Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5355: Mysterious door

Since the beginning of chaos, there have been countless storms.

In particular, the turbulence that erupted before more than a thousand times was the most.

After that, the chaos fault, the pattern of the innate gods and spirits group was destroyed.

The five great forbidden heavens and a hundred small forbidden heavens are still there, but they have gone through the vicissitudes of life, and they have basically completed a major exchange of blood from the postnatal life to the innate gods.

In the history of chaos.

Every big forbidden sky has an irreplaceable place.

For example, the Great Forbidden Sky of Fu Mo is known as Chaos because of the number and types of innate creatures, ranking first among the five Forbidden Sky.

This is true even in this world.


The fierce gods, empty gods and other groups that used to dominate the demons have been replaced by all kinds of gates, large and small, which can be called a mixture of fish and dragons.

"Ancestral God Heavenly Court, sent three ancestral gods to Fumo, and will perform the task of the ancestral temple!"

On this day, all the gates in Fumo were shaken by this news.


A deity of innate spirit walked out of the gate and rushed to the same place.


It is the place of the three great ancestor gods in Fu Mo.

Ancient and modern are different.

The horror of the ancestor gods, such innate gods, has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is too much beyond the same realm of innate gods.

With the practice of perfect creatures, it can be implemented smoothly.

Each large gate has invested huge energy in cultivating perfect creatures, and then sent them to the heavenly court of the ancestors, with high hopes.

This also leads.

Many gates are inextricably linked with the ancestral **** heaven.

This is a pretty scary sign.

Many gates in the entire chaos tend to be assimilated by the ancestor gods.


Although some people recognize it, they also know that this is the general trend.

and so.

Whenever an ancestor **** walks in the world and performs a task, there are always many people who will actively cooperate.

A magnificent divine city, floating in the void of the evil spirit, is full of weather.

In the city, a feast is being held.

"Three ancestors, you can choose to settle down in my Ruoqiu Pavilion. It is really an honor for me."

At the banquet, an empty **** with an animal body said with a smile on his face.

He is the pavilion master of Fu Mo Da Forbidden Sky, Ruoqiu Pavilion.

In addition to him, Ruoqiu Pavilion also has several fierce gods and golden horn gods sitting in town. In the Great Forbidden Sky of Fu Mo, they can be regarded as powerful gates.

"Thanks a lot."

"When I wait to go back, I will truthfully report to Master Tianyuan, if you are a genius sent by Qiu Pavilion to the Heavenly Court, you will also be vigorously cultivated."

The bald old man Isaiah nodded arrogantly, making Na Kongshen smile even more.

"These are people who have respect for the ancestor gods, and they are also willing to assist the three ancestor gods to complete this task."

After some greetings, this empty **** began to introduce the innate gods from other gates.

"Zhenhuang, do you feel the power of our heaven?"

The female ancestor'Lu Feng' sat beside Xiao Ye, smiling.

"The influence of the Ancestral God Heavenly Court is indeed great!"

Xiao Ye smiled slightly.

It stands to reason.

They received the task, gathered information, and came to Fu Mo, they should immediately search for the mysterious door.


The bald old man took him to Ruoqiu Pavilion, and then there was such a sight.

"However, this method is indeed more efficient than when we search in person." Xiao Ye secretly said in his heart.

For the innate gods.

A big forbidden sky, said it is big or not, it is not small.

Such as the mysterious door in the mission, just appeared in Fu Mo.

The information obtained by the ancestor **** heaven is also very vague, and the specific location needs to be searched for by themselves.

But nowadays Fu Mo, a mixture of fish and dragons, they really need a lot of time to find the mysterious door.

It is undoubtedly a good way to make use of the influence of the ancestral **** heaven and let other courts in Fumo cooperate.

"The current chaos has many secrets..."

Xiao Ye was silently observing the innate gods present here.

Among these innate gods.

There is still no familiar face, and it is undoubtedly born in more than a thousand times.

But the realm is not low.

Middle-level innate gods all have the strength to be on the list of gods; low-level innate gods are also qualified to touch the list of gods.

These are not weaker than the original chaos.

To know.

For the cultivation of innate gods, more than a thousand stacks is nothing at all.

These innate gods can grow up in a short period of time, which is definitely not explained by abundant resources.


Xiao Ye listened carefully, but did not hear anyone mention the history of taboos.

The banquet was very lively.

There are innate gods and spirits constantly coming upon hearing the news.

Half a month later, the banquet ended, and many gods retreated one after another.

Xiao Ye and others stayed in Ruoqiu Pavilion, waiting for news.

"My lords, I have already found the mysterious doorway!"

A few months later, a golden horn **** came to Ruoqiu Pavilion and sent a piece of coordinates.


The bald old man Isaiah roared and rushed out first.

Xiao Ye and Lu Feng quickly followed.

The fate of the ancestral **** heaven is too special, involving the two founders of the ancestral heaven.

Every time the ancestor **** performs a task, it is related to this, and it is extremely dangerous, and has caused several ancestor gods to fall.

and so.

Fumo Great Forbidden Heaven's innate gods are only helping Heavenly Court and inquiring into the mysterious gate court, and will not directly participate in it.

Now, there is finally a gain.

All the gates of the entire Fu Mo Great Forbidden Sky became turbulent.

The other end.

The three great ancestors moved quickly, but within a few months, they broke into the territory of a surging nebula.

This territory.

It's like being forgotten by God, off the beaten track, no people can see.

When Xiao Ye came here, he was shocked.

Over a thousand times in the past, the chaos had changed too much, but this territory gave him some familiar feelings.


This is the homeland he has set foot on in his previous life, experience in Fu Mo.

After some exploration.

The bald old man discovered that there was a huge array of hidden things here.

After he tore it open, a group of palace gates suddenly appeared in front of the three ancestor gods.

"Is this the mysterious gate?" Xiao Ye's will leaned in and found that the palace was empty.


The ancestor **** Tianting sent their three great ancestor gods to arrive, and this gate also received news and responded quickly.


"No matter how fast they react, they will definitely leave clues!"

Isaiah and Lu Feng rushed into the ancient palace and started searching.

Xiao Ye was also walking in this palace, his expression seemed cold, but his body trembled slightly.

This mysterious courtyard, although people go to the building empty.

But there is a breath of supremacy remaining.

Xiao Ye is no stranger to the breath, it comes from his disciple, Cheng Wen!

"You guys, how are you?" Xiao Ye opened his mouth, his emotions uncontrollable.

(The second one!)