Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4702: Lost fate

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

The atmosphere in the field once again became tense.

Even Bronde, facing Xia Feng who was blocking the road, was pale and bitter.

Will his instincts come true?

At this moment, Xiao Ye, who was still performing the third order of swallowing the Tianxin method and was covered by countless streamers, already had an action.


He just stepped over, and then teleported, rushing directly to the innate gods on the list of ten gods.


Looking at it, it was as if a purple whirlwind had blown through, making the place rumble loudly, and then all kinds of blood and bone splashed up.

It was just in the blink of an eye that the bodies of the ten innate gods had all been exploded. I saw a lot of innate hybrid treasures flying out and being swept away by the purple whirlwind.

But the ten innate gods did not fall.

Their origin and dignity were still there, wrapped in splattered flesh and bones, and flew to the distance to quickly reorganize.

They watched, and the purple whirlwind turned into Xiao Ye again, all bursting into a daze.

Why did Xiao Ye only smash their gods and take away their innate treasures without hurting their lives?

Xiaobai, Yilin and Wenhongda are also puzzled.

Xiao Ye has used his strength to prove himself.

It can be said that now their side has taken advantage of all, even if blood washing is really launched, it is reasonable.

But why did Xiao Ye have to show mercy to the end?

Before that, what was the point of Xiao Ye accepting Bronde's radical method and confronting each other?

"Your innate origin has been plundered by me a lot."

"Now seizing your innate treasures is the price of your misfortune."

"Now, you can follow Bronde and leave together."

Facing the eyes of all parties, Xiao Ye calmly said.

In fact, he had no heart for blood washing.

"Boss Xiao Ye..."

Xiaobai was anxious when she heard the words.

"My God of Time, there is no heart for chaos."

"There are enough innate gods this time. Let's kill them. When will it end?"

"If they commit another crime in the future, it shouldn't be difficult for me to kill them."

Before the vernacular was finished, Xiao Ye was interrupted.

Suddenly, all parties reacted differently.

"Maybe the Master, who chose him as the Son of God, there is a deeper reason..."

Xia Feng and other three time masters of the true biography, all glanced at each other.

They are all under the control of Zunpin Avenue, with an arrogant heart, and there is no tolerance for those who offend the Time God Race, kill them and kill them.

But Xiao Ye obviously thinks farther.

The destiny group is still hanging in chaos, and they have torn their skins, and at this time, in order to remove Bronde and others for a short time, it is continuing to make enemies.


The innate gods in the chaos, even if the strength is worse, can play a restrictive role on the destiny group.

At this point, Xia Feng and other three major time dominated the true biography, and he didn't say much, and they all gave way.

"It shows strength, but it works well."

"No wonder there will be the mind of pulling out the pawns of the fate group."

"Xiao Ye Gu Shen, I have been taught, and I apologize for the excessive rhetoric before."

As for Bronde, he remained silent for a long time, and then gave Xiao Ye a fist, and said sincerely.

After he finished speaking, he and Mingjue, as well as another Heavenly Dao Yi God, were all gone.

As for the innate gods of the ten venerable gods, it was more like walking away from the ghost gate and hurriedly retreating.

"He is indeed a bit different from that fate..."

As for the Gods of Heaven and Dao and Gods of Heaven and Dao wandering around, they are looking at Xiao Ye with a new look.


They also disappeared one by one in the field and reborn.

The ancient gods of Heaven and Dao, who were present, signaled to Xiao Ye across the sky and left quickly.

There are too many variables in this storm.

There was fate in the first place, and then there were strong players in the Heavenly Path, but everything was resolved.

The three main groups have not suffered much damage, which is already a great luck.

Yi Si, Xiao Bai, Wen Hongda and others, although feeling pity, were relieved.

As for Xiao Ye, after dumping a large number of congenital treasures to Yi and others, he sat down cross-legged on the spot.

On him, the third-order fluctuations of the Swallow Source Tianxin Method have not disappeared, and they are still stirring, attracting countless streamers to swarm and drown his body.

His body, like a bottomless hole, was still crackling and strengthening rapidly.


His will, which was imprinted into the chaos, was shaking the void in all directions.


Xiao Ye is practicing, wanting to completely stabilize the current state.

People such as Yilin and Xiaobai didn't dare to step forward to disturb, and retreated far away.

They have long been exhausted, and now they are hurrying to heal.

The whole Wanhua Day was forbidden, and it suddenly became calm.

Only the evil breath of the fourth stage is still surging.

Time descendant Xiao Ye, after defeating the fate of the fate of the clan, became the list of heavens!

This news, like a landslide and tsunami, quickly swept the reincarnation, Nan Ting, Voldemort, and the cliff.

In these four forbidden days, the hustle and bustle soared into the sky, and the monstrous battle sounds of the fourth stage were all covered.

Although the world has long known.

Xiao Ye set foot on that level without any suspense, but no one expected that the other party's growth rate would be so fast.

Turned into an ancient god, less than ten epochs, it has already crossed the two lists of the innate gods and directly reached the top. This is a miracle that cannot be copied!

Moreover, Xiao Ye, after the situation became active, the existence of the Heavenly Taoist List, which was actively let go, was even more sobering.

At the same time, among the fateful grounds of the four forbidden days, there was also a mournful voice, and a great feeling burst out.

Since their worldly fate, how powerful they have been, they contend against all directions, and the only defeat is that they once deflated in Xiao Ye's hands.

And this time it's the same.

The fallen destiny creatures not only reached thousands of people, but even Yang Xi died in battle. This is like drinking on a stick. The impact on their morale is unprecedented.

On the eighth day of the forbidden day, the mist surging, and the glow of the sky transpired.

Iron shingles in white robes and white hair stood in it.

His eyes were deep and he looked into the direction of Wanhua Datiantian, without saying a word, no one knew what he was thinking.

"Iron tile..."

Li Hongyun and Digeng were all on the side, frowning.

The two of them, in the middle of Wanhua, and Xia Feng and other three time dominate the true war, it is indeed at a disadvantage.

But in the end, it means iron tiles.

And since they retreated from the war of ten thousand, the iron tile is like this, as if thinking about something.


Xiao Ye and the God of Heaven, Bodhidharma, and Hud jointly arranged the layout, and even the iron tile did not expect it, completely disrupting their plans.

"Good Xiao Ye!"

I don't know how long it has passed, so the iron tile laughed loudly, and walked toward the depths of the small forbidden sky step by step.

(The first is here!)