Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4972: Beyond Chaos

The realm where Luoshui Shenchao was located suddenly became quiet.

The creatures in the dynasty, as well as the innate gods, were all wiped out by the four gods, and the last four gods were all bloodied.

This is the true death of everything.


At this time, an embarrassed figure fell from the heights and smashed into the rubble.

After a long time, he struggled to get up. It was Xiao Ye.


Xiao Ye's two major cultivation bases have returned to the sides of his body, and he has returned to normal.

I saw bloodstains all over his body, bleeding from outside.

Its breath is even weaker, and it feels limp all over, as if exhausting all of its strength.


Xiao Ye didn't want to investigate his own situation, but was shocked.

Just now, he did his best to stop the blood dragon.

Even on the basis of 90%, continue to integrate the two major cultivation bases.


In desperation, he actually succeeded!

The two major cultivation bases really achieved a perfect fusion of ten percent.

That is a completely new field and state.

At that moment, just the new power erupting from his body, ignoring the distance of space, at the same time killed the first emperor of Luoshui and the blood dragon!

"I didn't expect that I could actually do that step!"

Xiao Ye clenched his fists, his face full of excitement.


From the moment he learned the mystery of the divine womb, he thought that he might be qualified to thoroughly integrate the two cultivation bases and achieve another state.

That is just speculation.

For many years, Xiao Ye dare not try easily.

He had tried it because he had a **** battle with destiny.

As a result, the divine body collapsed and his vitality was cut off. If it weren't for a coincidence that touched the power of consummation, he would have fallen.

Today, he really did it.

This is definitely because of the divine birth.

At the same time, this also means.

In the future, there will be a strong hole card against the Domination Level!

"Unfortunately, that level is obviously not what I can achieve with my current cultivation base, and it is beyond the scope of the practice rules of this realm!"

Xiao Ye had some regrets.

Just now, he perfectly integrated the two major cultivation bases, but after only a moment, he fell down and became extremely weak.

He doesn't have time to realize it carefully.

Now, I can only save it for future research.


I saw Xiao Ye staggering and sitting down, the blood of the source-swallowing **** source was flowing quickly, pushing the third stage of the source-swallowing heavenly heart technique.

The four great emperors of the Luoshui God Dynasty have passed away, and the creatures here have been robbed, and now there are too many innate origins, wandering everywhere.


All were rolled up, rushed towards Xiao Ye frantically, and fell into his body.

One year!

Two years!


A hundred years have passed before Xiao Ye has grown up and has already recovered.

The same as in the Immortal Kingdom.

Xiao Ye was not in a hurry to take away the Chaos Tree here, but first launched a sweeping raid on the Palace of Gods.

As a force equivalent to the immortal gods.

The background of the Luoshui Divine Dynasty is naturally not bad. There are a large number of treasures accumulated in the Divine Palace, which are unique outside the chaos.

At the same time, there are still many practice methods.

For example, Xiao Ye discovered a secret technique that specializes in cultivating breakthroughs by devouring the blood of creatures-Luoshui Strengthening the Body!

This kind of magic trick.

Like the Immortal Divine Body Art in the Immortal Kingdom, it was summed up in a special environment outside the chaos.

Compared with the practice in the chaos of Consummation, it is a different path.

The advantage of this secret technique.

That is, no matter what innate gods, they can use this method to increase the speed of breaking through.

"What a cruel method!" Xiao Ye thought of the blood river in the Luoshui God Dynasty, and his scalp was a little numb.

This kind of secret technique is too unnatural.

It can only exist outside of chaos.

If you practice in a singularity, or complete chaos, it will definitely attract condemnation from heaven.

"However, if it were to be improved, it would be good for the acquired soul to practice!" Suddenly, Xiao Ye's heart moved.

To know.

The singularity world also has alternate Peripheral impact.

Every time in the alternate perimeter impact, countless post-mortems fell, and it was not a violation of heaven to devour the blood of those who fell.

At this point, Xiao Ye put this technique away, ready to go back and study it.

Soon, Xiao Ye swept the God Palace of Luoshui God Dynasty.

Then, he rushed to the higher tree of chaos and uprooted all the hundreds of trees of middle chaos on the side.

The realm of this nether land was immediately wiped out.

As for Xiao Ye's figure, it has disappeared.

Soon after, he appeared on a plain full of corpses.

This is the battlefield of the two great gods of Luoshui and Immortality!

Only now.

There is nothing wrong here.

The army of the immortal dynasty, and the innate gods, have all left.

As for the army of the Luoshui God Dynasty, it was obvious that they had also received the news, and they all dispersed as birds and beasts.

Only one withered bones is still there, which is a historical trace of the two great gods.

"Now, I have two high-level chaotic sacred trees, two hundred and forty middle-level chaotic sacred trees, as for the lower ones, it has already broken ten thousand!"

An excited smile appeared on Xiao Ye's face.

This is definitely a pretty good harvest!


Xiao Ye didn't know whether the conditions for the Singularity World to continue to evolve were reached.

Because this is just a theoretical speculation.

At that time, no specific figures were given.

"Just in case, it is safe to search for some trees of chaos and bring them back!"

Xiao Ye secretly said in his heart.

Seeing that there were no more creatures on this plain, Xiao Ye was not polite, and took away the Chaos Tree from this place, and then left in midair.

This time.

He didn't use the teleportation array of the two great dynasties, but the jade given by the first one at the time of urging, randomly came to a world fragment.

that's it.

Xiao Ye started again, a lonely journey.

At the same time, there are miracles that Xiao Ye single-handedly overturned the two great gods, and they are spreading more and more among the fragments of the world.

Maybe in countless years, this name will not dim.

Like the Immortal Divine Empire, the five surviving divine emperors seemed to know that Xiao Ye was still traveling through the fragments of the world. They all disappeared, and they didn't dare to appear.

"The Luoshui God Dynasty was also destroyed by Xiao Ye!"

"The four great gods, all died in battle, what kind of existence is he?"

In a realm full of yellow sand, a burly creature with a tiger head was walking, his face full of wonder.

He is Summer.

When Xiao Ye helped him dissolve the chains of the **** emperor in his body, he left the battlefield and became a wanderer outside the territory.

Whenever he thinks of Xiao Ye, his heart rises and falls, unable to calm down.

(The third one!)