Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5527: Very different

Wu Zhuo appeared to attend the appointment, and he attracted the attention of countless creatures.

People such as Xiao Nian, Xiao Bai, Ying Shao, etc. all used the Secret Technique of Chaos to perceive for the first time, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

The realm of witchcraft--

The pinnacle of the three turns of Heaven!

A few times of the Periphery, plus the blessing of a five-fold time advantage, such an increase in speed is reasonable when placed in the ancestral gods.

But compared to Taiqiong, it is a thousand miles away!

In this state, dare to go to the appointment?


"Boss Xiao Ye's famous name will not be destroyed in the hands of this little guy!" Xiao Bai sighed, stroking his forehead, and Xiao Nian couldn't laugh or cry.

His father is so heroic.

Cheng Wen and Cheng Yi under the seat had already possessed dominance-level combat power, and even Lin Wen, who had the worst starting point, was also the top powerhouse on the Heavenly Dao Ranking.

After so many years, he accepted disciples again.

Why did you find such an ordinary ancestor?

Wu Zhuo's footprints spread, and the more gods who perceive his realm, the louder the controversy.

Wu Zhuo's expression was calm, and he was on his way in earnest.

A hundred years later.

Among the ten elusive forbidden heavens, they are already on the list.

The emptiness here, yin and yang are indistinguishable, turbid and unclear, and the universe is not visible. The source of all treasures-the central sacred court is here.


Here is another huge arena that shapes the universe.

Ancient gods such as Nandu, Fule, Cheng Wen, Cheng Yi, and Mutsu were all waiting nearby.


There is also a wave of supreme energy permeating, faintly reflecting a figure of heavenly path.


The confrontation between Taiqiong and Wuzhuo, after the tenth century, also attracted the attention of the master.

This ring has become the most eye-catching place in the entire chaos.

"Wu Zhuo, if I were you, I would hide."

"It's better to be a turtle than to die here."

On the ring, Tai Qiong, who closed his eyes and meditated, suddenly opened his sharp eyes. After seeing the realm of shamanism, a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"This is probably the difference between you and me."

Wu Zhuo said in a dull voice, while looking at the ancestral gods around the ring, with a bit of sorrow, "The ancestral gods who became enlightened at the same time, now only you and me are left."

"Green leaves, after all, are just green leaves. No amount of them will help. Withering is their destiny."

"You too."

Tai Qiong said coldly.

Wu Zhuo stopped speaking and stepped onto the ring.


The soles of Wu Zhuo's feet had just touched the ring, and there was a sound of wind and thunder rolling, and the divine power of the ancestor **** that covered the sky and the sun rushed toward Wu Zhuo with great power.

This scene caused the ancient gods nearby to frown slightly.

Taiqiong is still as arrogant as ever.

He didn't have any scruples at all, and he didn't plan to give Wu Zhuo a chance to take the stage. Instead, he had to take advantage of a high level to overthrow the opponent directly.

"Taiqiong, you are really impatient!"

But seeing Wu Zhuo not in a hurry, his right hand sticks out, and his five fingers are rhythmically pressed toward the rushing divine power.

Bo! Bo! Bo!

Just like a drop of water and a stone pierced through it, the ancestral god's divine power was pressed out of five holes in a short time, and it was immediately torn by the witch, and a crack appeared.

Wu Zhuo stepped calmly, traversing through the cracks, and standing on the ring.


The color of the sky is slightly changed.

With his realm, the ancestor god's divine power was so strong that it was more than enough to smash some of the strongest in the heavens, but in the end he did not play the realm advantage and was easily resolved by the witch clumsy.

"Witch's counterattack is very clever."

"He used Lishen's'Power Avenue' to send out hundreds of thousands of heavy shocks in an instant, which defeated Taiqiong's supernatural power interception!"

Ying Shao's eyes lit up.

Descendants of Lishen, Shenli possesses a natural advantage because of the original power avenue.

This is a kind of patriarchal road.

As long as it is Lishen, they can control it, but few can achieve this level of shamelessness.

Because that requires an essential understanding and superb control of the Force Avenue, rather than the most superficial push.

"No matter how superb your methods are, as long as my realm crushes you, I can drive you into the abyss!"

With a long roar from Taiqiong, the entire arena was shaking. Even if the various primitive-level god-level formations were operating in time, a large number of gods nearby were still watching the battle.

I don't know how many tens of thousands of supernatural powers, like a dam opening the gate, pouring out from Taiqiong, covering the entire arena.

Tai Qiong raised his arms and shocked the universe, as if stirring the ocean on the bottom of the sea. One hundred thousand powers of the heavens were attracted by him, like a dragon rushing out of his palm, causing endless waves to be set off on the ring. , Unparalleled strength, overlapping layers, converging towards Wuchou.

This is an overbearing offensive that makes the spectators' minds condensed.

This level of duel.

Confronting the enemy with divine power and heavenly power are the most common methods. It can be seen that Tai Qiong is looking down at the witch clumsy.

There is no suspense.

Wu Zhuo's figure was like a rootless duckweed being rolled up, and there was a creaking sound. Bloodstains continued to appear on his body, and he couldn't hold the offensive at all.

But at the moment.

Wu Zhuo's body suddenly became brighter.

Strange divine veins began to light up from the abdomen and extended to the center of the eyebrows.

This is a witchcraft, a cultivation method that works in harmony with oneself, and the divine vein formed by the imprint of the great road sinking into the body, no other ancestor **** has ever possessed.

At the moment when this kind of divine vein emerged, Wuchou's bones and muscles trembled with a certain pattern, and the toughness was greatly improved, and the bloodstains of the body's cracking were constantly disappearing.

The speed of reshaping is even the same as the speed of cracking.


At the same time, Wu Zhuo shouted, struggling to stabilize his figure, and also raised his arms, pushing the endless waves in the opposite direction.

It is different from Taiqiong.

Every time Wu Zhuo shakes his arms, there is no Daoguang, but it contains Dao rhyme, and there is a sense of returning to the basics. Although it can't resolve the endless waves, it really blocks it.


Taiqiong was so moved, it was incredible.

In the chaos, the same kind of innate god, even if it is only a small realm away, is enough to crush a person, let alone the witchcraft realm, which is a thousand miles worse than him.

It stands to reason that with a high-level advantage, he doesn't need to show too much, it is enough to easily crush the witchcraft. Why did the two attacks fail?

"Taiqiong, distracted in battle, it's not something you can do with a genius..."

A loud shout suddenly exploded in front of Tai Qiong.

It was Wu Chou, not only blocked the stormy waves, but also rushed into the front of Taiqiong, a fist was overflowing with light, and it hit directly.

Taiqiong snorted coldly. He didn't evade, the body of the ancestor **** was soaring rapidly, his eyes were like the sun and the moon, a big hand protruding out, and he held the fist dropped by Wu Chou, "Since I know I am a genius, then You should understand that you don't have any chance in front of me!"

(The second one!)