Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5040: Alternative master

The two major repairs are perfectly integrated.

The blood of the four gods against the heavens moved together.

In the face of unprecedented pressure, the Tianwei Shenyi Fa and Fakong Shendao Fa controlled by Xiao Ye are rapidly approaching the highest level of the third stage.

What kind of sight is this.

The immeasurable power of the gods is mighty, the devil's forbidden sky is shattered, and the entire chaos is violently, countless wonders and landscapes become smoke and dust, and a supreme power is spreading.

this moment.

In the chaos, various main grades and ancestral roads are wailing, and various laws that have the effect of restraining the innate gods are suppressed.

"Time passed on, is this breaking the border?"

"Is he really going to be an innate god, advanced to dominate?"


The acquired creatures in the Great Forbidden Sky of Chaos, as well as many gods are trembling.

Such a scene, let alone them, even the innate gods have never experienced it.

It can be said.

No one knows what will happen in the end.

But it is undeniable that Xiao Ye has really become different.

The opponent's will is no longer limited to Fu Mo Da Forbidden Sky, and even spread into Reincarnation, Wanhua, Cliff and Nan Ting, it is too majestic.

Under this circumstance, all the means of inducing the power of the Heavenly Dao by the strong in the Heavenly Dao Ranking have failed.

Because the heavenly powers of the four great forbidden heavens traverse the sky, forming layer after layer of chaos and flowing clouds, swarming and converging, and there is really an endless potential.

Daoguang overflowed in the broken void of Fumo, and the sound of rumbling resounded through the heavens and all realms.

Xiao Ye perfectly merged the two major cultivation bases. After receiving the blessing of the broken dimension **** blood, his body changed drastically again, and there was a chaotic haze that seemed to turn into chaos.

His will touches the supreme realm, can spread into the five forbidden heavens, and move all the chaotic forces with his hands and feet. His body is more like a part of the heaven, and it is like a real ruler has come, with the **** of heaven suspended above his head.

Facing the four-sided giant monument that fate ruled the Tao, he was constantly attacking and pushing the endless power of heaven to fight, not only blocking it.

And the destiny and Dao rules on the huge monument were knocked out by him.


The majestic figure that emerged from the light group has completely lost its composure.

Even if he didn't want to, he still had to admit that, in addition to his lack of realm, Xiao Ye could indeed be regarded as an alternative master.

With these huge monuments on all sides, I'm afraid I really can't suppress the other side.


The ball of light expanded rapidly, roaring bursts of roar, and it wanted to release more principles under the imprisonment of the purple ring.

Bang! Bang!

At the same time, two dull cracking sounds sounded.

The huge monument on all sides was shattered in half by Xiao Ye.

The remaining two sides could no longer stop Xiao Ye.


Xiao Ye furiously slapped it forward, and the other two huge monuments were also smashed to pieces.


Xiao Ye only took a step forward. Without deliberately showing the power of the original time avenue, he had already moved to the front of the light group, with a gushing battle spirit, and attacked forward.

This light group is the supreme law of destiny.

Even with Xiao Ye's current ability, there was still no threat.

However, the purple ring resonated with Xiao Ye, contracting actively, tightening the light group.

"Qiu Yuan!!!"

The majestic figure emerging from the light group uttered an unwilling roar.

How could he not know.

The purple ring was cast by the ancient **** ruler Qiu Yuan, and now he has made a special connection with Xiao Ye!

He is struggling.

He is shocking.

But still useless.

Xiao Ye attacked outside.

Some of the supreme principles he could only release had caused Xiao Ye to be harmed, but the other party didn't care at all, and threw himself over again and again, forgetting to die.

There is a purple ring inside, and there is no way for him, and it continues to be imprisoned.

As for his ruler body, he was cut off from this life by Shiyi, unable to return.

The balance of this battle was already tilted towards Xiao Ye.

Those who are regarded as ants, are forced to this point, it was not foreseen by the master of fate, but it happened.

"Master, can't you deal with Xiao Ye?"

At this time, the destiny gods who were watching the battle far away in Wanhua, after capturing this scene, were also cold and black in front of them.

Destiny rules, what kind of existence is that, it is the catastrophe of chaos.

In the past six hundred stacks, how many masters have been jealous.

Even though the three main groups are not what they used to be, they feel nothing.

Believe that when fate rules and exits, the three masters are just rotten wood, vulnerable to a blow.

But who could have predicted that the situation would develop to this point?

at this time.

No matter how powerful the destiny gods, they dare not rush to Wanhua.

Because they know.

Facing the current Xiao Ye, instead of going up to help the ruler of fate, they were dying.


In Fu Mo Great Forbidden Sky, there was another thrilling explosion in the world, causing all the Great Forbidden Sky to be in turmoil.

Looking closely, the light ball remained the same, without any damage, but the majestic figure that emerged from the light ball burst like a soap bubble.

The purple ring is even more radiant, locking the light group, making the fate aura that had been raging in the vampire all fade away.

The light group made a whining sound, and immediately cut through the sky and fleeed towards the Wanhua Great Forbidden Sky.

"Destiny is...retired?"

The innate gods and spirits in Fumo were startled at this, almost petrified.

No matter how limited the destiny dominates, it will ultimately be the top existence in the dominates.

Xiao Ye actually repelled the master of fate when no one was optimistic about it?

At this time, all the innate gods felt that Xiao Ye's original will to cover the chaos and touch the supreme realm fell directly.

The endless heavenly powers swarming towards Fu Mo are also rapidly spreading.

A figure covered in blood fell from the sky.


He no longer seemed to have turned into a part of the Heavenly Dao, and returned to the state of the innate divine body, and then exploded to pieces, even the innate divine bones were torn apart.

Suddenly, the whole Fumo fell silent.

Everyone knows.

That is Xiao Ye.

Even though the opponent had repelled the master of fate, they had paid a painful price.

Is the current Xiao Ye alive?

Although there were doubts in his heart, no innate **** dared to rush to investigate.

Because Xiao Ye was only just now, the various displays that had already brought them an indelible psychological shadow, it seemed that as long as they were close to each other, it was a kind of blasphemy, instinctively wanting to stay away.

Shortly after.

The broken void of Fumo was turbulent, and a group of innate gods rushed in.

They are the powerhouses of the three main groups.

Xiao Ye and Shiyi went to a battle with the ruler of destiny. How could the creatures of the three main groups not pay attention?

In fact, they had already come near Fumo.

At this time, I couldn't help it anymore, and rushed in in groups.

"Boss Xiao Ye!"

The young man in white robed in pain when he saw the torn apart body.

(First one!)

(Thank you for the rewards of ‘Shun Flush’, thank you for 588 rewards of ‘Jin Zhao’, thank you very much!)