Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5628: Unbeaten in nine days and ten

He Bingya retired to the first-class world for these years.

Xiao Ye put aside his obsession and truly merged into a peaceful life. The nightmare never appeared again.

Gradually, Xiao Ye forgot about this.

It's just that there is still a trace of regret in my heart.

Whenever he thought of it, he would sigh a little.

And the encounter and change of Rhubarb gave Xiao Ye a lot of touch, thinking of himself.

In the end, he made a decision to do his best.

In this first-class world, Xiao Ye still doesn't show his Dao Fa, but his own breath is flowing, forming a domain on this planet.

This domain was born out of Tao and was perfectly controlled by Xiao Ye's law, and did not cause any harm to this first-class world or even this planet.

"Master Xiao, what level of existence is it?"

Nearby, the rhubarb being deduced noticed this field, and his face was suddenly shocked.

He is the strongest of the Golden Demon Ape.

A few years ago, I rushed to the vast universe, and I have seen the saints above him from afar, but compared with this realm, they are weak and pitiful.

Xiao Ye was sitting in the field.

The left hand is full of flowers and the leaves are withered on the right.

Rebirth and decay, only between Xiao Ye's thoughts, traces of Rhubarb's incomprehensibility are constantly surging.

at the same time.

In the chaos, a pair of heavenly eyes lit up, looking into the distance.

"In a first-class world, there is a great road of consummation ascending, is it the rule of Xiao Ye?"

"His cultivation level has been restored!"

The masters of these eyes were all masters, and they made a sound of doubt.

Xiao Ye and Bingya had been retired for many years without any news, and they were completely extinct in the world.

The feeling at this moment made them think of Xiao Ye for a moment.

In addition to dominate.

The ancient gods who were trapped in the high realm were also shocked.


They did not go ahead.

Xiao Ye retired and shouldn't be disturbed.

Regarding Xiao Ye's actions, Bing Ya also did not intervene, just watching quietly from the side.

She has been quite satisfied with the peaceful life these years.

time flies.

In the domain that Xiao Ye had molded, the transpiring light became more and more flaming. To open up new things in nothingness, the world-famous vitality directly reflected in the chaos.

In a flash.

The ten great forbidden heavens of chaos and a hundred small forbidden heavens are all caught in violent shaking, and all the avenues have emerged, making the whole chaos restless.

As for the heavens, it is trembling more and more, the chaotic nebula evolved from Tianxin is wailing more and more, and it seems to be shaken by some kind of mighty force.

"The Dao of Heaven has been shaken!"

The masters couldn't sit still, a little horrified.

Looking back on the past years.

Every time the Dao of Heaven is shaken, it represents Da E.

Since Eternal Sky has been eliminated, why does Xiao Ye still behave like this?

No one can guess this answer.

Fortunately, after a few months, this scene disappeared.

On the azure blue planet, Xiao Ye also stopped, the domain he had formed disappeared and stepped out.

Obviously, he failed.

"Using my own method to penetrate through the heavenly realms and shape a path to the supreme realm, this idea is indeed feasible."

"However, we have to abandon the old road and create from scratch."

"After all, the current practice system of the heavens and all realms is the product of the evolution of the heavens. I want to succeed, and I cannot rely on this system."

Xiao Ye muttered to himself softly, summing up the experience of failure.

"Brother Ye!"

Bingya came over, "Let's work first, without your care, many flowers are dead."


Xiao Ye laughed, wearing a straw hat, carrying farm tools and walking up the barren mountain.

Same as in the past.

Xiao Ye still took a long time to complete his own vision.

the difference is.

Xiao Ye never showed the Tao, nor did he use it. Instead, he studied the common law.

In several quaint villages, there are common laws circulating.

The villagers are more or less familiar. First, they can keep fit, and second, they can gain strong strength and hunt for fruit.

Xiao Ye made improvements directly on the basis of these ordinary methods.


Bingya was a little surprised.

In Xiao Ye's realm, vomiting profound sounds is incredibly subtle, and can create countless ancient scriptures in an instant.

How can I invest such energy in researching Fanfa?

What Bingya didn't know was.

Xiao Ye wanted to endow this ordinary method with the ability to detach from its essence.

"The cultivation system of the heavens and the realms, where the rank is the starting point."

"I want to shape the path to the supreme realm. The starting point is naturally very important, just like cultivating perfect creatures."

Xiao Ye's eyes flickered.

The Fanfa in the quaint village, under his improvement, has become extremely large, and even the strong Saint-rank will have a headache when they see it, and they don't know where to start.

Xiao Ye pondered a little.

On the basis of complexity, it is carried out to reduce the size and simplify the volume.


A mysterious, simple and easy to understand ordinary method appeared from Xiao Ye's hands.

"Brother Xiao, do you still know this?"

"Can you cultivate immortality by practicing your improved common law?"

A woman with a rickety figure and all her teeth came up, her face full of wrinkles.

This is Aunt Wang.

Decades have passed, she has become too old, more than a few years old.

She and Uncle Wang had already found the cemetery, and when they were about to die, they lay in.

"Maybe it can."

Xiao Ye showed a smile.

"it is good!"

"Then I will try, my great-grandson was born, and I want to watch him get married."

Aunt Wang laughed.

At this age, she doesn't have much desire. The only hope is that she can be with her and her grandchildren will grow longer.

The villagers in the nearby villages were gradually getting old, but Xiao Ye and Bingya still looked unchanged, which made Aunt Wang realize that this couple might not be ordinary people.

Aunt Wang didn't have much understanding.

But after taking away the common method that Xiao Ye created, only a month has passed, and there has been some gains.

As she breathed, her internal organs burst into thunder, and she was able to throw away her crutches and walk like flying.

"Brother Xiao, what is your technique?"

The nearby villages were all exploded, and all the villagers came to seek the law, and their eyes revealed their desire for health and longevity.

"Nine days and ten undefeated first achievements."

Xiao Ye was serious and chose a name on the spot.


Bing Ya was amused immediately, but her heart was full of shock.

She clearly saw it.

After Aunt Wang practiced this kind of ordinary method, there was a faint light in her body!

The rules of the first-class world are the sacred roads formed after the weakening of the avenue.

Now a mortal, Daoguang can appear in his body, how incredible it is!

The reason.

It was Xiao Ye who integrated the many great avenues into the most obvious and easy way to obtain the first unbeaten skill in the nine heavens and ten places. As long as the cultivation is successful, and there is no need to understand, those great avenues can gradually surround the body.

This is like the blood of innate gods, but it is more terrifying.

This is teaching the Tao to all!

(First one!)