Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 558: Race against time

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

Where can the disciples of the local character temple guess Wu Pojun's thoughts and believe his truth?

Afterwards, the disciples of the Temple of Characters stood up one after another, preparing to leave the area with Wu Pojun.

"No, Brother Xiao Ye seems to be still practicing elsewhere. I'll call him over." At this moment, a young man suddenly thought of the forgotten Xiao Ye, and said quickly, toward the place where Xiao Ye was finished. Away.

"Brother Xiao Ye likes to practice alone, so don't disturb me." Wu Pojun flew over and stopped the young man, said coldly, his eyes flashed coldly, the meaning was very obvious.

The young man stunned slightly, and then seemed to think of something, so he stopped talking and turned back.

Other disciples of the Temple of Local Characters also noticed that Wu Pojun's attitude was not right, and his expression suddenly became weird.

They are not blind. On the way, Wu Pojun's dissatisfaction with Xiao Ye, they all look at the bottom of their hearts, so guess this time, it is estimated that Wu Pojun is looking for excuses to adjust Xiao Ye.

But none of them dared to stand up and speak, after all, standing behind Wu Pojun, but who dared offend Lin Feng, the first demon disciple of the main hall?

You know, they can rely on Lin Feng to go out to practice this time. In the final analysis, they can be regarded as Lin Feng’s people. It is good not to help Wu Ye to deal with Xiao Ye. How can they help Xiao Ye get ahead?

"Okay, let's go. I hope you understand that everything I'm doing now is the advice of Brother Lin Feng. If anyone dares to destroy, I will definitely report to Brother Lin Feng when I go back." Wu Pojun threatened.

More than a dozen disciples suddenly froze and left the area under his leadership.

"Huh? How did these disciples of Taiyi Holy Palace leave!"

"Yeah, it's so weird. How can they give up the opportunity to practice in Chaoyang Valley?"

"Cut, do you need to say more? They must have seen it, then it is impossible for a small number of people to compete with us, so they obediently left."


More than twenty disciples of the remaining Sixiangmen noticed the movements of Wu Pojun and others, and they could not help but talk, and the voice was full of disdain, and there were even two young people who thought that Wu Pojun and others were afraid. Intentionally escaped, ready to catch up and intercept.

"Give me back, and practice here obediently!" Qilian Mountain stood up and could not help shouting.

Hearing Qilian Mountain's scolding, the two young men could not help but shrink their necks, and then walked back honestly.

"From now on, you don’t need to worry about anything. Practice here with peace of mind. Who dares to disobey me? Don’t blame me for being merciless!" Qi Lianshan finished, his figure rising into the sky, walking towards a certain direction in the basin And go.

The remaining four Xiangmen disciples faced each other.

Although Qilian Mountain is very strong, his personality is still very good, and he just got angry.

"Okay, don't make trouble, let's listen to Brother Qi, and practice well here, how about the disciples of Taiyi Sheng Palace, we don't need to care." A beautiful woman said.

Her words fell, and the more than twenty disciples of the Four Elephants shook their heads. They stopped thinking and continued to practice.

On the other side, Qilian Mountain walked through the air, relying on the movements of cultivation, and soon found Xiao Ye in a dense forest.

At this time, Xiao Ye was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and the cultivation methods of the four emperors' Gong Wu Wuju and Tongtian Baolu were working together. While absorbing the majestic energy of the world, he was still refining Wang Jing's energy, and then quietly Infused into the four king realms.

Wu Pojun did not guess wrong, and now Xiao Ye is indeed at a critical juncture in cultivation, closing off his senses, otherwise disciples of Sixiangmen will have so much movement that they should have been awake long ago.

"I'm still practicing. I don't even know when I'm close. It seems that this hands-on can definitely succeed." Qilian Mountain's figure was hidden behind a jungle, looking at Xiao Ye's appearance, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"I don't know where his fierce beast of the imperial vein?" Qi Lianshan looked around immediately, and didn't find any shadow of the beast, frowned.

Isn't Wu Pojun playing him?

"The matter is here, no matter whether it is true or false, try to say it again." Qi Lianshan gritted his teeth, his silver hair fluttered, and then his body burst into a rush, quickly rushing towards Xiao Ye.


Qilian Mountain raised his hand, the energy in his palm was immense, and he was about to shoot at Xiao Ye.



An incredible white shadow approached suddenly from the sky and culled towards Qilian Mountain from the side.

"What!" Qilian Mountain was taken aback, this white shadow was too fast.

Qilian Mountain's cultivation was high and deep, and the response was also very rapid. I saw him change quickly, and the palm fell towards the white shadow.

Uh! Uh!

Unexpectedly, the white shadow was also very flexible. Before the palm of Qilian Mountain came, it changed the offensive line several times, flashing Hanmang's claws towards him.


The twinkling paws and the defense built by Qilian Mountain with Wang Wu's strength trembled, and then a small hole appeared, and the paw continued to advance, suddenly making Qilian Mountain's cheeks burst into fiery pain.


Qi Lianshan's heart suddenly jumped, and he quickly rushed back. He touched his palm toward his cheek and found that five blood stains had appeared on his cheek, and blood was flowing.

"damn it!"

Qi Lianshan was furious, and then his eyes were fixed, because what attacked him was actually a fluffy beast the size of a slap. At this time, he was floating in front of him, and a pair of smart eyes flashed with monstrous coldness.

"Is this the beast of the imperial veins?" Qi Lianshan was stunned for a moment, then ecstatic.

The speed that Xiao Bai showed just now, as well as the destructive power of the claw, almost even he spoke, which is too terrible.

"Haha, I'm really a god. If I can conquer this beast, I will definitely rise quickly among the disciples of Sixiangmen in the future." Qi Lianshan said in excitement.

Unfortunately, after Xiaobai's troubles, Xiao Ye was very likely to wake up.

"You must not let the kid come up with the Heavenly Martial Order, otherwise I will die, and I must seize the time!" Qilian Mountain's eyes icy cold.

next moment--


Qi Lianshan's swaying figure made ten identical people appear on the field. He wanted to break through Xiaobai's blockade and then launched a fatal blow to Xiao Ye.


I saw that Xiaobai was angry, and looked up and roared, and the original petite body began to grow bigger.