Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5038: Cut off this life

Shiyi is the incarnation of the Great Avenue of Time in the chaos of the singularity. Since its birth, there has been an intersection with Xiao Ye.

When Xiao Ye turned into a singularity and chaos, the divine womb reappeared, Shi Yi moved even more, thinking about cooperating with Xiao Ye.

This time.

Xiao Ye led the crowd to return to the Chaos of Consummation, and Shi Yi also followed in secret.

It's just that it has always been the trump card of the three masters, Shi Yi has never appeared in public until this moment, in order to deal with the master of fate.

"Your strength is really good, but you haven't reached the highest level yet, how can you stop me?" Fate rules.

In the past six hundred centuries.

He attacked Singularity and Chaos more than once, but was stopped by Shi Yi. How could he not understand the other party?


After Xiao Ye turned into a divine womb, he could indeed conceal his destiny to a certain extent, so he didn't know that Shi Yi had also come to perfect chaos.


He and Shiyi met in truth.

"If you can stop it, you have to try to find out." Shiyi didn't have any extra words, but with a wave of his palm, a landscape painting suddenly appeared out of thin air.

This painting looks very ordinary, like a mortal thing, but it has a kind of Taoist rhyme.



It also contains a kind of extreme time order, which can run through the past, present, and future.


The moment this landscape painting emerged, the entire Fumo Great Forbidden Sky suddenly fell silent, and all the innate gods of all parties became stiff, as if they were turned into sculptures.

It is not that they are anchored.

It's that the time of Fu Mo Da Forbidden Sky has stagnated, and it has affected them in disguise.

In particular, their innate divine body seemed to be shattered, and the primitive-level avenues that supported the divine body were all suppressed to the point of being unable to appear.

"Ok... what a terrifying primitive time avenue!"

"Unexpectedly, there is a time **** stronger than Xiao Ye in the chaos. It seems that it is also on the side of the three masters!"

"It turns out that the three main groups have already existed at the dominion level?"


Although they can't move, the hearts of these innate gods are full of turbulent waves, and they seem to see time dominate the resurrection.

Especially those.

When the three masters reappeared, those who participated in the encirclement and suppression of their minds were moved, and they were rolling in cold sweat, as if they had walked through a ghost gate.

Such a time cultivation base, such a shrouded scope, where there needs to be more words.

If it was then.

When the time comes, even if they have the dominating asylum, they may not survive.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

At this time, among the chaotic forces of Fumo Great Forbidden Sky, a pair of eyes of the heavens lighted up. It was the existence of other Domination Levels, and they were also alert due to Shiyi's time cultivation.

The masters of destiny did not deduced the time when they came to complete chaos, let alone other masters.


As for the depths of Fumo Great Forbidden Sky, a great storm has broken out.

That was Shiichi's real body, who had already been in a battle with destiny.

The time **** map is the embodiment of Shi's perception of the primitive time avenue, and it has already had four changes.

As for the fifth kind of change, it is also looming and about to be transformed.

Under the impetus of Shiyi, it was terrifying to the extreme, not only changing the time order, but also creating a space-time barrier out of thin air, which actually entangled the real body of destiny.


It was clear early in the morning.

With his current cultivation base, it is also difficult to shake the opponent's dominant body, so this method is adopted.

The Daoguang between the two was turbulent, spreading to the four directions, everything was turned into fly ash wherever it went, and the whole Fu Mo was easily penetrated.

Even that kind of Daoguang spread out of Fu Mo, causing the other Great Forbidden Heavens to be in turmoil.

This is a domineering battle!

If it weren't for the guardianship of other masters, the innate gods and spirits of the world would probably be plundered.


I saw the thunderous sound of the body dominated by fate.

Although he was separated from the Supreme Dao, he also had the power to smash the ten thousand Dao. The space-time barrier that Shiyi created was shattered one after another by him, and he quickly approached Shiyi.

The most amazing thing is.

The turbulent light ball in the distance was also shaking violently, even though it was still imprisoned by the purple ring, but it still rushed over, spreading out a part of the destiny aura, wiping out Shiyi's primitive time avenue.


Fate dominates and dare not underestimate Shiyi. At this time, if you want the two to be one, solve Shiyi first.


It was just that the light ball that was transformed by the Supreme Dao hadn't approached, it was already blocked by a blood-covered figure.

As soon as he appeared, he was fighting against the master of fate, how could Xiao Ye stand by?

He heals on the sidelines.

At this moment, he was dragging the broken body, carrying the robbery blade, and rushing over, resisting the light group frantically, the aftermath of the battle was equally terrifying, and the demons were raging.

"Xiao Ye, destiny governs this imprisoned doctrine. It's up to you to deal with it!"

Shi Yi took a deep look at Xiao Ye, and Chuanyin said.


Immediately, his whole person was integrated into the time **** map, unexpectedly showing the ability to dominate the body into chaos.

It's just that this chaos is composed of multiple time and space barriers, like a blade of light that traverses the ages, which directly separates this life.

As for the body dominated by fate, he had already uttered a low drink of unwillingness. After a stagger, he was involved in it, and disappeared with the **** of time.

In the perception of the innate gods of the day.

Whether it was Shiyi's breath or the body fluctuations dominated by fate, they had drifted away until they could not feel it at all.

Fu Mo forbids the sky.

Only Xiao Ye was left, and the light group transformed by the Supreme Dao.

"Space-time barriers?"

Seeing this, Xiao Ye felt a little bit.

Thinking back to that year.

The time chief true biography, and the destiny heir iron tile battle, also used this method to trap the latter.

This method, when used by Shiyi, is even more terrifying, and even the body that governs destiny is involved.


Xiao Ye's eyes were blazing, and he raised all his fighting intentions and continued to rush towards the light group.

The Master of Destiny succeeded in depriving the Master of his body, free from the imprisonment of the purple circle, far surpassing the Master of Dark God, and he was no opponent at all.

The biggest threat now has been stopped by Shiyi, and he already has a chance.


Although this light group was limited, not all the supreme ways were locked. Amidst the rumble, a majestic figure was transformed into a battle against Xiao Ye.

Although this figure is an illusory thing, every blow is violent to the extreme, and there are thousands of laws of destiny that follow, and in Xiao Ye's current state, it is still suppressed.


During one battle, Xiao Ye was shaken to blood, and he retreated billions of miles.


Xiao Ye didn't retreat in the slightest, but rushed back again, shaking the supreme rule of fate.

Xiao Ye understood that he had no retreat.

He cannot be defeated in this battle!

(The second one!)