Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 4981: God map

Shiyi's dojo is very mysterious.

Although in the chaos of the singularity, it is isolated by the profound time order.

It can be said.

Even if the coordinates are obtained, without Shiyi's leadership, in the entire singularity world, no creature can reach there.

Not even Xiao Ye.

Since Xiao Ye and Shiyi met, they have only been there once.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

In the chaotic void of the singularity, two figures flew one after the other.

That was Xia Feng, rushing with Xiao Ye.

"The Son of God!"

"Senior Shi Yi, in addition to instructing me to wait for practice, he also deliberately opened up a channel that allows us to travel freely between his dojo and the tribe."

"It's just that we are all obsessed with practice and rarely go back."

Xia Feng turned his head and explained to Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye looked at the retreating scenery around him and the changing time order, and nodded immediately.

This method is definitely not what Xia Feng can display.

And he can see it too.

Xia Feng's flight path was a time-space channel hidden in the void.


The scenery beside the two has withered, as if reversing time and space, returning to a period when the singularity and chaos first appeared and everything died.

At the same time, the space-time storm blasted ahead, and a shining **** city floated in it.

This is Shiyi's dojo.

It is made of rare and magical materials from the world of singularity, in which the breath of time flows like a waterfall and the road roars.

Compared to that year.

This **** city, there has been some more smoke.

During the week.

In addition to Xia Feng, there are two other creatures living in this way.

They are Wilmers and Jiang Riyue.

Since Xiao Ye returned from outside the Chaos, they have also obtained the qualifications to practice at the same time, and it has been a long time since they entered Shiyi's dojo.


They were all sitting cross-legged in the city of God, under an old tree, using the void as a picture scroll and the Avenue of Time as a pen, copying a landscape painting in their hands when they were copying.

This landscape painting looks very ordinary, as if it comes from mortal things, but it has a kind of Taoist rhyme, immortality, and immortality. It itself represents the most extreme time order in this singularity and chaos.

Xiao Ye stared at him. After a long time, he became dizzy, looking at mountains as mountains, and looking at water, not water.

In the eyes of Xiao Ye.

The lines that make up the landscape painting have become living creatures wriggling, with various changes, and the inexhaustible light is blooming, pointing directly to the origin of the Supreme Avenue.

Even Xiao Ye is like this.

Not to mention Wilmers and Jiang Riyue.

Every time they lifted a pen, they would collapse before long, as if they had exhausted their strength.

"Brother Xia Feng has broken through, we can't hold back!"

They were not discouraged, and they would invest in it again soon, without noticing Xiao Ye's arrival, their eyes were full of longing.

At last.

It was Xia Feng who coughed lightly, which attracted the attention of both, and realized the arrival of Xiao Ye.

"The Son of God!"

Wilmos and Jiang Riyue looked surprised and were about to get up.

Xiao Ye waved his hand to let them continue.

Looking back at Shiyi, it seemed as if he hadn't noticed Xiao Ye's arrival, and he still sat there sitting close.

This landscape painting.

It is his work.

He seems to be dissatisfied with this, thinking that this painting is not complete, and there are still shortcomings, he wants to make it up.

"This landscape painting is not simple..."

As for Xiao Ye, she looked at it with increased interest.

He already understood.

Those who control the high-level Primordial Time Dao, based on their own knowledge, can create a thing to supply other time creatures and transform the Time Dao into a primitive level.

Such as time dominates, creating the power of time rune.

Shiyi created this landscape painting.


Xia Feng relied on this landscape painting to comprehend Time Avenue to the primitive level.

However, Xia Feng suddenly appeared and guided him to Shiyi's dojo. It was probably also Shiyi's instruction to allow him to break through the current predicament.

"Shiyi's original time avenue has not yet reached its ultimate change."

"So this landscape painting can't be compared with the time rune, but it has a certain reference!"

Xiao Ye secretly said in his heart, still staring carefully.

Seeing Xiao Ye fascinated, Xia Feng was not bothered, and sat down under the old Kui tree.

I don't know how long it has passed.

Xiao Ye also walked over and sat down under the old Kui tree.


His time godhead burst into light, and the supreme will burst out, covering a void.

Immediately, the Primordial Time Avenue turned into a vast ocean, rushing into the void, making it appear lines.

"The **** son wants to copy this kind of **** painting?"

"Hey, I guess the son of God will be hit!"

Suddenly, Xia Feng, Wilmers, Jiang Riyue and others all laughed, as if they were watching a play.

This is indeed what Shiyi taught them to practice.

They are well aware of the difficulty of this method, and the insight into the time rune is not the same way. The use of the time avenue is extremely subtle.

After copying it, it's useless to rely on the profound time to cultivate, and there are too many aspects involved.

For example, they have gained a lot from failure after failure.


Under their gaze, there was a muffled noise.

Xiao Ye did indeed fail, and all the lines that emerged collapsed.


Xiao Ye looked as usual.

Next, he didn't rush again.

Instead, he fell into contemplation, as if thinking about something, sometimes frowning, and sometimes light flowing in the middle of his right eye.

Decades have passed.

Xiao Ye did it again.

This time, he appeared cautious, and lines emerged.

After the number of lines increased to a hundred, it collapsed.

However, Xiao Ye seemed to have discovered something, became very excited, completely forgot about the others, and continued to copy.

As time goes by.

Xiao Ye didn't know how many times he failed to copy.

But every time, the lines that appeared before him increased a lot, and the progress was amazing.


Wilmos and Jiang Riyue on the side were already stunned.

They practiced at the same time, and under the guidance of the other party, could they copy a hundred lines.

As a result, Xiao Ye only came here, so he easily surpassed them?

"The Son of God is mutually confirming the time rune. How can we compare?"

Xia Feng seemed to perceive something, and shook his head with a wry smile.

It was indeed Shi Yi's instruction that he invited Xiao Ye here.

"Since you have the master of time in the chaos of Consummation, the time rune left behind, it stands to reason that you shouldn't let you see my time **** map again, so as not to affect you."

Shiyi also raised his eyes and whispered to himself, "However, your savvy fellow is amazing. I hope you can gain something!"

(The third one!)