Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5643: When the morning hears, you can die at n

The brand-new practice system circulating in Huayun's great realm has caused a sensation in the major worlds, and it continues.

This big world.

Like an abyss, I don't know how many sacred peak powerhouses have been swallowed, making the other first-level worlds filled with a heavy atmosphere.

The practitioners of the new system in the Huayun Great Realm are too strong. The creatures of the old system, let alone contend with the realm, will even be beaten across the boundary.

Wanting to be strong is simply unrealistic.

Otherworldly creatures.

The initial ambition and greed gradually extinguished.

They lowered their stance, came across the border, and began to sincerely ask for advice.

It's too difficult to transform the gods.

The new system, unfathomable, gave them hope.

Even if there were countless corpses in front of them, they still couldn't stop their urge to seek the law.

"It would be better if it was so long ago."

"What kind of madness, we really have to be willing to kill your great world extinct."

Aunt Wang made such a voice.

She had just walked out of the quaint village, she was very simple, and she was the least likely to be killed.

She took the lead in expressing her position.

Willing to share a new practice system with holy creatures from other worlds.


The new system holy steps that Xiao Ye developed had already touched on enlightenment, and there were too many complicated and unpredictable mysteries.

these years.

The creatures in the Huayun Great Realm, after entering the holy stage, are all stuck in this level.

Therefore, more holy creatures are needed to join in to overcome the problem of enlightenment.

For a time.

The title of Fairy King has resounded in other worlds and gained great fame.

The holy creatures of other worlds are naturally grateful to Aunt Wang.

After obtaining a new system of methods, they immediately dissipated gong and started to practice again.

In these years of battle, they have already deeply realized that the terrible new system is naturally not hesitating now.

It's like a single spark in a prairie fire.

The brand-new practice system has spread quickly in one big world after another.

of course.

The Huayun Great Realm has obtained Xiao Ye's evolution and has the unique conditions for a new practice system, so all the creatures from other worlds have moved here one after another.

As time goes by.

This deep universe has become overcrowded, and there are shadows of creatures everywhere, but it still doesn't appear crowded.

Because Aunt Wang and others were shocked to discover.

This deep universe circling the Daoguang, like life, is still growing.

As the Huayun realm, the most supreme place.

The azure blue planet has also undergone some changes recently.

There are magical materials collected from all parts of the universe, piled up on this planet, forming an incredible array, with strands of patterns flowing, expounding the heaven and the earth.

"Ah, it's hot!"

"Master Xiao, why do you treat me as a guinea pig!"

Rhubarb is yelling in the array.

The strands of patterns, with endless flames, scorched his golden hair, his body was bald, and his skin was open and fleshy.

"Seeing that you have been energetic recently, throw you in to consume some energy, so as not to harm people."

Xiao Ye stood with his hand in hand, standing in front of the big formation.

Eternal Sky is the most stunning existence in the history of Chaos, and no one can control the entire Chaos because of its mastery of formation.

But his former realm was too high, he had detached from the Qitian realm, and he knew the truth of chaos, so the formation of his formation was naturally not a problem.

Such a large array is based on local materials and arrangements.

After many years of silence.

Xiao Ye finally had a new move.

"This little guy, the Holy Bone is really good."

Xiao Ye's eyes fell on the fire unicorn in the formation, just like the rhubarb.

This fire unicorn is a natural holy clan, who controls the unicorn holy fire. In this kind of big formation, it feels like a fish in the water, and it is very enjoyable.

Xiao Ye watched silently.

From time to time, he raised his hand, grabbed some magical material from the universe, and continued to bless the formation.

After so many years of changes.

In Huayun Great Realm, some chaotic magical materials were also born.

A few days passed.

The formation pattern flowing in the large formation has overwhelmed the sky, the turbulent fire is everywhere, the rhubarb is burned all over, and lying on the ground panting weakly.

The fire unicorn was also faltering, but still able to bear it, looking at Rhubarb, his eyes were full of schadenfreude.

At last.

Bingya still couldn't stand it anymore and brought the rhubarb out.



At the same time, the fire unicorn roared, the unicorn sacred fire was suppressed, the body began to crack, and the burned sacred bones were deforming.

"Brother Ye, what are you going to do?"

Bing Ya frowned slightly.

She originally thought that Xiao Ye left this fire unicorn to let the other party modify the new system and experiment.

In the end, Xiao Ye sacrificed this kind of big formation, so she refined the fire unicorn, which made her naturally puzzled.

"In this world, there are different ways to achieve the same goal."

"A weed is also absorbing the essence of heaven and earth to strengthen itself."

"He has the supreme sacred bone, but the sacred liquid in his body is not pure, but it conceals the sacred bone, causing him to become a dust among the holy creatures, and it is difficult to get ahead."

Xiao Ye said calmly.


Bingya suddenly changed her face when she heard the words.

These words reminded her of Xiao Ye herself.

After the battle with Eternal Sky, Xiao Ye's body and law were still there, surpassing the ruler.

But because of the invasion of Eternal Sky's new law, it was entangled in the body and couldn't get rid of it. Then the realm fell and the cultivation level could not be restored.

It seems.

This unicorn is really similar to Xiao Ye's situation.

"Brother Ye, are you going to use this unicorn to test, so that you can understand how to restore your cultivation?" Bing Ya asked.

"If he can really show no upper sacred bone in this state, it will prove that this path is feasible."

"I will continue to sublimate this method, and maybe I can adapt it to myself." Xiao Ye was noncommittal.

His condition is too bad, as long as he uses his strength, he will have a headache.

Can only find a substitute to try and determine the direction.

"But if that's the case, he will die." Looking at the painful Huo Qilin, Bing Ya couldn't bear it.

"Chao heard it, Xi could die."

"This is Huo Qilin's attitude." Xiao Ye said.

He had communicated with this unicorn, and the other party expressed his willingness to try.

Upon hearing this, Bingya no longer said much.

time flies.

Year after year passed.

The formation formed by Xiao Ye was still circling frantically, and its power had risen to a terrifying level.

The scorched hair of rhubarb has re-growth.

"Made, this guy's holy bone, so powerful?"

"When he grows up, he won't find me revenge."

He was spinning around the formation, a little frightened.

In the big formation, the fire unicorn was no longer visible, and the body was burned to ashes.

But the other party's sacred bones did not disappear, but were constantly changing in shape.

It seems that there is an impurity, which is being removed a little bit.

(The second one!)