Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 480: Search

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Hearing the sound of discussion in his ears, Xiao Ye's expression was calm and he followed He Shaohan to the summit.

There are more disciples on the peak, a pair of sharp eyes, tearing the void and falling on Xiao Ye's body, many of whom are disciples who have reached Wang Wujing, and the breath of his body brings Xiao Ye a share of No small pressure.

"Elder He!" The other nine law enforcement elders in Huangzidian stood proudly empty. When they saw He Shaohan, they greeted at the same time and finally looked at Xiao Ye curiously.

During this time, Xiao Ye and Xie Ming also heard about the battle. A new disciple who had just joined the Holy Palace, and was from Dongzhou, defeated Xie Ming, which surprised them.

He Shaohan motioned to Xiao Ye to stand on the top of the peak, waiting for the opening of Huanglong Island, and then he ran to chat with nine other elders.

Xiao Ye stood on the top of the peak, glancing curiously, and suddenly saw an empty space on the top of the peak, using strange lines to outline a formation, exuding an ancient and vicissitudes of breath.

"The means of the powerful imperial martial artists are really powerful." Xiao Ye secretly said.

As time went on, there were more and more disciples on the summit. They all had the Yellow Dragon Order, gathered together to talk, the sound was noisy, and at the same time several disciples took the initiative to come over and say yes to Xiao Ye.

Although Xiao Ye is a newcomer, his reputation in Huangzidian is not small, especially the strength he showed at Xuwu 7th level, which shocked many disciples.

Xiao Ye responded very politely.

After all, he will stay in the Palace of Yellow Characters for a while, and of course he needs to make friends.

In one or two visits, he got closer to the disciples and got a lot of secrets about Huanglong Island.

"Okay, the time has come, and now the formation is on. Before that, I must warn you that after entering Huanglong Island, you will also be bound by the palace rules and cannot hurt the lives of other disciples."

"After half a month, the formation will start again and let you out."

Among the top ten law enforcement elders, a skinny old man came out. His eyes were sunken and his eagle hooked nose looked a bit gloomy, but all the disciples who heard the old man's words were quiet.

"Is he the highest-ranking elder in the Temple of Yellow Characters?" Xiao Ye's eyes flashed, remembering the information he got from those disciples.

The top ten law enforcement elders in Huangzidian are also sorted according to their strength. The higher the status, the more power they have to control. It is ranked third among the top ten law enforcement elders in Shaohan.

"Can you hear clearly?" The elder elder sneered. His voice was like a thunder exploding in the void, which made Xiao Ye's heart jump.

Zhang Dao's cultivation behavior has been infinitely close to the Imperial Martial Realm.

"Got it, great elder!" a thousand disciples said.

"Very good, then the formation is on!" The elder nodded and strode in the void to reach the formation. He saw the seal form quickly in his hands, and rushed towards the formation fiercely, letting the formation go. The strange lines in the Fa recovered, and a strange wave came out, echoing the Yin Fa in the hands of the Great Elder.


A huge beam of light rose into the sky, and there was no sky.

"Okay, you can go inside with Huang Longling." The elder elder shouted.




Suddenly, a disciple took out Huang Longling and rushed towards the huge beam of light, his figure disappeared directly into the formation.

Xiao Ye also took out the Huanglong Ling, rushed in, and suddenly felt that there was no whirlwind, and he had come to a starry space. At this time, he felt the Huanglong Ling tremble in his hand, and then exuded a energy, forming an energy ball to form his The body is wrapped up.


Almost at the same time, the sharp wind, like a blade, roared and rushed towards Xiao Ye, but was all resisted by the energy film.

"Brother Xiao, you have to go through the Void Tunnel to enter Huanglong Island. The hurricane Void inside is very powerful, enough to hit a high-level king martial arts strongman. Our warriors in the Void Martial Realm can't resist it, so we need to use Energy to protect us."

At this time, a gentle voice came, Xiao Ye patted his head and saw that the disciple named Ji Fei who had made friends with him at the summit explained to Xiao Ye.

"Thank you, Brother Ji, for pointing." Xiao Ye nodded and looked at the surrounding environment. He only felt his body and moved forward in this starry space.

Not long after, Xiao Ye only felt his eyes light up and found that he had appeared above a vast sea.


In the distance not far ahead, a raging wave hits, drowning Xiao Ye in the sea.

Xiao Ye quickly rose into the sky, broke through the waves, flew into the sky, and looked around.

The sky in the whole space is a little strange, there is no sun or stars, it is completely white.

