Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5059: The original fourth change

Before more than six hundred Permian.

The three main clans were once glorious and stood at the peak. In some respects, they could definitely fight against the tribes of the Wing God, Taishen, and Dharma.

In the supreme heyday, the chaos has changed greatly, and it has long been vicissitudes of life, and it is not what it used to be.

But the three main groups still opened their own prosperous years, not to mention the world is invincible, at least so far, no one dares to move.

As for the tribes, they also took advantage of this opportunity to develop rapidly.

The influence of the three main groups not only spread to other small forbidden heavens nearby, but even touched other great forbidden heavens, expanding their own territory.


The three masters already have this ability.

after all.

Regardless of whether it is the army of acquired creatures or the level of innate gods, the three masters are only strong but not weak compared to other great religions.

Only limited by the deterrence of the dominating level, has been shrinking in the small forbidden sky for these years.

Now the three main groups, everything is on the right track, and various good news comes from time to time.

The banners of the Three Lords are really going to be inserted all over the forbidden sky.

Of course, except for Wanhua Great Forbidden Sky.

There is the former site of the Three Lords, and the Three Lords want to recover it, but it is still a fateful place now.

Although since that war, the master of fate remains silent.

But in recent years.

In the Wanhua Great Forbidden Sky, there is a monstrous vision.

Every day, there are magnificent chanting sounds.

During this period, it was accompanied by bursts of spooky roars.

If a person with a high level of realm raises his eyes and looks at it, it is not difficult to find that there are dense phantoms covered with blood and light in the Wanhua Great Forbidden sky.

The masters of those phantoms have actually appeared in the chaos.

There are both acquired creatures and innate gods.

Some of them were destroyed in the bloodbath that fate ruled over 600 years ago.

There is also a part that has fallen from ancient times, which makes the scalp numb.

Destiny is dominating, and it deserves to be born out of catastrophe.

Anyone who suffers from the invasion of fate and perishes, their cultivation will fall into the hands of the master of fate.


The Master of Destiny showed these principles, obviously to break through the imprisonment.

This sight caused the powerhouses of the three main groups to be frightened.

Even Ying Shao and other ancient gods of heaven have a sense of ominousness.

Destiny ruled the pass, Xiao Ye and Shiyi joined forces, and the ancient gods imprisoned them by means of confinement, and this forced the opponent to retreat.

The result is now.

Is the other party going to recover completely and start conquest again?

When the opponent regains its full strength, who can stop it?

"It's okay."

"Destiny rules will not take action in a short period of time. You should better prepare for a trip to the Central Palace."

Shiyi, who was in charge of the three masters, spoke softly, and a pair of eyes of time looked in the direction of Wanhua Great Forbidden Sky, as if they were deducing something.

Shiyi's words seemed to give people a reassurance and calm everyone down.

As for Xiao Ye's palace, it's as usual.

The seventh floor of the Tower of Time.

Xiao Ye's breath was empty, but it was separated by another layer of time and space.

Although Yueyao, Yuefan and others in the Time Protoss can really feel it, they still don't know where Xiao Ye is.

Calculate carefully.

Xiao Ye's retreat this time was also close to two superimposed periods.


Xiao Ye's figure was standing right in the grand canyon dominating the dojo, another time and space.

This grand canyon is transformed from the dead body that time dominates. Two valley walls stand tall, seeming to represent yin and yang and the universe.

The tunnel in the valley is winding, with rippling circles constantly rippling.

When Xiao Ye first came here, facing these ripples, he was weakened, as if he had been set in place.

But now it is completely different.

His expression is relaxed and freehand. Although the body of the ancient **** is still suppressed, there is a light flow on the whole body.

That was a sign that Xiao Ye's body had been greatly strengthened over the years.

Nowadays, just a ray of Qi spreading is enough to make Hannan and other powerful divine bodies shatter.


In Xiao Ye's palm, a string of shining time runes appeared.

Compared to the past.

Xiao Ye's achievements in time runes have already made a qualitative leap. For example, this series of runes is composed of more than 900 time runes, and possesses great power.

Xiao Ye's mind was immersed in the origin of the Primordial Time Dao.

With the proof of time runes, deducing this origin of time is Xiao Ye's breakthrough.

At this moment, Xiao Ye was really feeling those strange pulses.

The waves of time spread out from his body, resonating with those pulses.

The primitive time avenue under his control, three changes are realizing, turning into a variety of lights flowing in the canyon, setting off it like a master of time.

As time goes by.

Unconsciously, there is also a new change that is slowly breeding.


Xiao Ye seemed unaware of this, still immersed in it, still immersed in the deduction.


I don't know how long it has passed, Xiao Ye felt a strong pain, and suddenly woke up from the deduction.

That was the fourth change of the Primordial Time Avenue, which had already radiated and disturbed the eternal time and space. The balance of the two major cultivation bases was completely destroyed, causing the body of the suppressed ancient gods to tremble, and purple blood splattered.


In the dark, the sound of the heavens roared, resounding in this grand canyon, and the movement was extremely large.

"I am going to break through again?"

After carefully feeling her own changes, Xiao Ye's face was full of surprises after being slightly surprised.

Deducing the original practice of the original time avenue, although dangerous, the effect is really terrible.

Like him.

If you continue to use time runes as the medium to practice, you want to make the primitive-level time avenue produce the fourth change.

He estimated that no matter how fast he progressed, it would be difficult for him to achieve success without a few hundred centuries.

But now, how long has it taken him?

To know.

In these two periods of time, his true realm had already broken through the mid-stage of the Ninth Revolution of Heaven.

Now that Time Dao has reached the fourth change of the original level, his realm will definitely be improved.

"I don't know if I can reach the pinnacle of the Ninth Rank of Heaven's Path after a successful breakthrough!" Xiao Ye's eyes revealed a trace of desire.

That is the dominance-level existence, the most extreme realm of the innate gods of the heavens when discussing the Tao in the ancient times.

It is also the area closest to the realm of dominance.

Xiao Ye didn't dare to say whether the ancient chaos could be reached by anyone.

But since the order of heaven was distorted, absolutely no one set foot in that realm.

The primitive-level time avenue has the fourth change, and it is having an impact on the body of the ancient gods, which is no small matter.

Even Xiao Ye didn't dare to be careless.


His figure flashed, he left directly from this grand canyon, rushed to the sixth floor of the Tower of Time, and focused on breaking through.

(The second one!)