Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4816: feel

Xiao Ye's retreat continued.

After reaching the **** level calendar, it came to the 22nd Periphery.

In this chaos, there was news about Xiao Ye, but it suddenly increased.

Just because of the empty space and the forbidden sky, it has become very restless. In time, there are all kinds of radiant colors in the sky, and the chaotic air is escaping and surging.

The sound of the rumbling Daoist diffused out from a certain place, and we could see a rich purple Daoguang, and a vast purple light rising, as if it had broken through the ten thousand Dao, connected with God, and gave birth to various chaotic wonders.

Soon, all the innate gods in this chaos knew the originator of this movement.

It's Xiao Ye.

The other party has been practicing in retreat for eight times.

In these eight stacks, there is no information from the opponent, and even the aura has not been revealed, because the opponent has arranged countless magic materials near the retreat to isolate the Qi.

Can be after the precipitation of the eighth period.

The accumulation of those divine materials couldn't overwhelm the energy of Xiao Ye's cultivation, and he broke free directly, causing the entire Kongque Da Forbidden Sky to tremble, like the other party's breathing, at the same frequency.

"After the eighth century, Master Xiao Ye is stronger!"

The Jade King, who was also in the Great Forbidden Sky, was also shocked, very impressed.

At the beginning.

After communicating with Xiao Ye, he conveyed Xiao Ye's meaning to King Wan, King Feng and Lord Buddha.


The four powerhouses of them all retreat at the same time, only to make a major breakthrough.

However, the truth is cruel.

Perhaps this chaos is incomplete after all, they have not broken the shackles, and the progress of practice is still slow.

On the other hand, Xiao Ye's transformation was amazing.

There are six major fluctuations, coming from far and near, making the Jade King's heart jump and unable to calm down.

Cultivation Qi machine cannot be covered.

Xiao Ye's deity didn't seem to care about this, as he remained closed in his residence.

The world is full of uproar and talks.

There were innate gods who came from other Great Forbidden Heavens, wanting to pay homage to the miracles created by Xiao Ye.

In the end, they discovered in horror.

Xiao Ye's retreat was clearly right in front of his eyes, but it gave them a sense of extreme remoteness, like flowers in a mirror, untouchable moon in the water, and a different time and space.

If you forcibly approach it, you will quickly age, and even the strongest innate gods in this world can't hold it.

And wait for Xiao Ye to retreat to the Ninth Periphery.

His deity seemed to be touched by something, opened his eyes, did not move, and raised his hand to make a blow.


More than half of the territory beyond the forbidden sky, the earth shook the mountain.

A huge palm appeared, and the purple Daoguang and the vast light rushed to cover the sky and the sun, and it fell ruthlessly, seeming to suppress some kind of disaster.

Look carefully.

What is suppressed in this way is a mysterious fire field.

As this chaos continues to change, this area of ​​fire appeared hundreds of years ago, seems to be related to the awakening of fire-attributed martial soul creatures, and the fire-like Tao is permeating.

That scorching temperature caused many innate gods to retreat.

But as this palm fell, the blazing firelight dimmed.

Soon after, the fire domain completely disappeared.

There was only one cluster of flames that were close to transparent in color floating there, curling upwards, exuding extremely terrifying energy.

How domineering is it to wipe out a mysterious fire field with a single blow?

Many creatures are looking in the distance, wanting to see clearly what that flame is, which can attract Xiao Ye in retreat.

But it hasn't waited for them to see clearly.

That flame was taken away by a slender figure.

That was Xiao Ye's Zhenhao Chaos body.

Several Peripherals have been dispatched continuously recently, and as a result, they have indeed found places like the Chaos Fire Region.

Limited by the incompleteness of this chaos, the fire domain is not vast, only four top fire species appeared, which is the beginning of the fire domain.

Before the four top fires were expanding the fire domain, they were snatched away by Xiao Ye's Zhenhao Chaos Body.

And back then.

In the chaos of Consummation, Xiao Ye condensed the Fen Cang Divine Fire with two top-level fires, and both needed Jiang Riyue's help.

His Zhenhao Chaos body is naturally not good.

That's why his deity made a move and sent a blow in the air, using the method of Fen Cang Immortal Canon to forcibly smelt a new Fen Cang Divine Fire.

"Four top fires, the Fen Cang divine fire condensed, may all threaten the existence of the Heavenly Dao List..."

Xiao Ye's deity muttered to himself.

He is very clear.

Places like the Chaos Fire Region, like the innate gods, are also the incarnation of the Great Dao.

In the fire domain in the complete chaos, although it is vast, most of the fires have disappeared after countless times. Where can we gather the four top fires?

"Fen Cang Immortal Code is the fastest casting method among the methods of refining Chaos artifacts. With the help of Fen Cang **** fire, the time for refining Chaos artifacts will definitely be greatly shortened!"

Xiao Ye's deity had expectations in his eyes.

At the beginning.

In the complete chaos, because the situation forced him, he could only find another way and use the burning fire to smelt other chaotic artifacts for casting, and strive to increase his strength in the shortest time.

Now in this singularity world, there is no outside interference.

His Zhenhao Chaos Body can naturally concentrate on studying the Fen Cang Immortal Canon and other refining methods.

after all.

There are too many rare high-level divine talents in this primitive chaos. How can we not use this advantage?


The body of Xiao Ye's body is immortal, and every inch of it emits endless light, but with the movement of his mind, this world seems to collapse.

The changes in the rules of this world, coupled with the birthplace of his ancient gods, have been moisturized and blessed by various top innate mixed treasures.

Therefore, even if he loses the blood of the source-swallowing **** source, the aptitude of the ancient **** is affected, and Xiao Ye's ancient **** cultivation is still greatly improved.

These nine Peripheral periods.

He has developed a lot of orthodox traditions, but the lower grade and the middle grade are all rejected by him.

Because his swallowing source of God's source blood was just lost, there may be a chance to get it back in the future.

Therefore, he upholds the mentality of pioneering orthodoxy and all needs are top-grade. Now the number of high-grade orthodoxes gathered in his body has reached as many as 68.

Innate origin and innate divine body have also been strengthened to an extremely terrifying level.

And the strange flower he got is really beneficial to the time cultivation.

After the eighth epoch, he has also made breakthrough achievements in the training of Dan Ye Taoism, and the third time mystery is about to appear.

In terms of time cultivation alone, Xia Feng can hardly compare with him.

"Maybe soon, I will leave here..."

Xiao Ye's deity's mood fluctuated, looking towards the vast chaotic void.

As his cultivation became more sophisticated, he had a feeling.

There seems to be a road ahead, which is about to appear.

That road connects the complete chaos!

(The second one is coming!)