Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5397: Big move

Since the end of that war.

The spirit of the gate of Killing the Gods was severely damaged, and its influence plummeted. In recent years, few ancestors were born newly.

Facing the three main gates, the secret meeting held against Taboo, the gate of Killing Gods was still silent.


But someone found out.

There is a heroic, handsome and sturdy **** who walked out of the Gate of the Killing God and manifested its footprints in the Wanhua Great Forbidden Sky, making the ancestor **** of the ancestral **** heaven a shock.

That's Aman!

He is the disciple of the biggest black hand of Chaos!

No one knows how strong the opponent is.

But that year.

Being able to rescue Tian Yuan with a single blow from Xiao Ye Zhen's body can easily see the horror of the opponent.

right now.

The other party showed up.

Does it mean being irritated?

This will definitely involve their ancestor **** heaven!

Turbulence in the three main gates.

Cheng Wen's brothers and sisters led a group to prepare for the war and wanted to end the secret meeting.

"No problem!"

"If he wants to fight, I will accompany him."

Xiao Ye stopped Cheng Wen's brother and sister, and their calm words showed strong confidence.

This time.

It is also a temptation for him to actually come to the three main gates to promote this meeting against taboos.

The secret meeting is still going on.

Aman indeed walked through many places in Wanhua, then looked towards the Three Main Gate, and then disappeared, shocking the Mutsu and others who had just unblocked.

They didn't know anything about Aman.

But being a disciple of that person is not easy.

Now, the other party was obviously alarmed by this secret meeting, but didn't make a move. Could it be that they were afraid of the famine in their eyes?

Decades later.

The secret meeting ended.

Xiao Ye's deity returned to the Heavenly Court of the Ancestor God, and once again retreats to practice.

The leaders of the gates who participated in the meeting also dispersed.

Soon after, the innate gods walked out of these gates, gathered together with the gods of the three main gates, formed into several teams, and continued to walk in the world to reverse the direction of the chaotic wind.

at the same time.

They are also showing their great strength, searching for all kinds of innate mixed treasures in the heavens and the world.

"These chaotic treasures are very helpful to nourish the innate divine body and restore the innate origin!"

A list, circulated in the world, aroused all kinds of comments.

All fools know.

These innate mixed treasures are prepared for this group of innate gods who have passed the taboo history.

Although many of them have survived, their divine body and origin have been affected by their escape and sealing.

Since the opening of the three main gates, a lot of them have been collected secretly, but this is the first time, so much fanfare.

One wave is not flat, another wave rises.

Others have seen that when the rules of the pure world appeared, the Lord of Heaven has repeatedly evolved the clones of time and destiny, rushing into the dazzling wave, not to defeat, but to deduct something in it.

"According to rumors, the rules of purifying the world were formed by the strong tribes of the tribe at the time."

"Could it be that the Lord of the Heavenly Court can rescue these powerful men?"


The rest of the world is full of turmoil.

Despite the chaos, a big shuffle was completed.

But there are still many rumors circulating.

In particular, the legends created by Zeng Xiong's tribe of Chaos have been passed down from generation to generation.

Once such power is released, it will definitely cause an uproar.

"Town shortage!"

The Cheng Wen brothers and sisters, Che Yuanhou, Hongyan and others were extremely excited.

Will their expectations come true?


To achieve this step is obviously very difficult.

Even though Xiao Ye's time and destiny clones, they all withdrew in the end.


This does not mean that Xiao Ye has compromised.


The Ancestral God Heavenly Court is exerting its amazing influence, communicating with the gates in the chaos, and promoting the opening of the Central God's Garden, the source of all treasures.

Since the history of Taboo, a major reshuffle has been completed in Chaos, and many things have changed.

It also includes the Central God Court.

The time interval of its opening has become one hundred permia.


How could the more than 1,000 Peripheral and Chaos descendants develop such a beautiful scene and cultivate so many high-level perfect creatures?

And the opening of the Central God Court.

Super Gate has the absolute right to speak, plus the time for the next opening, it is not far away.

It was natural to make this happen.

Everybody knows.

The ancestor **** Heavenly Court contributed to this matter. Presumably, there must be treasures in the Central God Court that can help the famine and rescue the three masters from the rules of the clean world.


The opening of the Central God Court is still a chaotic event.

The innate gods and spirits of the gates moved one after another.

For example, the three main gates, as well as the killing of gods gate, have got enough places.

But the competition in the three main gates had nothing to do with Xiao Ye.

His deity has long since retreated and enlightened Dao in the world of time.

The vast wasteland is the realm of the tribes of the past.

The ruined walls have been given a unique rhyme.

The two lines are like two dragons intertwined, becoming a dividing line, half of the night, half of the light.

All levels of time and the origin of the avenue of destiny are flooded with it.

Since Xiao Ye took control of the Heavenly Court.

There were also several ancestor gods who got permission from Xiao Ye to step in, but they all retreated because they couldn't hold on.


Xiao Ye sat cross-legged, on the dividing line between night and light.

He does not touch the origin of the Tao here, let go of his body and mind, his mind is above the source of time and fate, and he is immersed in the heavenly path, and he truly perceives the pulse of time and destiny, causing the heavenly path to move quietly.

This life.

Xiao Ye's qualifications were too bad.

His deity is trying his best to improve his cultivation.

In addition to the Taoism established for the main product and the ancestral road, the road of time and destiny has also been improved by leaps and bounds.

In the world of time and fate, the main and patriarchal lines are all suppressed.

In Xiao Ye's body of super ancestor god, only the fluctuations of time and the avenue of destiny broke out, and there were four primitive level changes.

Two completely different great storms raged beside Xiao Ye, as if a yin and a yang were spinning, exhausting the heavens.

"That secret meeting didn't disturb Qiu Yuan. It seems that my speculation is correct!" Xiao Ye secretly said in his heart.

The result of his trial has confirmed his guess.

Shiyi led the singularity gods and crossed over to the past. The battle against Qiu Yuan at that time really affected Qiu Yuan in this life.

Otherwise, he would not instruct the three main gates to make such a big move.

As for the thoughts Aman had, as his realm deepened, he didn't care much anymore.

"In my last life, I promoted the Dao of Time to the fifth change of the original level. As long as I can return to this level, my strength will rise again, let alone the Dao of Destiny."

"I feel that I am very close to this step."

"Everyone of the three main groups, wait for me!"

In Xiao Ye's eyes, there was a blazing spirit surging.

He has the confidence to fully surpass the previous life!

And this kind of confidence has nothing to do with Qiu Yuan, it's all by himself!

(The second one!)