Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4721: Achievement in him

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Through the monstrous divine light, we can clearly see that under the Baizhang Shenfeng, there are two figures sitting opposite each other.

They belonged to the two in one, they were all recognized by the world, and transformed into different fate.

At this moment, the bridges formed by the intersection of shining runes are connected, and there is an incredible change between each other.

Such a sight.

It is Xiao Ye's body of time and deity, which are using the rune of time to merge.

Look carefully.

The body of time on the left is dying, flaking flesh and blood, rushing towards the other side along the bridge and melting into the deity on the right.

It was like a broken mirror, being reorganized.

And each piece of flesh and blood is integrated with the deity, and there is also a fusion of Dao and Dharma, just like the collision of the two worlds, each time it will cause a terrible shock wave.

I saw Xiao Ye's deity, constantly bleeding, like the most painful punishment in the world.

Unblock the deity.

Let Xiao Ye's consciousness return to the deity from the body of time.

Because he was distracted to perceive the movements of the outside world, he didn't stabilize his deity and almost collapsed.

"Nine levels of time avenue, and the ancient **** cultivation of the heavenly ranks, the outbreak of conflict is really terrible. If it breaks out at once, it will definitely be enough to make me wipe out between heaven and earth. Any congenital blessings will not work!"

Xiao Ye forcibly converged and focused on the fusion in front of him.

At this step, he has realized deeply.

Ninth-level time avenue, and the ancient gods of Tiandao Bangxiu, it is impossible to blend together.

The cultivation of time as a divestiture, the realization of Time Avenue to the ninth level, and the slow fusion with the deity are equivalent to breaking down that devastating conflict into countless small conflicts.

Although it is still terrible, there is hope for the past!

In this process, it is the chief run of time, the time rune that has been condensed.

"Let Time Chief's true biography come forward to face the battle. This fate is definitely not easy!"

Xiao Ye endured the pain and still felt anxious in his heart.


In the midst of the ban on everything, the fierce battle continues.

But before the boundary of the three main groups, it was caught in a strange tranquility.

Looking around, I saw super-beasts such as Okura Kunpeng, Dingpao, Chixuezhi, etc., which could no longer keep vacating, and all fell down and crawled to the ground.

"You, as the chief true story of time dominating, the person who cultivates the highest time in the world, can even see the way of the ancient gods."

"It's ridiculous to **** Xiao Ye at such a high price."

An iron tile with a fate, a robe in a robe, already hung in the air, staring at the unbelievably beautiful woman in front of her, hatefully said.

It was because of the woman in front of him that he was unable to deduce Xiao Ye's fate.

It is only now felt, but it is too late.

"Although Zunpin Avenue is supreme, it also needs to follow the cause and effect in chaos."

"In him, since there are two dominant fruits, that makes sense, and I am willing to accomplish this for him."

The woman lifted her lips lightly, and heard a sound of natural sound.

"Even if he can really combine the two cultivations into one? In the end, he will lose to destiny."

The iron tile looks cold.

However, the woman, no longer speaking, just stood there, intercepting the way of the iron tile, demonstrating her attitude.

In the eyes of the iron tile, there is also the light of the heaven and earth flickering, as if it is deducing something, something is about to move, but in the end, it has not taken that step.

The communication between the two, for the innate gods in the borderlands of Wanhua, because they are too far apart, they cannot know.

But they are very clear.

Although Destiny's successors and Time Chief's true biography haven't shot, they have formed a pinning situation on the Qi machine.

"This fate-successful cultivation practice is too horrifying, can it be confronted with Time Chief True Story?"

"Why don't they do it, who is stronger?"

This was a relief for those worried about Xiao Ye.

"Unfortunately, that time is really true, maybe it will be robbed..."

The eyes of the ancient **** of the gods, Philip, looked towards the other side.

At this moment.

In the banned sky of Wanhua, three stable fields are being stretched out, and the light inside is bursting, and the spirit of killing is skyrocketing.

In two of the fields, the duel was too fierce, and the duels were all meritorious. Most of the innate gods watching the battle could not see clearly.

But the results in another field are quite obvious.

As the Avenue of Destiny fluctuated and thrived, a brilliant young man with silver hair was coughing up blood, and the silk of the Avenue of Time tended to collapse.

He is Jiang Riyue.

In the true biography of the four major times, Jiang Riyue's Xiu Wei ranks at the end, but it is also equivalent to the combat strength of about 90 seats in the Heavenly Taoist List.

Only his opponent, but the destiny of the innate **** Dicken, the strength is above him.

At the beginning, Jiang Riyue can also use the time to increase the speed to fight.

But for a long time, the decline has already appeared.

In this field, God is chaotic, and the fluctuations of the Avenue of Time are completely suppressed, making it evolve into a pure field of destiny.

Di's larger figure moved in. He held the word Yun in his left hand and the word for life in his right hand. It evolved into a world mark and smashed towards Jiang Riyue.


Jiang Riyue struggled to control the time flow rate to avoid, but was eventually hit, and half of his body exploded directly.

"Time Chief True Story, is Xiao Ye's position in your mind really so important?"

"Would you rather watch this true story of time fall, would you not let it go?"

At this moment, Di Geng stopped and looked at the woman who confronted the iron tile, shouting.

The woman's reaction was too calm from her appearance to the present, making him feel a little wrong.

"Xiao Ye is a respected master, and the appointed God Son, if it can help its glory and make a little sacrifice, what is it worth?"

Jiang Riyue said he was using Time Avenue to reshape his body.

At this moment, Wei Mosi and Xia Feng are fighting against their respective opponents, and it is still difficult to divide the victory.

Jiang Riyue didn't want to distract the two, so he urged time magic and took the initiative to attack Digen.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

Di snorted even more, a blazing light erupted in his eyes.

"Brother Jiang Riyue, can't fall."

"Just save him who killed you, it shouldn't be me, otherwise you can't live now."

The woman standing in front of the boundary of the three main groups, then responded, spitting out the words, making Di look more condensed.


Before he could even think about it, the world was rioted again.

The roaring sounds of the six major roads that broke out before, once again stirred up in Wanhua, and without a gesture of convergence, climbed to the top suddenly.


Immediately afterwards, I saw a tall figure, who had already rushed out of the boundary of the three main groups, and the roar was trembling.

(The first is here!)