Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5268: Eleven high-dimensional masters

Both the Dayan ruler and the Godless ruler are somewhat petrified.

They all stood on the top of Gaowei, watching the rise and fall of the world.

The only masters who can hold them down are those who stand and transcend.

In their eyes, Xiao Ye was always a junior no matter how bright his body was.

If it wasn't that the Soul of Dimension was too tempting, they definitely wouldn't, and they were ready to join forces to deal with Xiao Ye.


But Xiao Ye didn't take them seriously, and wanted to let other high-dimensional masters appear together?

This is how confident you are in yourself!

"Although you can rely on luck to rise against the sky and become the master across dimensions, some crude habits are carved into your bones and cannot be erased."

Between the five forbidden sky, it was brightened by the sun's light.

This kind of light can penetrate everything, under its shining, there is no darkness, and everything will be overshadowed.

At this time, a supreme will has come, condensing a tall figure.

He is the incarnation of light in the heavens, surrounded by the wonders of thousands of paths, and the source of the light of the sun, which is not to be looked at directly, let alone an insight into his body shape.

Come, it is Yaoshen rule!

"I feel that this habit is not vulgar, if I am not enterprising, how can I prove the way of heaven?"

"The chaos in the chaos is actually caused by you. Only by solving it from the root cause can the chaos usher in peace again."

Xiao Ye narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the coming Lord Yaoshen.

The rising light on the opponent's body was like a real thing, making his body tingling faintly.

"What a big tone!"

"Since the development of chaos, no one has dared to challenge so many high-dimensional masters!"

"If Eternal Sky is still alive, I don't know what I will feel when I see my descendants so ignorant of the heights of the sky and earth!"

In the other direction, a bright red temple appeared.

In the temple, there was a figure wearing a blood robe with six arms sitting cross-legged, whose eyes of heavenly way were fierce, looking towards Xiao Ye.

this moment.

Xiao Ye's heart trembled, and she felt as if she had fallen into the Shura battlefield, with endless fighting sounds in her ears.

Xiao Ye urged to dominate the Source Realm, and this sight disappeared, but his expression became solemn.

In his realm, it would be affected, which is really terrifying.

"The master of time was once a chaotic sentient being, and he joined hands with Senior Qiu Yuan to help the twisted order of heaven."

"Now, you have to fight for some dimensional spirit, and you don't deserve to mention his name!"

Xiao Ye guarded his mind and responded coldly.

he knows.

That is Shura rule.

If destiny is the incarnation of disaster, then Shura master is the incarnation of killing and destruction.

The Shura gods who have appeared in the chaos, all like to kill, in the history of the Periphery, they have created many murders.

If the descendants of Singularity and Chaos also gave birth to several statues, Xiao Ye naturally understood.

Xiao Ye's words were very ear-piercing, shaking the Five Forbidden Heavens, making the masters silent one after another.

What the other party said is indeed true.

But in order to return to the peak state as soon as possible, no one wants to stop.

A burst of supreme will, one after another turned into a master, rushed to the court one after another.

A total of eleven high-dimensional masters appeared.

The sounds of various heavens echoed, and the chaotic light rushed like a waterfall, causing the five forbidden heavens to fall.

Since ancient times, it has been clear that there is no distinction between yin and yang, and it is muddy and unclear, but now it seems to be reshaping the universe, with space and matter flying, and it seems that it will become a realm of its own.

"Eleven high-dimensional masters, really all have come!"

"What the **** does Ye Zi want to make such an enemy!"

In Fu Mo Great Forbidden Sky, the Jagged Emperor also turned pale.

Even if he had confidence in Xiao Ye, such a lineup made him worried.

That is the master of Gaowei!

Dreaming in the clouds.

The Lord of Nine Heavens was looking over, and the Eye of Heaven was filled with horror.

Among their group of masters, only their five Zhongwei masters were left, who were still watching from the sidelines and did not participate.

"Master Xiao Ye, is he crazy?"

At the same time, the other big forbidden days are also full of restlessness and noise.

So many high-dimensional masters, gathered between the five forbidden heavens, wanting to go to war, this is probably the first time in the history of chaos.


The atmosphere between the five forbidden heavens was almost frozen.

Here is the supreme air machine that suffocates the gods, rushing to and fro.

The Heavenless Sovereign who possessed a phoenix body looked around and became a little anxious.

These masters all coveted the dimensional soul in Xiao Ye's hands.

However, it was still sensible before, and after a long time, Dayan Domination was the first to dispatch and descend into Wanhua.

But after Xiao Ye revealed the numbers of all his Dimensional Souls, the situation immediately changed.

The other nine high-dimensional masters put down their bodies and rushed in quickly, lest they be left behind.

When they arrived in the field, they had their own minds and were on guard against each other.

This worried her.

The masters in the field will probably fight each other because of this!

"This son can defeat the ruler of Dayan, he does have some ability, let me try his methods!"

In the red temple, the Lord Shura has walked out of it.

A **** circle appeared on each of his six arms, killing intent for nine days, and he was about to attack Xiao Ye.

Unexpectedly this time.

But there is a master who is faster than him.

That is the incarnation of light in the way of heaven, and it is ruled by the **** Yao.

His figure directly drew a light in the five forbidden sky.

A pair of light rising palms, each holding a light seal, resonated with his supreme way.

"Grab my prey?"

Asura master let out an angry roar, he eagerly fight.

However, his speed couldn't be compared with that of Yaoshen Lord. The opponent had already approached Xiao Ye, the light print in his palm was swelling, and it hit Xiao Ye's body.

"In this state, can the Lord God Lord still use the Sunlight Seal?"

"Master of the sun, do you want to get there first?"

The other masters also changed their colors one after another, apparently knowing the horror of this kind of light print, their figures moved and followed.


At this moment, it seemed that a round of Chaos God Sun burst open, and a full thirty-two majestic Supreme Dao soared into the sky, spanning the past, the present and the future.

All this happened too fast.

Look carefully.

Yaoshen dominates the body with sparkling waves, and the years are up and down, and there is a time rule to slow down the opponent.

The palm of Yaoshen's dominion had not yet landed on Xiao Ye, and he had encountered the impact of horrible things, and the wonders of all paths that surrounded him were directly dimmed.

As for the tall figure of Yaoshen ruler of Guanghua, it was shaken to pieces in an instant, and then flew out in the air.

"what happened?"

This scene happened too abruptly, so that all the masters in the court were shocked.

One face up.

Yaoshen ruled, he was hit hard?


As for the Shura master who followed, his complexion changed and his heart felt uncertain.

(First one!)