Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4703: Courtesy

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Xiao Ye entered the list of Heavenly Dao, and the turmoil caused by it quickly receded.

The major bans were overshadowed by the shocking sounds of the fourth stage.

In the world, a venerable innate god, all with a tight heart, did not dare to relax his vigilance.

For the first time, the group of destiny suffered calculations and suffered such a large loss for the first time. It will never stop there.

The chief culprit, Xiao Ye, was strongly promoted to the Heavenly Taoist List, and had time to dominate the true asylum.

No one wants to be the target of the fate group to vent their anger at this time.

The remaining time in the fourth stage looks extra long, as if there is never an end. Many innate gods feel it is very difficult.

Under the attention of all parties, the fate group has suffered such a blood loss, and has changed its past style without any action.

at last.

It was as if the dawn was dawning, the evil breath receded, and a vigorous rejuvenation of all things began to sweep through the five banned days and the seven minor banned days.

From a broad perspective, all five of the forbidden days of Wanhua, Reincarnation, Nan Ting, Fumo, and Cliff all have morning dew-like innate nectar, rolling on the branches and leaves of the innate **** tree.

At the same time, there was a roar of excitement, resounding from all over.

The night has passed, finally ushered in the light!

It's not easy for a spoiler with fate to live to the New Age.

For a time.

Among the major chaotic forces, all the high-ranking gods who are qualified to impact the Nirvana realm are dispatched one after another and begin to collect innate dew.

As for the innate gods who forbidden the heaven, they did not retreat, but quickly gathered together and held a meeting of gods.

no way!

The innate **** of destiny Yang Xi dispatched, attracted more than a hundred rebels, and rushed to Wanhua together, which was really terrifying, and now it is still scary to think of it.

The ancient gods, wing gods, Taishen, and Dharma gods have the power of Heavenly Daobang, and the fate of the clan cannot start secretly.

However, among the middle and lower innate groups of innate gods and spirits, there may be residual pieces of fate.

Therefore, after the arrival of the New Permian, they immediately discussed.


Since the Destiny Group has fought in the Quartet, the power of Destiny Avenue is no longer mysterious.

After deliberation, the innate gods of all parties summed up an effective method to clear each other's chaotic forces.

Tens of thousands of years have passed.

The final result is quite gratifying.

At that time, Yang Xi was indeed holding and destroying the belief of the three masters. In that battle, all the chess pieces of fate had surfaced.

This relieved the medium and low innate gods.

They have tight control.

Coupled with the device given by the master, this kind of thing can be strictly prevented and happened again.

It's just that they feel sad at the bottom of their hearts.

Because the withering of the level of innate gods is an indisputable fact.

Not to mention Chaos God List.

Thousands of seats in the gods list are also withering away, almost 30%, and the top losers are even more heavy.

Everyone knows that the way forward will be more difficult.

The years fade away, and time alternates.

The forces in the chaos began to restore the order of the past, recuperating and restoring in the New Permian and replenishing fresh blood.

However, as chaos in the top world, there has never been peace in the true sense.

In the Neogene, struggles about the acquired spiritual level were naturally uncommon.

But as long as they are keen senses, it is not difficult to find.

There seems to have been a change in the pattern of major sky bans.

The chaotic forces of different camps no longer have the same tit-for-tat as before, and there is a bit more harmony between them.

There is a trace of enlightenment in the mind of the born souls who have been practicing for a long time.

Because of fate.

Those innate gods above have a sense of urgency.

Even though it is not like the three masters and the ancient **** group, they directly gave up their old hatreds and conducted alliances.

In the Neogene, the most sensational thing.

There is no other congenital group of gods and spirits, come up with the research method of divine realm practice, and share it. They want to push the gods in each other's camp to the highest level at the fastest speed!

As for the prohibition of Wanhua, it also ushered in earth-shaking changes.

Because in the storm, the innate gods who died here are too many, more than a hundred statues.

That loose innate source is really too large, even though Xiao Ye is absorbing refining, it can also play a huge role in promoting the prohibition of Wanhua.

The New Tertiary is here.

The entire Wanhua Great Forbidden Sky is further evolving. Chaos and wonders and Shenwu are everywhere, all flowing with immortal divine light, and there are countless strange treasures bred in it!


Yi Jian, Xiao Bai, and Xiao Ye negotiated and decided to create the three main groups in the banned world of Wanhua, and they have already received generous rewards.

The sinister environment of the Great Forbidden Heaven has long ceased to exist, and the number and type of chaotic treasures is definitely the first of the five Great Forbidden Heavens.

The creatures of the three main groups can obtain spiritual resources without going out of the world, which is a unique advantage.

After the arrival of the Neogene.

The three main creatures, either walked out of the boundary of the group, continued to expand the territory in the Wanhua, or performed the group task, it was lively.

But no matter what.

There is always a huge figure, standing in the vanity void.

That was Xiao Ye.

He is also performing the third order of swallowing the Tianxin method, absorbing and refining, the innate source of escape.

"Father has been practicing for almost 100 million years..."

Above a male pass, Xiao Nian looked away, the huge figure enveloped by the streamer muttered to himself.

"The innate gods retreat once, it may be a Permian, Xiao Ye has already been expensive as a Taoist list, what is 100 million years of practice?"

Qi Ye's figure appeared, opening his mouth, and his expression was quite complicated.

That war.

He was sent away by Xiaobai in time for the door of reincarnation, so it was impossible to see the appearance of Xiao Ye.

When he returned to Wanhua again, he found that Xiao Ye was not only harmless, but also already on the list of Heavenly Dao. The kind of shock, the words were indescribable.


Xiao Nianwen smiled slightly.

"Everyone, did you find out that our three main groups are now in a position of chaos, but they are quite high!"

Immediately, he was humane to the four real emperors beside him.

"Yes, I feel it too."

As soon as this remark came out, the four emperors of the true spirit also spoke one after another.

After the arrival of the Neogene.

The three main creatures who went to other big forbidden days and performed group missions received courtesy from all parties.

This is unprecedented in the past and has nothing to do with the power of the Three Lords themselves.

After all, the power of the three mains is stronger, and the others are at best to avoid it.

The reason.

It was Xiao Ye's move to remove the fate piece that had won the respect of all parties.


Just between the conversations of everyone, the void of Wanhua Datiantian suddenly shook violently.

I saw Xiao Ye's huge figure shrouded in streamer, already in motion!

(The second one is coming!)