Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4698: Top of the list

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

This scene happened too abruptly.

Obviously hope is near, but suddenly cut off hope, there is no sign, how can Geisenlun accept it?

"what happened?"

The monstrous battle sounds in the reincarnation of the forbidden sky also disappeared at once, and the innate gods who appeared on the scene were all shocked.

They didn't feel anything like Gesenlun's.

But at the moment, they found out.

The containment of the four top congenital spirit groups has been broken.

Among the wing gods and Taishen groups, there is a Tao of light transpiring upwards, quickly breaking through the shackles of space and disappearing into the distance.

The movers are all the strength of the Heavenly Taoist Ranking!

The same is true of the ancient **** group.

Several ancient gods of heaven and path appeared and ran away.

It can make so many days of Taoist list combat power lose its calmness and calmness. At this moment, it will inevitably rush to other forbidden days.

"God, at least more than ten Heavenly Taoist lists have left."

"They seem to have gone to Wanhua!"

More and more innate gods noticed, and the clamor was soaring.

They also heard about the storms in the banned world.

It's just that kind of turmoil, which has obviously ended, why can it cause such a big movement?

The reincarnation is forbidden, and a strange landscape is empty.

The scenery here is beautiful, and many chaotic flowers are blooming, like a paradise. Even in the period of heaven and earth reincarnation, this place has not been destroyed, highlighting the unusualness of this place.

Look carefully.

There is a decaying muscular body of the elderly, meditating in it.

hard to imagine.

This monk is the God of Dharma, Had.

"Are you finally going to hit the Heavenly Taoist List?"

"It's amazing enough to break through to this level with the power of faith given by this seat alone!"

At this moment, Had is also looking in the direction of the Wanhua Great Sky.

Different from the past.

There is no slight hostility in his eyes, some are just comfort.

"Had, are you worth it?"

At this moment, a sigh came.

I don't know when, another Bodhidharma **** came to this wonderful landscape, obviously there is also a list of Heavenly Dao.

His behavior towards Hader is still difficult to understand.

"In that war, this seat was injured by the Avenue of Destiny, and the path of pursuing the Heavenly Path has been broken. Instead of continuing to breathe, it is better to do something meaningful."

"His qualifications of the ancient gods are so amazing, even if he doesn't have a seat, it won't be long before he can be included in the list of heaven and heaven, no one can resist."

"This seat is just a helping hand to win his gratitude, isn't it a bargain?"

Harder heard a smile on his face.

"Aren't you afraid that this is for us to build a strong enemy for the Bodhidharma group?"

The God Bodhidharma frowned as he heard the words.

"Do not."

"He is willing to accept the proposal of this seat, set up to remove the chess pieces arranged by the fate group, which means that he has chaos in mind and is different from the fate."

Had shook his head and uttered his words, which silenced the **** Nadamo.


The ban on heaven in Wanhua has already turned upside down.

The void here is as black as splashing ink.

That kind of super change has evolved to the point that some innate gods have scalp tingling.

Because at this moment, there are too many innate gods coming across the forbidden sky.

Look around.

The chaotic void tremors, and the light door opened by the big empty **** stone appears continuously, and one after another comes out of it, like a god-devil figure.

They are all surrounded by the power of Heavenly Dao, and it is the existence of Heavenly Dao Bang that came from the reincarnation ban.

"He was the first in Chaos to attack the Taoist list by opening up Taoism to be top grade..."

At the moment, they are all uneasy, and they all look to the distance.

It has been flooded with various lights, and nothing can be seen clearly.

But they can really feel that the five kinds of 300-level primitive avenues are surrounded by a supreme will, and they are receiving the envelope of heaven.

For this process, the arrival is naturally no stranger.

They also experienced it and knew it was triggered by those they were hostile to.

But they dare not step forward.

Because Xia Feng and other three major time dominate the true disciples, who are defending around, who dares to pass Lei Chi?

"It is really not easy for the Divine Son to practice such an ancient **** while practicing time at the same time!"

"This is probably the master, why should he be chosen as the Son of God."


At the moment, the three major time dominated the true disciples, looking at the figure of Xiao Ye, also with great emotion.

They specialize in time, which is equivalent to opening a new path. They do not need to be approved by Heavenly Dao to have terrible combat power.

But he also has a profound understanding of the power of that state.

As for Xiaobai, Yilin, and others, they were all happy after recovering from shock.

Having the power of Heavenly Doctrine, and being listed in Heavenly Doom, are completely different.

According to Xiao Ye's past performance, once he set foot on that level, his strength was definitely not trivial, and his influence on the three main parties was absolutely unprecedented.

The extension of will to chaos is not a transformation of life. As long as the accumulation is sufficient and the correct guidance is added, the process is naturally not complicated.

About half of the incense kung fu, the blazing light in the field, has been dimmed.

I saw that the purple villain rushed out of Xiao Ye's body has disappeared.

But as long as you perceive carefully, you can find out.

It wasn't really disappearing, but it merged into the chaos, causing the world to roar, and coming to all kinds of colorful.

That is the real heavenly harmony.

So far, there is another name on the list of Heavenly Dao, and it is juxtaposed with the other ninety-nine names.

At the same time, the heavenly doctrine was closed.

Anyone who is close to this comprehension will never have a chance to set up the barriers in front of him, unbreakable unless there is no further decline in the strength of the Heavenly Taoist Rankings.

The figure of Xiao Ye also appeared.

There is no change between him and the past. It does not seem to be a breakthrough situation at all. It is just that he is standing there clearly, but like a cloud of smoke, untouchable and difficult to measure.

Anyone who has reached the existence of the Heavenly Taoist List can feel that there is a supreme will that has been printed into the chaos, and it is in control of the endless divine power.

"He actually succeeded in being promoted to the Heavenly Taoist List!"

The faces of Bronde and the two Gods of Heavenly Dao Yi are pale.

Fang Cai, where did Xiao Ye get inspired by them?

It was invincible self-confidence, even if they did not rely on the power of the **** of time, they would be helpless.

Next, I am afraid it is difficult to end.

The Dao Dao Ban who rushed to the neighborhood exists, but they dare not come close.

"Sorry, let you wait a long time."

"Now, you still have to take it forcibly, are those ten innate gods?"

At this moment, Xiao Ye's eyes suddenly opened, looking in the direction of Bronde.

(The second one is coming!)