Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5317: Long foundation

Xiao Ye is reincarnated!


At this moment, the welding thunder, there are countless thunder and lightning in the universe, illuminating eternity.

Densely intertwined, turning into dragons and snakes wagging their tails, I don't know how many stars have been twisted into powder.

And this is just the beginning.

Ten more breaths.

In the wild world of destiny, this vast universe is full of thunder and sounds, and the sea of ​​rules is expanding, filling every place.

All the spirit-level creatures in the universe knelt on the ground tremblingly, feeling endless insignificance in their hearts.

"It's that guy who has transformed into a saint. He has never seen him practice any ancient scriptures of the Beginning Dharma, and he can actually do this!"

"Oh my God, is this really the Holy Tribulation?"


As for the holy creatures in the universe, their scalp is tingling.

Huasheng is a big hurdle.

Once crossed, it will be the sublimation of the life level.

In this process, the Holy Tribulation will also be drawn, most of them have experienced it, and naturally they are no strangers.

But when.

The Holy Tribulation will be so terrifying that it will cover the entire universe, and even they feel threatened?

This is not a holy robbery.

It's more like a catastrophe of the entire universe, to bury all beings in the universe!


At this time, an inexplicable force swept the entire universe and protected the creatures harmed by the catastrophe.

"This kind of holy robbery, I am afraid that even some imaginary gods can be killed!"

That was Xuan Xiao's shot, and his face was full of shock.

When Cheng Wen and Cheng Yi turned the sage, he didn't see it with his own eyes, but then he had to get a glimpse of one or two from the three masters.

He can be sure.

The sacred robbery that Cheng Wen and Cheng Yi attracted was definitely not as perverted as Xiao Ye.

Searching all over the heavens and myriad worlds, I can't find such a holy robbery.


In the universe, the vast thunder light and the regular ocean spread, and then all concentrated on the shattering figure, preventing the other party from transforming.


Even this kind of sacred calamity does not pose a threat to this figure.

The dense thunder light struck him like a bath.

The turbulent ocean of rules can only accelerate the transformation of the opponent.

The holy robbery comes quickly and goes quickly.

After a hundred breaths of time, it has begun to fade.

I saw Xiao Ye's youthful figure reappearing, unlike before, it had already begun to linger the Shengwei. Although it had just been revealed, it permeated the vast sky.

His body is crystal clear, like a world, transformed into a big universe, with mist lingering.

A primordial saint, the Eucharist presents such a scene, which is really terrifying.

Huasheng succeeded.

Xiao Ye stood there, his eyes closed slightly, as if he was comprehending something, until after a long time, he slowly opened his eyes.

"Holy Son, do you... really understand your fate?" Xuan Xiao flew over, his face full of surprise.

Xiao Ye successfully transformed into a saint.

The changes in his aura on the opponent's body were like a master of the rules of this universe.

And if this kind of cosmic rule is broken down, it is the various holy ways in this universe.

"The avenue of destiny is a respectable product, where is so easy to understand."

"I just got a sense." Xiao Ye smiled and shook his head, but his heart was quite excited.

In the chaos.

Who is in control of the Dao of Zunpin, who is not relying on time and destiny to dominate and guide, and contact the origin of the Dao of Zunpin, which is gradually controlled?

It's impossible to rely on yourself.

And he relied on his own groping and speculation, how can he not be excited about his fate?

After thinking carefully, Xiao Ye also felt that this made sense.

after all.

Who is the master of the world, like him, reincarnated and practiced from scratch?

In this life, his aptitude and talent are terribly strong.

Still using the master-level consciousness and cognition to be compatible with the practice of perfect creatures.

Combining these advantages, it is normal to have today's work, and it is no longer affected by others' cause and effect.

Although Xiao Ye said so, Xuan Xiao didn't take it seriously, knowing that Xiao Ye had really created an unprecedented cultivation method.

He took out a batch of holy rank treasures at the right time, from the central court, which could be used to build the foundation of Xiao Ye's holy rank.

In the two major stages of Fan and Ling.

Xiao Ye's time to build the foundation was much faster than Cheng Wen and Cheng Yi's brothers and sisters.

The reason.

It was Xiao Ye who possessed the consciousness of dominating and knew how to save time and improve efficiency.

However, the construction of the foundation of the holy steps is extremely long.

Ten billion years have passed.

Xiao Ye's true realm was still at the level of a holy king.

In the first two steps, he often felt the world.

When he reached the holy step, the perception of heaven and earth occupied most of his time, deliberately slowing down the pace of foundation building.

"Whether it is the ruler of destiny or Qiu Yuan, the choice of those who can control the avenue of exalted grades is going to the mortal world and selecting from mortals."

"This means that the foundation of mortals is unachievable, there is no mixed atmosphere, and the mind is quiet, but it is easier to get started."

"For example, brothers and sisters Cheng Wen, after they become ancestral gods, they can control all the main grades and ancestral avenues in the world, but they still can't get started with respectful avenues."

"The method of my practice is compatible with the characteristics of a perfect creature. If I blindly improve, I am afraid I will encounter this kind of dilemma in the end."

He stood tall in the cosmic starry sky, looking back on the various past lives, and said in his heart.

Now that he has made the decision to fight for Chaos, he must consider the future.

This destiny wasteland.

It was isolated from the chaos, and he washed away the cause and effect of his previous life, Qiu Yuan couldn't detect it.

But when he successfully transformed into an innate god, that might not be the case.

He has no support.

Therefore, before that, we must find a way to accumulate enough power.

And to deal with Qiu Yuan, it is definitely not enough to rely on a kind of respectable avenue.

"Can I be here, the entry time rules?" Xiao Ye frowned.

Recalling past lives.

He controls time step by step, relying on time to dominate the origin of the Dao of Time at different levels in the dojo.

This is also specially arranged by Qiu Yuan.

And in this destiny wilderness, destiny is the eternal melody, without the slightest time rule.

How to look.

There is no hope.


"I have insight into the Great Avenue of Time in my previous life, the mystery of the original Fifth Change. Although the past has been cut off in this life, my consciousness is still there!"

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in Xiao Ye's mind.

He remembered a detail of the battle between himself and Qiu Yuan.


He used Time Avenue to attack Qiu Yuan with all his strength.

Qiu Yuan did not arouse the corpse of the time ruler, and only dealt with it as the ruler of the ancient god, but he was able to keep up with his attacking rhythm.

At that time, Qiu Yuan said that although his body had not been integrated into the Time Avenue, he was not afraid of his time offensive because of his insight into the supreme mystery of Time Avenue.

"Tao, it should be in the heart."

"The breath of time and the profound meaning of time are just appearances!"

Xiao Ye seemed to understand.

(First one!)