Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5431: You are not the ancestor

In this life's practice, Xiao Ye didn't deliberately forge the chaos divine tool and the mastering tool.

Because of his body, he is the most terrifying humanoid soldier in the world.

This time, in his Domination Source Realm, the Primitive Fifth Change of Time Avenue has exploded, following the other main grades and sect avenues, wrapping around the body, carrying his dominating power, and attacking the dark torrent at close quarters.

Qiu Yuan's dark torrent body is also extremely powerful.

Faced with Xiao Ye, the dominating body composed of three hundred and ten thousand heavenly Dao, did not let the wind fall at all, and faced the wheat at the tip of the needle.

Every time it collides, it is like countless changes in the great world.

Look carefully.

Xiao Ye's dominant body has also become obscured, and it has completed part of the chaos, covering the world, forming a domain of its own, dissolving battle fluctuations, and preventing the dark torrent from escaping.

Suffered from interception like Xiao Ye.

The torrent of darkness was visibly annoyed.

The remaining dominator phantoms returned to their sides one after another.

From the misty stream of light, the number of Supreme Principles that erupted has increased to thirty, among which there were many high-dimensional rules that ruled the Daoist principles, struggling with Xiao Ye.

This is a battle that exhausts the mysteries of heaven and earth.

Although there was Xiao Ye's master body to dissolve the aftermath, the entire chaos was still trembling, and the traces of the avenues in all regions were suppressed to almost nothing.

The huge shaking is constantly spreading, which can annihilate the universe and punish the gods and demons.

"too frightening!"

"It's even more terrifying than Gao Wei dominating the duel!"

The Cheng Wen brothers and sisters, and Mutsu, who were standing by to assist, were shocked.

At the beginning, they had been lucky to have seen some dominance duels, but compared with the scene before them, they were still insignificant.

"We seem to have made the wrong choice!"

The innate gods in the neutral camp all look dim and feel guilty.

In the past few years, Ikama has painstakingly arranged the large formations in various domains, which have worked. They have severely shaken off, and have protected many gates and shelters for acquired creatures.

People such as the Four True Spirits, Xiao Nian, Xiao Fan and others are also assisting and even helping them take refuge in the gate.


The entire chaos will definitely be overwhelmed.

This is a battle affecting the future of Chaos!

In a very short time.

The battle that took place in rebirth has heated up.

The Supreme Law erupted by the torrent of darkness is still improving.

Thirty-one shares!

Thirty-two shares!


A total of thirty-six principles of the supreme path, surrounded by the body, many perfect path pulses unfolded one after another, becoming the most terrifying tool driven by the torrent of darkness, to suppress all the ways and all the ways.

Xiao Ye also became more fierce in the Vietnam War, showing his practice in this life to his heart's content.

He dominates in the source world.

The light of destiny finally transpires and circulates in the body of the master.

The avenues of destiny and time are like Tai Chi Yin and Yang. Other main products and ancestral avenues are arranged in a row, constructing a stable form, and everything comes out!

This is far more terrifying than dominating and motivating all things. It is true control and comprehension, not dominating privileges, and possessing Xiao Ye's own insights and cognition.

Even though Xiao Ye hadn't realized the realm of perfection and perfection, he still made his breath, and even his dominating body, undergo profound changes.

I saw the light of the various colors converge and melted into the light of the heavens, covering the whole body, setting him off, if the human form of the heavens descends into the world, every blow will drive the sound of the heavens, and the momentum will sink vigorously. More than that, he couldn't stop him at all.

As for the part of Xiao Ye's body, the chaos that evolved was also more stable, like a cage trapped in a dark torrent.

Even though the opponent was hardly shaking Xiao Ye, he couldn't break through from the left and right. Instead, he was repeatedly hit by Xiao Ye, making the misty streamer that covered his body dimmed a lot.

The light of years in Xiao Ye's left eye surging, and the light of destiny in his right eye, even this level of battle can exert amazing effects.

At least.

The actions of the torrent of darkness in the future for dozens of breaths were all clear in Xiao Ye's eyes, and there were no secrets at all, allowing him to take advantage of the opportunity.

"At the same time urging thirty-six principles of supremacy, it is the limit of the current dark torrent!" Xiao Ye's eyes shone with divine light.


He had already discovered that the more the Supreme Dao burst out, the weaker the aura around the dark torrent.

He speculated that only one third of Qiu Yuan's supreme will to achieve this step was the limit.

Thirty-six principles of supremacy, no matter what Xiao Ye is today, the torrent of darkness itself is also declining.

It can be said.

Xiao Ye has seen the dawn of victory!

"But it can't be delayed for too long, it must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise I will miss the opportunity when Qiu Yuan and the other two return!"

Xiao Ye yelled, and his fighting strength was all out and launched a fierce attack.

Time and space meet the storm of fate, raging across the world.

But the next moment, his heart jumped suddenly and his expression changed drastically.

He saw the dark torrent, the next move.

as predicted.


The dark torrent suddenly swayed back, and then the heroic and handsome, sturdy **** emerged from the misty stream of light.

It's Aman!

The dark torrent escaped from that time and space and also swept away Aman.


Aman's whole body screamed, blood spattered, and then turned into a cloud of fresh air, blending into the fuzzy figure.

"Aman is actually dead. The Aman I saw is just a clone of the dark torrent!"

Xiao Ye's pupils shrank, and his face was full of shock.

Aman had flesh and blood, was an innate god, had self-awareness, and regarded himself as a disciple of Qiu Yuan, who could have thought.

The other party turned out to be just a clone?

This method of avatar is too clever!


Xiao Ye shouted, manipulating the flow of time to force it up.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the vague figure shrouded by the torrent of darkness has become clear and turned into a young man.

He has the handsome appearance of a human race, the sturdy body of a **** beast, and his body has the lines of heaven like the growth rings of a tree, and his expression is indifferent.

This is what Qiu Yuan looks like.

the difference is.

This young man, covered with a black robe, stabilized his declining breath, and then soared.

Aman is a clone, and part of the supreme will is gone.

right now.

This part of the return of the supreme will has caused the state of the dark torrent to be restored instantly, and the time order that Xiao Ye called could hardly affect the opponent.

The scope of Xiao Ye's deduction of the dark torrent's future actions has also been reduced from tens of interest rates to several interest rates.


Xiao Ye stopped and stared at the young man, with palpitations.

Qiu Yuan after more than a thousand stacks is even more terrifying. He can produce so many twists and turns just by confronting him.

"The strongest ancestor **** in the world?"

The dark torrent of eyes swept towards Xiao Ye, "No, you are not the ancestor god, the ancestor **** is not strong enough, let alone avoid my cause and effect, and achieve two great avenues!"


When Xiao Ye heard the words, his figure shook.

Has his secret, his identity, been discovered?

(The second one is here!)