even care about what happened to the other born spirits.

"Surely destiny and souls, and then dare not be true enemies with the ancient gods."

Xiao Ye waved his palms, and those acquired spiritual sources suddenly turned into light spots and dissipated away.

"I don't know that in the fourth stage of the reincarnation, the fate group will mobilize several innate gods. Perhaps this will give you a glimpse of the depth of the fate group..."

Xiao Ye looked to the nine places with fate, and secretly said in his heart.

(The third one is coming!)