Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5260: Time dominated blood

Since the establishment of the Shenling Tiangong and the retreat of many rulers, the power opened by the Central God Court has also fallen into the hands of this force.

At least until the sixteen masters dominate the world, the world has no dispute.


The Shenling Tiangong exercises its power and divides the quota after determining the opening time of the Shentian.

In addition to the chaotic forces of the world, those innate gods who revived with the dominance of the world naturally also got their rightful places.

Regardless of the five middle-dimensional masters that have already expressed their opinions, or the eleven high-dimensional masters, there is no change for the time being.

This makes the three masters feel relieved.

As for Xiao Ye, he devoted himself to cultivation.

The present world of these sixteen masters made him full of fighting spirit, but if those masters united and said there was no pressure, it would not be realistic.

He has an instinct that the peace now is absolutely only temporary.

Time dominates the dojo, another time and space.

Xiao Ye was standing in the grand canyon where the mist was surging.

Since the dominance of otherness, the speed of deducing and understanding the origin of the Avenue of Time has greatly increased.

But soon, he once again felt the breadth and depth of this avenue of respect.

Just breaking through to the barrier of the fifth change has trapped him for dozens of centuries.

Not to mention, want to touch the sixth change.

To reach that state, it is like an acquired creature, crossing the sky and turning into an innate god, which is a qualitative leap.

In the passing of time.

Xiao Ye opened his eyes from time to time, frowning, reflecting, confirming the evolution time rune, and then plunged into enlightenment again.

Quietly in the canyon, ripples spread.

And the Dominant Source Realm in Xiao Ye's body was also boiling, the endless years of light steamed up, and five changes evolved in the void, intertwined with those ripples, and then disappeared.

Looking closely, Xiao Ye formed a vacuum zone within a hundred feet of his figure.

This is a terrifying sight.

Because of this kind of ripples, it was born from the origin of the primitive-level avenue.


Xiao Ye could only rely on his domineering body to carry it hard, but now the ripples hadn't touched his body, it had been resolved.

This is also enough to prove that Xiao Ye's time cultivation is really not what it used to be.

In Xiao Ye's Dominant Source Realm, the purple Daoguang and the light of the years are intertwined, and there are three divine feathers undulating, and the lines of the heavens like the rings of an ancient tree are permeating.

With Xiao Ye's enlightenment.

His dominance of the Source Realm reproduces the true meaning of opening up the world, and the vast essence of it is gushing out, amidst the rumble, expanding in all directions.

If there are other masters here, they will definitely be envious.

Dominant-level existence is the incarnation of part of the heavens. Since its birth, its dimension has been solidified.

Xiao Ye is an alternative.

After Dominating Source Realm is upgraded to Zhongwei, it can continue to expand, and even the Dominant Body and Supreme Will will change.


This process is also changing.

Xiao Ye's dominance of the Source Realm was becoming stronger, and the expansion speed was constantly weakening, until it finally stopped.

"My dominating body has already reached two hundred twenty thousand heavenly Dao!"

"If you show the way of integration, it will only be stronger. Those masters who dare to make trouble again, then fight!"

Xiao Ye opened his eyes.

He already knew.

The two hundred thousand heavenly Dao is the threshold of the high-dimensional dominating body.


In the Domination War, he had barely touched when he started with the Wing God Domination.

In recent years, the refining of dimensional soul and self-cultivation have increased a lot.

This is also where he dared to face alone after the sixteen masters came into existence.

after all.

Being the one who lost in the war to dominate, he must sacrifice all his dimensional soul, and he is at the bottom of his life.

He really has no fear at all.

"It's just that if you want to continue practicing, you have to refine the Dimensional Soul again."

"It seems that I want to reach the height of Senior Qiu Yuan, the difficulty is really not small!"

A trace of bitterness appeared on Xiao Ye's face.

He can improve his dimensionality through practice.

But since entering the middle dimension, it must be supported by the spirit of dimension.

The later needs are definitely a huge number.

And to comprehend the origin of the Primitive Time Avenue, it is also difficult.


Just when Xiao Ye was about to leave, suddenly his eyes flashed, looking at the end of the canyon passage, his mind surged.

He already understood.

The two huge walls of the Grand Canyon are the masters of time, formed after breaking.

He had imagined that time might be able to use the body after its death.


He tried many times but ended in failure.

However, the tunnels in the gorge were serene, the mist was surging, and the supreme will of the ruler could not reach the end.

But when the time **** stepped into this channel, his mind could naturally come into contact with the original origin of the Primitive Time Avenue.

Many times in and out.

Xiao Ye has been in the canyon passage, deducing and understanding the origin of Time Avenue, sinking into it, and has never searched here.

right now.

With his strength, he may be qualified to explore this place.

"Look at this place, what else..."

When this thought rose, Xiao Ye couldn't help it anymore, and headed towards the depths of the canyon with curiosity.


The sound of Xiao Ye's footsteps reverberated in the canyon, and once the ripples spread to him, they would collapse on their own.

The winding path of the canyon is quiet, and the further it goes, the narrower it becomes.

As for the depths, it is like a forbidden place.

Because there, in addition to the ripples spreading, there is also a strange sound wave, like a landslide and a tsunami, making it difficult for Xiao Ye's time cultivation to be resolved.

The deeper the sound, the more violent the strange sound waves, making Xiao Ye's master body tremble, as if it was about to collapse.

"What's in it?"

Xiao Ye tried his best to stabilize the dominating body, his face was full of shock, and his mouth was bleeding.

The strange sound wave impact made him feel as if he was fighting against the Primordial Time Dao Origin.

Not to mention the difficulty of moving forward, even the supreme will can't spread out.

However, this didn't let Xiao Ye dispel his thoughts. He was using all his cultivation bases and moving forward in the confrontation.

time flies.

After a few hours, Xiao Ye's heart was shocked.

Through the surging misty sky, he saw the intersection of the two canyons, which was the end of the passage.

It sank there, forming a huge pit.

In the pit.

The crystal clear divine liquid is boiling, shining with the brilliance of the years, with the breath of time, and it is in the same line as the valley wall of the canyon, and strange sound waves diffuse between the turbulence, bringing Xiao Ye's suffocating pressure.

"this is……"

Xiao Ye's eyes widened suddenly, and his heart jumped wildly.

He has mastered.

Naturally, it can be discerned that this is related to the blood of Daoyuan that governs the origin!

In the depths of this canyon, the source is beyond doubt.

This is the blood of Daoyuan ruled by time!

(First one!)