Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5512: His heritage

With the arrival of Shiyi, the ancestor gods in the heavenly court all realized that Wu Zhuo's meditative practice was absolutely extraordinary.

Millions of years passed.

Shi Yi still did not leave, nor did he communicate with other ancestor gods, just standing high in the sky, quietly staring at Wu Zhuo.

As the master of time in this era, Shiyi showed up a handful of times, and the only few times were all caused by Xiao Ye's alarm.

right now.

But staying in the central court for millions of years has already caused a sensation in the outside world.

Over the years, on the mountain of Zhuofeng, the mysterious patterns and patterns have become brighter, and they are constantly flashing, as if breathing with Wu Zhuo, the power that exudes has truly spread. The sacred soil of Heavenly Court has been infiltrated.

The perfect creatures in the blessed world are all in a trance, as if inadvertently, they have passed thousands of years, and their experiences since their birth have formed a variety of pictures that reflect in front of them.

Under the nuisance of these feelings, it is difficult for a perfect creature to settle into concentration, and cast a horrified look in the direction of Zhuofeng.

They don't need an explanation from the ancestors, they can guess it too.

What can bring them this kind of feeling is definitely the Avenue of Honor.

The breath of the Grand Avenue is radiating in the heaven!

As for the ancestors, there is also a storm in their hearts.

Because another big man has come to the door.

That is Yin Badu with strong body and loose hair.

As the leader of today's destiny group and one of the ancient gods, Yin Badu's status needn't be said much. Although it is not a master, it can also override all directions, representing another ultimate figure of the avenue of respect.

These two great figures obviously came to the door because of Wu Chou, making the heavens tremble.

But the ancestors have no intention of caring about these.

Because of these comparisons, Zhuo Feng, or Wu Zhuo's changes, are worth noting.

The Heavenly Court, which was rebuilt after the ruin era, only taught the ancestor gods to practice, and there is no trace of the avenue of respect.

Now, because of the shamanism, the aura of the avenue of noble grades appears, what kind of miracle is this?

The ancestors cannot understand at all.

When time passed another 100 million years.

A centerline emerged on Wu Zhuo's body.

With this as the boundary, Wu Zhuo's body became intertwined with light and dark, half crystal clear, half covered with white hair.

"The ancestors of the world thought it was too difficult to get the guidance of the ancient gods."

"But I don't know that the Cangjing Pavilion is a huge treasure, and even the inheritance left behind by the great ancestor!"

Wu Zhuo's eyes were brilliant.

The various chaotic mysteries, practice methods, and items that dominate the war in the Tianting Tibetan Scripture Pavilion are indeed huge treasures.

After he became enlightened, he began to contact and accumulated for many years. After becoming the Lord of Heaven, he became hungry for the realization, not only found a way to sweep the ancestral gods of the same generation, but also had more feelings.

And this feeling gave him not superb combat power, but something related to the two great avenues.


The ancestors of this era, with the supreme glory and enlightenment, are unwilling to be left behind, and are eager to improve their realm. How can they spend a long time reading all the scriptures in the Tibetan Scriptures like him?

After comprehending these feelings, Wu Zhuo went to the world.

At this moment, the full body of the ancestor **** was more like a huge melting pot with a hundred scriptures hidden inside.

The resonance of a hundred scriptures, blending together, not only gave Wu Zhuo a qualitative sublimation, but also had infinite magical effects. The power of neutrality and peace was rumbling, constantly rushing out of the body, and surging in this remote place.

The center line of Wu Zhuo's body has also become the dividing line of this remote place, with light and dark intertwined, as if day and night coexist.

at this time.

Wu Zhuo at the top of Zhuo Feng suddenly rose into the sky.

He has gone back to the basics and returned to the truth. At this moment, he is like a mortal, without the spread of the supreme will, without the main rank and the patriarchal avenue ascending, raising his arms, and evolving the trajectory of the Tao in the void.

This kind of trajectory shares the same vitality with Shiming Qiankun.

It was Wu Zhuo who spent more than twenty years of the Epoch to experience the world and the world, and gained from the two great masters.

He is imitating the trajectory of the two great avenues!


In an instant, the heavens and the earth trembled, and the hearts of the heavens boiled, and it seemed that even the heavens were dragged, and there was a chaotic nebula that fell straight down from the heavens, covering this area.

This kind of nebula.

Compared to dominating Unicom Tiandao, it is many times worse, but it is also amazing.

Wu Zhuo's hands kept shooting, causing the Chaos Nebula to constantly change, and a little bit of starlight continued to escape and merge into this remote place.

To the left of the dividing line, there is a dark night.

At this moment, there are signs of great roads constantly appearing, interweaving the heaven and the earth, condensing a unique flow of time.

To the right of the dividing line, there is light.

There is another avenue symbol flickering, condensing the realm of fate of one side.

The drastic changes that occurred in remote places were also present in Wu Zhuo.

The heavens cried forever, as sharp as a carving knife, carving a new avenue brand on the body of the shaman's ancestor god.

"The seeds of the avenue of time and destiny have appeared!"

The ancestral gods gathered in the distance were all sucking in cold air.

They have no way of knowing what happened and why it was so.

But they really felt the changes in Wu Zhuo's body.


In this unique way, at the same time comprehend the two great avenues of honor!

"It's done!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Yin Badu's mouth, "This little guy has the style of Xiao Ye!"

To comprehend the Great Way of Respect, must be taught by the master, can't it be comprehended alone?

Do not!

Xiao Ye was reincarnated in the Destiny Desolate World.

In that place, the avenue of destiny is the main theme, and all other avenues are not visible or perceivable.

However, Xiao Ye used extraordinary means to break through the imprisonment, guide time, and guide ten thousand ways, appearing in the destiny wasteland one after another, driving the destiny wasteland to evolve.

In the end, Xiao Ye comprehended all Wan Dao, and since then embarked on the road of super ancestors.

The ancestral **** heaven is not as special as the destiny waste world, and is in chaos.

Time and the order of the Dao of Destiny exist in all parts of Chaos, without any bans, except that the gods of the Dao of Destiny cannot perceive them.

It was naturally much easier for Wu Zhuo to guide, and he succeeded in doing it, letting the essence of the heavens manifest, and then using this to get started.

This is much smarter than the master and minister, because one is passive acceptance and the other is active participation, which is like the difference between a book writer and a reader.

"It's hard to imagine that he can really get this far..."

Shiyi was also embarrassed.

Even if he knows the past, present, and future, there will be variables for things that have not happened.

Seeing with his own eyes, the future vision he saw came true, he still felt incredible.

The man who retired in the Xiao family land created a new miracle.

(First one!)