Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5625: Return to the ordinary

It's not just Cheng Wen brother and sister.

People such as Mutsu, the Four True Spirits, Nandu, Fowler, and others all have such emotions.

under normal circumstances.

It is almost impossible for an innate **** to cultivate to the Ninth Revolution of Heaven.

However, they have experienced several great changes in the world, coupled with various opportunities, and they have reached this level step by step.


They are already standing on top of the innate gods, and even possessing dominance-level combat power, but that realm is still out of reach.

There is no chance to take that step.

Time after time passed, watching the gods in the world break through one by one, but they were eternal and unchanging. That kind of mood is hard for ordinary people to understand.

They began to understand.

Dominate their mood.

But the ruler of the world also has the opportunity to obtain the method of ascending dimension taught by Xiao Ye.

After solving the Eternal Sky, they have continued to study in addition to the prosperity of the world, and they may hope to improve again.

But what about them?

With the passage of time, one can only feel the shackles of eternity.


Among the ancient gods, there are also lucky ones.

In addition to the gods of time and destiny, the most dazzling is undoubtedly Xiao Nian.

The other party has really come to the apex of a bright future.

After upgrading the Dao of Xiao to a primitive high-level, he played with the Dark God Lord, and he did not lose the wind at all, and even had a good advantage.

This makes the world sigh.

Xiao Ye disappeared, but the other party's light continued on his parents and children.

With Xiao Ye's potential, it didn't matter whether he could step into the realm of dominance, and his strength was too strong.

Under the chaos, in a certain level of world.

A azure blue planet suspended in the deep universe.

Most of the planet is ocean, and there is very little land. Because the universe is full of aura, green plants on the planet are lush, a thriving scene.

On a barren mountain.

A heroic and intimidating teenager, wearing a straw hat and burlap, is clearing wasteland.

"Brother Ye, have dinner."

A woman in a plain robe came over with a food box and smiled.

"it is good."

The young man put down his work, sat on the floor, tasting the food.

"It's really beautiful on such a day."

"Hundreds of flowers bloom in this wasteland. It must be beautiful."

The woman sat down leaning on the teenager, her face full of happiness.

She is Bingya, and the boy is Xiao Ye.

They left the chaos and came to this first-class world, living together on this planet, like a pair of most ordinary couples, never showing anything.

"I'll see it in the coming year."

Xiao Ye said vaguely, and Bingya chuckled.

An existence that stands on the top of the chaos and makes the ruler bow his head and proclaim his vassal, is willing to become a farmer in the field for her. Who will believe it?

Xiao Ye finished eating.

He wiped his mouth directly without rest, and continued to get busy.

Bing Ya carried the food box back.

Such a day, in the eyes of others, is too ordinary, but she enjoys it.

Isn't it what she is looking for when the sun rises, the sunset rests, calm and simple?

Time goes by day by day.

This wasteland has been cultivated by Xiao Ye all over, and flowers bloom in all seasons.

"People are like grass and trees, ushering in a new life after withering."

"But we are not mortals anymore, and we can't realize that kind of sadness."

Standing in the field, Xiao Ye said with emotion.

In addition to flowers, there are many new graves here.

This planet.

In addition to their husband and wife, there are also several quaint villages, where people continue to die of old age and are buried in this barren mountain.

"Brother Xiao, you always say these things that make people confused."

"You are not a mortal, are you a spiritual rank, or a holy creature?"

An aunt passed by and said with a smile.

In this first-class world, there are many mortals.

But only by breaking through to the spiritual level can you have an eternal lifespan.

When she asked questions like this, she didn't mean to make a joke at all, it was just a simple chat.

"Haha, Aunt Wang, if I existed, how could I cultivate the land here?" Xiao Ye laughed loudly.

"People, we still have to be pragmatic."

"By the way, your uncle hit a beast. In the evening, you and Ya'er will come to my house for dinner."

The aunt said, and left after speaking.

"it is good."

Xiao Ye shouted at Aunt Wang's back.

On weekdays, he often helps Aunt Wang by doing some farm work, and he has a good relationship.

Night fell.

Xiao Ye and Bingya held hands and arrived at the appointment.

Aunt Wang’s house was just an ordinary stone house, but it was cleaned up and filled with warmth.

Bing Ya rolled up her sleeves and went to the kitchen to help.

"Brother Xiao, you just came here, come and help."

A sturdy man showed a simple smile and took Xiao Ye to see today's prey.

It was a half-human demon ape with golden hair, lying in the cage, panting weakly.

Seeing Xiao Ye and Uncle Wang, people stood up and roared loudly.

But after discovering Xiao Ye, he showed a look of fear again.

The animal's instincts let him know that this young man was terrifying.

"This beast is fierce, I can't deal with it alone, fortunately you are here."

Uncle Wang greeted him and stepped forward to open the cage and slaughter him with a knife.

"Uncle Wang, the world is alive, let him go."

Xiao Ye stopped Uncle Wang and said softly.

Uncle Wang is just an ordinary person, no one can tell that this demon ape is a spirit-level creature.

I didn't know what had happened, and then became extremely weak and was caught by Uncle Wang.

Such a magic ape.

Not only can mortals not bear it, but they will also suffer terrible revenge.

Spirit-level creatures definitely have family and friends. He doesn't want simple men to suffer disaster.

"okay then."

Uncle Wang did not delve into Xiao Ye's words, and simply opened the cage.


The Demon Ape limped and walked out, shouted at Xiao Ye, leaped a few times, and left.

The dinner was quite hearty, and it was a delight for the guests and the host.

after the end.

Xiao Ye took Bingya back.

On the road, Xiao Ye suddenly changed his footsteps and walked into the mountains with Bingya.

"Are you going to see that demon ape?"

Bing Ya smiled slightly.

The demon ape in the evening was a spirit-level creature, and she also sensed it.

The other party is too weak, I'm afraid I can't go far.

as predicted.

After only half of the incense sticks, they found a cave, and inside the cave came the cries of apes one after another.

"More than one?"

Bingya was a little surprised.

Returning to the ordinary, she has never used the will of the gods to explore anything.

Inside the cave.

The half-human demon ape was sitting cross-legged, chanting something in his mouth, and there were other smaller demon apes kneeling in front of him.

These demon apes, all at the common level, are listening to the chanting, as if they are practicing.

"This demon ape knows that he has little life, so he wants to help his children and grandchildren to break through to the spiritual level?"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ye's eyes lit up and walked in.

(The second one!)