And in the vast sea, islands stood in the sea, looking at the dense and dense one, countless, let Xiao Ye could not help but take a breath.

When he was outside, he had heard from those old disciples that Huanglong Island was not actually an island, but a general term for all islands in a sea.

Before leaving, the disciples of the Yellow Temple would choose an island to leave their feelings, so in order to find a feeling suitable for your mystery, in addition to luck, you also have to rely on experience.

Many of the old disciples who entered Huanglong Island several times did not find a suitable feeling for themselves, and eventually returned empty-handed.

A thousand disciples appeared above the ocean. They did not stay. They seized the time to break away and flew towards the islands.

"Brother Xiao, we have also gone. You must seize the time and find your own feelings for mystery." Ji Fei and several disciples arched their hands at Xiao Ye, and then flew towards the islands along with many disciples.

"The killing law left by Qiu Ze felt, where is it?" Xiao Ye stared at the islands

Xiao Ye looked at the dense island in front of her, and was a bit troubled for a while.

Most of the warriors in the True Spirit Continent comprehend the mysteries of the other two laws, so the enlightenment left here must be those two laws. Those disciples are not too big to find, as long as they are a little patient Will eventually be found.

But he is different.

Among so many islands, only one island has the sentiment that Qiu Ze left behind, and the difficulty of finding it has reached the extreme.

"Only half a month, I can't give up." Xiao Ye was anxious in her heart, and then flew towards the first island.

At this time, there were already five old disciples on the first island. They were obviously quite experienced, standing on the edge of a cyan boulder and playing with each other. Obviously they were all fighting for the boulder.

Xiao Ye's eyes swept away, and he suddenly found that the boulder was engraved with fonts, exuding the mysterious atmosphere of the wind.


The five old disciples in the fight noticed Xiao Ye's approach, and immediately snorted coldly. They stopped and stared at Xiao Ye together, their eyes cold and cold.

Xiao Ye smiled slightly, and this boulder with a sense of the mystery of the wind is useless even if it is given to him.

At the moment, Xiao Ye walked away and flew towards the next island.

A day passed in a blink of an eye, and the sky was still daylight, and Xiao Ye did not find the island that contained the enlightenment of the law of killing. He even tried to release the virtual martial idea. It was useless, because these islands did not know what the reason was, they could Block the detection of ideas.

Xiao Ye had no choice but to release Xiaobai in her arms. Although Xiaobai's senses were sensitive, but the islands here were so many stars, leaving Xiaobai helpless.

Time passed slowly. After ten days, Xiao Ye searched at least 10,000 islands and found nothing.

At the same time, he also saw too many battles that took place because of the fight for the mystery of the profound mystery. He even met two old disciples who boarded Wang Wu, and a war broke out in order to fight for the feelings.

Xiao Ye was amazed by that powerful strength.

Taiyi Holy Palace is worthy of being one of the top forces in Zhongzhou. Even the lowest-ranking disciples of the Yellow Temple are unfathomable, even if he does not have the certainty to win.

"Do I have to return empty-handed this time?" Xiao Ye stood in the air and smiled bitterly.

There are only twenty days left, but he has no clue.

Because few warriors comprehend the law of killing, the enlightenment of the law of killing here naturally becomes uninterested, and no one has the experience to tell him that he can only find it by himself.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ye was very envious of the disciples who realized the two other great laws.


At this time, Xiaobai, who was helping to search, suddenly flew back and stood on Xiao Ye's shoulders and yelled, his eyes full of excitement.

"Huh? Did you mean you found something?" After understanding Xiao Bai's meaning, Xiao Ye was refreshed and flew forward in accordance with Xiao Bai's instructions.

After a while, Xiao Ye came over a deserted island. He carefully sensed it and found no breath of the law of killing. He immediately frowned slightly and was about to ask Xiaobai.

Suddenly, a figure soared up from the island next door, and turned into a blood rushing forward.

Xiao Ye was taken aback for a moment, followed by a shock in his face: "A disciple who also understood the law of killing!"

From the other party, he clearly felt a breath of killing law leaked out, although extremely obscure, but Xiao Ye keenly caught.

"Woo!" At this time, Xiaobai cried again.

"Xiao Bai, do you mean that this person knows where he understands the laws of killing?" Xiao Ye exclaimed.

"Woo!" Seeing Xiao Ye understood what he meant, Xiaobai nodded excitedly.

"Hurry up and follow!" Xiao Ye had no time to ask how Xiaobai learned. Seeing that the disciple was sneaky, she quietly followed.