Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 546: Crisis

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Elder Yang looked helplessly at Xiao Ye.

In Tong Tian Baolu, Xiao Ye has apparently fully realized it, and then he only needs to operate on his own to improve his proficiency, which he cannot teach.

It turned out that he thought that three days was too short for Xiao Ye, and he wouldn’t have much success for Tong Tian Baolu, so he was hesitating, whether to extend it, give Xiao Ye more time, after all Wang Chi is his place, and even the holy palace master will not bother.

I didn't know until now that the three-day period is not too short, but a little more!

"Yes, Elder Yang, the disciple quit." Xiao Ye finished, saluting Elder Yang with a fist, smiling and turned away from the space of the stone house.

"With so many Wang Jing and Tong Tian Bao recorded in his body, coupled with this boy's own qualifications and perception is terrible, this time going out to experience, there should not be too much danger, I hope he can grow up as soon as possible Get up." Elder Yang watched Xiao Ye leave, secretly thinking.

Soon, Xiao Ye left the area where the Lingwangchi was located.

At the same time, an elegant and elegant young man came out of the darkness. He looked at Xiao Ye's back and his face was uncertain.

He was sent by Wu Pojun to monitor Xiao Ye's Fan Li.

"Xiao Ye, this guy actually came to Elder Yang, and he was alone with Elder Yang for three days!" Fan Li's eyes flashed coldly.

Elder Yang's attraction to the disciples of the Temple of Characters, he also heard a lot during this time.

Therefore, during the time when Xiao Ye and Elder Yang were alone, they might have been passed down by Elder Yang.


Fan Li's fists clenched slowly, his knuckles were pale, his heart was full of jealous flames.


"Why is this kid from Dongzhou able to make a splash in the evaluation of the Temple of Local Characters, and can also gain the attention of the ten law enforcement elders of the Temple of Local Characters, and now even Yang Elder looks at each other differently!"

"Why not such a good treatment!"

Fan Chenzhong roared, feeling very unwilling.

"But this time, no matter how lucky you are, Xiao Ye can't live anymore!" Thinking of Lin Feng's preparations to deal with Xiao Ye, even if it fails, Jun Shitian will also be on the birthday of the holy palace for two hundred years. When he returned, he shot himself, and he felt a thrill in his heart.


After Xiao Ye left for a long time, Fan Li concealed his body, lest he be discovered by Elder Yang, and then leave quietly.

Fan Li followed Xiao Ye and returned to the space where the Temple of Characters was located, and then came to the residence of Wu Pojun.

At this time, Wu Pojun was sitting cross-legged on the futon to practice, exuding the mighty momentum of Wang Wu. It was very shocking. Heaven and earth were swarming and engulfed by the king behind him.

"Let you follow Xiao Ye. Why didn't you come back now?" Wu Pojun saw Fan Li, stopped practicing, and said impatiently.

Fan Li shook his body, but still smiled and said with a smile: "Because Brother Shi did not dare to explain to Brother Wu, he was always staring at Xiao Ye's every move and waited until he left, and then immediately returned to Brother Wu. ."

"Don't talk nonsense, tell Xiao Ye's whereabouts." Wu Pojun's face was a little slow, but he said indifferently.

"Yes!" Fan Li nodded, and then said Xiao Ye's whereabouts in the past two days.


Wu Pojun's face changed a lot, his body jumped up, and an extremely powerful wave of Wang Wu broke out, causing the walls to shake.

"You mean, Elders Xiao Ye and Yang stayed alone for three days?" Wu Pojun asked in a staring manner, staring at Fan Li.

"Yes, Brother Wu, I suspect that Xiao Ye, the young man, may have obtained the heritage of Elder Yang. We might as well pass it now and ask Elder Yang’s heritage to force him out, so that Brother Wu will be in the Temple of the Earth's Temple in the future. , Sure to quickly improve!" Fan Li saw Wu Pojun's reaction, he was very happy, and quickly suggested.

He wished he could use Wu Pojun to deal with Xiao Ye, making Xiao Ye unlucky immediately.

However, Wu Pojun heard this sentence, but looked at Fan Li with a sneer, making Fan Li guilty for a while.

With Wu Pojun's knowledge, of course he can guess what Fan Centri was thinking, but he was too lazy to care.

"Well, Xiao Ye can get the inheritance of Elder Yang. This is the best way. I will go to Elder Yang to meet the wall again. But if I want to shoot, it will not be now." Wu Pojun said coldly, let Fan A little startled.

"Although it is said that the ten law enforcement elders are still at the holy palace, but if we force Xiao Ye too much and wait for the law enforcement elders to come back, they will definitely impose sanctions on us.

"The best way is to wait until Xiao Ye, the little boy, goes out with us to practice."

"At that time, Emperor Tiangao will be far away. Even if this kid has great ability, he can't escape my palm. As for Elder Yang's inheritance, it's still not in hand." Wu Pojun said with a sneer, his eyes fiery.

He seems to have seen the scene where he received the inheritance of Elder Yang from Xiao Ye and then soared all the way in the Temple of Earth.

It's a pity that Fan centrifuged in the dark, but on the surface, he said respectfully: "Brother Wu has a way, it's my eyesight."

"Well, go down, keep me staring at Xiao Ye. From now to go out to practice, you have to give me all the information about Xiao Ye, truthfully." Wu Pojun said.

"Yes." Fan Li saluted Wu Pojun, then turned away.

Fan Li started to squat near Xiao Ye's small yard, while practicing by himself, while paying attention to Xiao Ye's movements.

Time is like an arrow, fleeting.

During this time, Xiao Ye has not walked out of his own small courtyard. Fan Li only sees a purple light from time to time, rising from the sky in Xiao Ye's courtyard.

At the same time, Wang Wu's momentum released by Xiao Ye is constantly improving.

"What the **** is going on, what's going on with this kid, and why Xiuwei will improve so fast!" Once again feeling that Xiao Ye's Wang Wu's momentum was improving, Fan Cunqi couldn't help but jumped hard and was completely stunned.

The speed of Xiao Ye's cultivation is too exaggerated.

I'm afraid it won't take long for Xiao Ye to catch up with the only advantage in cultivation.

Twelve days later, Xiao Ye, Wu Pojun and others agreed to go out and practice together, instead of Lin Feng looking for the gift to the holy palace.

On this day, the rising sun was rising, a magnificent golden light was blooming, and Wu Pojun, who was carrying a heavy long sword, took a dozen or so disciples in the temple, and came out of the sky. Everyone looked energetic, extraordinary, and strong. .

"Brother Xiao Ye, come out quickly, let's go with us!" Wu Pojun stared at Xiao Ye's detached small courtyard and said coldly, his voice spread like thunder.