Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4797: Eighty-one Martial Soul

This world is very mysterious.

It is a pity that after the defeat of Xiao Ye, cultivation is no longer, and now there are only two divinities left. In a sense, he is now equivalent to a mortal.

Therefore, he cannot naturally see everything in one thought, and can only control the body of Zhou Tong and walk in this world.

Over the years, the vastness of the world has been measured on foot.

"The Jade King of Yuding Kingdom, the awakening mansion, is similar to Lishen Mansion!"

"Wu Yangguo’s King Wu, the awakening mansion, is similar to the Yangshen mansion!"

"The people in Kutuo Kingdom, the awakened mansion, is very much like the Bodhidharma mansion!"


Xiao Ye continued to travel among the countries, and the shock in his heart became stronger and stronger.

In this world, all countries coexist.

Among them, there are eighty-one powerful nations, their people, and the awakened martial spirit, corresponding to a kind of innate **** in the chaos.

Time goes by, time goes by.

The nations in this world are also continually being destroyed and reborn, but if we go back in history, it is not difficult to discover that the eighty kinds of martial spirits always exist, but only appear on different people.

Xiao Ye wrote down all the 81 countries, and then plunged into it, a country called Vanguard.

According to his observations.

The king of the ancient kingdom, the awakening mansion, is similar to the ancient mansion.

And he was born of the descendant of the ancient god.

If you want to understand the secrets of this world, it is easiest to start with the ancient kingdom.

It has been more than one million years since the creation of the Eternal Kingdom. It is extremely ancient in this world.

The king of today is one of the best in the world. He has been in power for more than 500 years and is at the peak of his life.

The king was kind and humble and polite. During his reign, he did not wage war to expand the country, but instead he worked hard to recruit talents.

Therefore, throughout the country, there is peace, no suffering from war, and the sights in the cities are unprecedentedly prosperous.

Recently, a lot of masters have come out of the cities and towns in Vanguard, all of them flock to the extraordinary capital.

The eternal country will hold the "Eternal Anniversary Ceremony" once every ten years.

This is a grand event of the eternal kingdom, which has attracted countless masters to be crazy.

Because those who have performed well in the Wan Gu Da Dian can go with Wang Wang to a place called ‘Wang Gu Cave’.


Wan Gu Cave, like Wu Hun, is also a blessing to the people.

Those with martial spirits walked in and practiced, and they gained incredible benefits.

This is also the main reason why the eternal kingdom is ever-lasting and the kings are extremely powerful.

"This king, it is indeed extraordinary!"

Xiao Ye was amazed when he was in the crowd and came to the capital.

Not to mention the first-level world.

Take the chaotic world as an example. After the treasures of the innate gods and spirits there, which one is not tightly controlled in their own hands, and not allowed to be touched by others?

But the king is willing to take it out and share it with the talents.

At this point, it is difficult for Vanguard to think that it is not strong.

"It is rumored that every generation of kings will need to practice in that ancient cave for a while before ascending to the throne."

"Today's King Wang practiced there for ten years, and after he came out, he was a strong man at that time."

"So, from that ancient cave, maybe you can find the secret of this world!"

Xiao Ye secretly said.

He has no cultivation practice now, and is no different from mortals. He can't determine the location of the Wangu Cave at all, so he can only join the crowd to participate in the Wangu Grand Ceremony.

The so-called eternal ceremony is actually very simple.

As long as he comes to power, he can show his strength in overwhelming the heroes and let the king choose.

Xiao Ye was too lazy to waste time.

After the start of the Everlasting Ceremony, it was the first stage.

Although he is no longer cultivated, Zhou Tong's physical body is already very strong in this world. In addition to these years, it has been terrifying to constantly get the anti-education of the two gods of Wushen space.

He stood on the stage, like a rock standing still.

Anyone who has just made his way to the stage has just stood firm, and has been flicked out by him, clean and neat.

"Mad, where is this pervert!"

"What kind of martial spirit does this guy have?"

For a long time, those who suddenly participated in the eternal ceremony must go away.

No matter what level of master Wushou awakened, they are all vulnerable, and they have been blown away by Xiao Ye before they can perform.

How can this make Wang Wang fancy?

Thousands of people in the stands also had a slightly ugly expression.

Although Wanjia is a royal family, if you want to enter Wangudong, you also need to participate in the selection of the Wangu Grand Ceremony. In the face of Xiao Ye, there is no room for play.

The other party is too unpredictable.

This kind of strength will not be the king of any country.

After all, the other party's appearance can be found in the catalogs of the kings of this world and remind them of the longest-lived King Zhou in the world.


There are tens of thousands of high-level officials, who admonished King Wang and demanded that Xiao Ye be expelled.

"He is indeed similar to the fourth generation of King Zhou, when he was young."

"However, my eternal country can accommodate all talents, even if he is related to King Zhou."

King Wan has been in power for more than 500 years, but he is still in his midlife, and he is full of blood and blood. In the face of doubts, he calmly opened his mouth and directly announced that Xiao Ye had obtained the qualification to enter Wangu Cave.

This news caused a lot of criticism.

But many people are relieved, because the eternal ceremony can continue.

Xiao Ye stepped down and closed his eyes to refresh himself.

The eternal ceremony continues.

Three days and three nights.

Nineteen more powerful awakening martial souls were selected by the king.

The king personally led the twenty people including Xiao Ye to the depths of the palace, in front of the cave house under heavy guard.

"Everyone is a rare talent in the world."

"I sergeant Li Xian of the Eternal Kingdom, allowing you to enter the Eternal Cave, but if you are known afterwards, if you have the heart to endanger the Eternal Kingdom, you will certainly be killed."

"I hope you don’t mistake yourself!"

The king stood tall, his eyes swept across the audience, and finally landed on Xiao Ye, with a profound meaning.

They never want to come up with resources and cultivate enemies.

At the same time, he was confident and not afraid of these 20 people's feelings.

Because this time, he will go in together, and some have time to screen.


Suddenly, the nineteen people responded respectfully.

"Wonder Cave?"

Only Xiao Ye, as if not heard, looked at the cave house.


At the next moment, he stepped forward and even stepped out of the crowd to break into the cave mansion.

"Is this kid crazy?"

"Dare to ignore the king!"


This sudden scene stunned the nineteen people, and was filled with righteous indignation.

"Is he really here to make trouble?"

Wan Wang also frowned.

Even if he had a good temper, he couldn't help getting angry at this moment, and immediately led everyone to enter the ancient cave.

(The first is here!)