Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5785: Nowhere to go

This fierce tiger was actually Bye who hadn't seen his face for a long time.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the Shifang Plain changed drastically.

The thirteen sixth-order powerhouses all turned cold.

Half of them had blood feuds with Beyer, and as the deity of Beyer left the customs, they also fought **** battles with each other, forcing the other party to disappear.

But at this time.

But they didn't have the intention to do anything with Beyer, and their expressions were different because of Beyer's words.

The Secret Book of the Great Yi Zhou Tian is so famous that they have naturally heard of it.

It is by virtue of the Great Yi Zhoutian Secret Code that Baier can be called invincible at the sixth level, and even has the opportunity to reach the seventh level.

"This kid has actually cultivated the Secret Tome of the Great Yi Zhoutian, and has also transformed into a clone?"

Maruo, the sixth-order powerhouse who looked like a blood crow, had a shocked look on his face.

The mystery of the Great Yi Zhou Tian is unpredictable.

The clone method in the Secret Code is naturally not simple, and the clone that is transformed is even more wonderful.

It seems that there is no difference between Hunyuan Life, otherwise how can they fool them into the sixth-order powerhouse?

At this time.

Baier had already rushed into the Shifang Plain, extracting thoughts from Xiao Ye's body.

After some exploration, there was no gain.

"Good boy!"

"In order to get away, I will not hesitate to cut a part of the Hunyuan level will, and completely separate from the deity!"

Byr's face was angry.

In the past years, his deity retreats and secretly seeks resources as a clone.

Every avatar is connected with the deity.

But Xiao Ye is different.

Part of the Hunyuan-level will is completely stripped away.

In doing so, the clone and the deity will form two separate individuals.

The price will cause the Hunyuan-level will of the deity to be permanently weakened by several percent.

Xiao Ye did this.

Just to not want them to find the deity.


"Even if you turn Middle Earth upside down, you have to find this kid!"

Marlow shouted and rushed out.

"Byer, the account between you and me will be settled in the future!"

Other Tier 6 powerhouses also left one after another.

Tier 6 is already the top existence in Zhonghai, and can create a great power in Zhonghai.

So many Tier 6 powerhouses, together to encircle Xiao Ye, they were even escaped by the other party. This is a shame and a big humiliation, no one can sit still.

Beyer also made a long howl, crushing the Shifang Plain, and the terrible will and law resonated, investigating all parties.

If it wasn't for Xiao Ye.

His deity is still in retreat, preparing to attack the seventh step, he will naturally not let it go.

"Byer, the killer god, turned up again!"

An uproar broke out in various parts of Zhonghai again, and a Hunyuan-level life was uneasy.

Back then.

The scenes of dozens of Tier 6 powerhouses fighting against Bayer are still vividly visible.

What now.

Baier reappeared, but did he live peacefully with many Tier 6 powerhouses?

"I heard that Baier and those Tier 6 powerhouses are working together to search for Xiao Ye!"

"It is not Xiao Ye's deity who is stuck in the Shifang Plain!"

An insider said, it was jaw-dropping.

What kind of method is this to avoid so many Tier 6 powerhouses from chasing and killing them?

"It seems we still have a chance!"

"Quickly, go to ambush around Wanfu Chaos!"

Many Tier 4 and Tier 5 beings reacted and quickly moved in the direction of Wanfu Chaos.

The war between Wanfu and Hunyuan Alliance had ended because of Xiao Ye's spoiler.

The general leader of Huazang and Hunyuan Alliance also stopped fighting and returned to their respective turf.


The first reaction of many lives was that Xiao Ye would return to Wanfu to seek refuge.


The lives of all parties were allowed to blockade along the way, and Xiao Ye was never found.

"Xiao Ye took the initiative to draw away all the flames of war, just not wanting to involve Wanfu."

"So after he gets away, he will definitely never come back."

Some people were muttering to themselves while looking at the depths of the middle sea.

There were more than a dozen rank six powerhouses, and no trace of Xiao Ye was found.

Zhonghai is too big.

Without any clues, even a Tier 6 powerhouse would not be easy to find a life.

"This kid, has he finally escaped his life?"

In the Wanfu chaos, Situ smiled.

In this war, the Wanfu Alliance lost too much, and even Hua Zang returned with wounds, so this is the only good news.

"Brother Xiao, do we still have a day to meet?"

In the first sequence of the Great Forbidden Sky, Dulu looked down.

As a new member of the main league.

Although he participated in the war that broke out this time, he did not go to the Tier 5 battlefield.

So there was no chance to see Xiao Ye.

Although Xiao Ye's trace is hard to find.

However, the lives of all parties in China Shipping were still unwilling to give up, and a large number of people started searching everywhere.

The portraits of Xiao Ye spread into parallel chaos one by one.

at the same time.

Somewhere in Jun Meng Haohai, a young man covered in blood was floating in the cold and darkness.

Both the Hunyuan Method and the breath have fallen to the bottom, making him like a corpse.

I don't know how long it has passed.

This ‘corpse’ just woke up faintly.

"I am still alive……"

Xiao Ye struggled, and just got up, he knelt down, his eyes turned black and his headache was splitting.

"Self-cutting a part of the Hunyuan level will has too much influence!"

Xiao Ye's face was full of bitterness.

The clone method recorded in the Secret Book of the Day of the Week was extremely difficult to practice. He was studying it when he was retreating in the Wanfu Alliance, but he had never been able to cultivate it.

After refining the corpses of the Honglong clan and constantly forcibly improving his realm, he cultivated a clone.

Xiao Ye made a decisive decision, slashing a part of the Hunyuan rank will from himself, using his clone to attract the sixth-order powerhouse, while the deity became hidden.

In the end, he couldn't hold on, and passed out.

Wake up now.

Xiao Ye immediately noticed that her state was extremely bad.

The injuries suffered by the strong siege are the second best.

The sequelae of crazily raising the realm in a short period of time is the most terrifying.

At this moment, his realm fell, and the Qi in his body was in chaos, only a little bit of force, and he felt that his body was about to split.

"However, as long as you are still alive, there is hope. The Hunyuan will that has been cut off can still be cultivated back."

Xiao Ye muttered to himself, his broken body lit up with a gleam of light, repairing his injuries.

After a long time, Xiao Ye stood up again, but still weak.

Hunyuan-level will has been permanently weakened by 40%, preventing him from exerting his strength, and even a Hunyuan-level third-order life is inferior.

"I can no longer show up, nor can I enter any parallel chaos."

"You can't even go to the open sea, otherwise the true spirit will be harmed."

Xiao Ye analyzed and said, there was a sense that the world was vast and there was nowhere to go.

Judging from the current situation, he can only survive by wandering in Zhonghai and avoiding the pursuit of people from all sides.

"Ha ha!"

"I, Xiao Ye, from a mortal practice till now, I haven't seen any big winds and waves, and I won't die this time."

Xiao Ye laughed at himself, and then struggled away, his figure gradually being swallowed by darkness.

(The second one!)