Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4942: Feast of the Gods

"Boss Xiao Ye!"

This scene made Xiaobai, King Death Peng, and Yi Jian all worried, and they were about to rush forward.

"Everyone, don't worry, he should have no malice."

Wang Wang stopped the crowd in time and said in a deep voice.

This creature is very mysterious.

Since his birth, Shenlong has not seen the head but not the end, and has no intersection with them, and he does not know each other.

But anyway, this creature was also born under Xiao Ye, who promoted the evolution of the singularity world, and he wouldn't even attack Xiao Ye.

As soon as this statement came out, although everyone was half-believing, they still stopped and stopped to look into the distance.

The words of King Wan were quickly confirmed.

That misty figure was facing Xiao Ye in the air, as if he was applying some kind of supreme method, constantly bursting into Xiao Ye with dazzling brilliance.


A sound of blood rushing through, like a silent sea of ​​chaos being pushed, gradually a purple light escaped, covering Xiao Ye's body.

Because of forcibly pushing up the rules of practice and being backlashed by the heavens and the earth, the numerous scars on Xiao Ye's body looked so hideous and terrifying, even his body exploded.

But in fact it was just a superficial injury, and it didn't hurt his roots at all.

At this moment, with the purple Daoguang covering, coupled with the fluctuations of the origin, these scars are quickly healing.


Everyone was pleasantly surprised for a while.

Xiao Ye, who had walked out of the womb, still made them unfamiliar in terms of aura, but there was a little more smoke and fire on his body.

It seems that the other party is no longer born for the Tao, but has his own consciousness.

A few years later.

The misty figure had already recovered its flowing brilliance.


At the same time, the high-levels of the three main groups, as well as the four powerhouses such as Wang Wang, all felt a familiar light and looked at them.


Xiao Nian suddenly shouted with excitement.

It is different from before.

This look is no longer ruthless, but gentle, which belongs to the stalwart father in his memory.

Xiao Nian couldn't help it anymore.

He Bingya, Xiao Fan and other members of the Xiao family quickly rushed over.

"The leaves are back!"

The Four True Spirits, Nangong Xingyu, and Heavenly Silkworm Sacred Emperor were equally uncontrollable, and they followed suit.

In the central area of ​​the five forbidden heavens, the rules are not present, and the universe is impossible.

Even after the fierce impact of Heaven's Path backlash, there was not much change, as if nothing happened.

"I... actually still alive!"

Xiao Ye stood there in a daze.

He still remembered that at the last juncture, he was fighting with the ruler of destiny, frantically blending the two major cultivation bases at any cost, but he did not survive.

Because of the severe overdraft, his innate divine body exploded, blood and bones lost their charm, coupled with the injury of fate, his vitality was completely cut off, and even the two gods were on the verge of breaking.

It can be said.

That is an absolute mortal situation, and the seeds of life are powerless.


He opened his eyes again, and his body was reshaped and rejuvenated. The two gods were no longer cracked, and he was in a world of singularities, which was so dreamy.

"Is it because of the power of consummation that I am here?" Xiao Ye raised his hands and stared down, somewhat inconceivable.

The power of faith gathered from the world of singularity.

He relied on the code of faith, but he has not been able to develop a great use.

As a result, that kind of power of faith helped him reappear in the world, which was equivalent to saving his life, and it was considered useful.


Xiao Ye could perceive that he seemed to be a little different.

For example, his two cultivation bases are still there, but they don't affect his appearance anymore, as if he has returned to the basics. What changes need to be studied carefully.


How could he enter, that kind of state only for the Tao, but also to promote the practice rules of the Singularity World alone?

The thought of this made Xiao Ye's heart palpitations.

If that continues, maybe he hasn't regained consciousness, and he will be wiped out into dust under the backlash of heaven and earth.

"Thanks a lot!"

The next moment, Xiao Ye took a deep breath, and sincerely saluted the misty figure in front of him.

Fortunately, the other party showed up in time, stopped his crazy behavior, and also regained his consciousness.

"I also appeared because of you, so why not be polite."

The creature responded like this.

Xiao Ye was slightly startled.

Back then.

When he was still in the Singularity World, he set foot on the birthplace of this creature more than once, but he never had any communication with each other.

This is the first time he has heard the other party take the initiative to speak.

Xiao Ye still wanted to communicate with this creature.

But Wang Wang and his group had already rushed over, surrounding Xiao Ye.

"Everyone is still alive!"

Looking at Yi Lian, Xiao Bai, the Four True Spirits, Xiao Nian, Bing Ya and others, Xiao Ye's eyes were a little flushed.

In his life, no matter what state he was in, he couldn't let go of these relatives and friends.


Before he went shopping for fate to dominate, the last move left by him finally worked. He sent all the creatures of the three main groups to the world of singularity, avoiding the disaster of fate.

More than a hundred epochs have passed.

The singularity world is still calm.

This is enough to prove that even if the master of fate knows this place, he can't get in.

"Xiao Ye, you are so impulsive. If you fall, what should we do?"

And when Xiao Ye mentioned the details of shopping for fate, Yi Jian was also embarrassed and frightened after a while.


Why Xiao Ye would suddenly appear in the Singularity World in this form is puzzling.

Because this involves the power of consummation, even Xiao Ye himself can't explain clearly.

"All right!"

"Since Master Xiao Ye is back, that's a good thing. It's worth celebrating. Everyone should move to my God City. I have ordered people to prepare a feast so that you can have a good drink and have a good talk."

At this time, Wang Wang came over and said with a smile.

"It is indeed worth celebrating."

Everyone smiled as soon as he said this.

Years of trepidation can finally come to an end today.

"If you are fine, why don't you go with us?"

At this moment, Xiao Ye stared at the misty figure and issued an invitation.

This creature's understanding of the Great Way of Time has reached the primitive level.

He may have a very deep understanding of the singularity world, and he really wants to intersect.

And his own changes, maybe the other party knows something.

"it is good!"

This creature didn't refuse either, Tao.

Xiao Ye obviously didn't expect that the other party would agree so simply, and was a little surprised.


The group of people was mighty, heading towards Li Hao Da Forbidden Sky.

Wang Wang's line, the **** city where he lives, is filled with an atmosphere of joy, and the gates are wide open.

"Master Creator, it really reappears!"

The innate gods and spirits in the forbidden heavens all come one after another to participate in the feast of the gods.

(First one!)

(Thank you for the hundred rewards of "DRS", the 588 rewards of "Liulian Liyue", and the 588 rewards of "Brother Chic". Thank you very much!)