Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5846: Abyss Three Regions

Not long.

A crack about thousands of sheets wide appeared in front of Xiao Ye.

Same as before.

This crack has not changed, spreading across the vast sea, connecting the abyss, and whistling sounds continue to be heard from it.

Because there is great terror in the abyss.

In addition, the location of the Honglong clan is already known to the world in Zhonghai, and no one dares to hunt again.

This abyss naturally became uninterested.

"With my current strength, I don't know if I can walk across the abyss!"

Xiao Ye secretly said in his heart and rushed directly into the crack.

Just when he was in it, a powerful pulling force swept over him.

However, Xiao Ye's figure remained motionless, and she was not afraid of this pulling force, and flew downwards.

Until a few thousand feet down.

Xiao Ye only felt the pressure, but still couldn't harm him.

"Back then, if Baier hadn't ceased to be in a state of extinction, my clone would have rushed into the abyss and would have been unable to escape his chase."

Xiao Ye looked around with interest.

Down to this point.

The mysterious substance has turned into a brilliant light dancing.

A long dead body was lifted up by invisible power, suspended in the abyss.

These corpses.

They were all Hunyuan-level beings that broke into the abyss and were damaged.

"If you compare these corpses to parallel chaos, then this abyss is Jun Meng Haohai!"

Xiao Ye glanced over these corpses, and said inwardly.

Different realms have different perspectives on everything.

Entering this abyss again, he is already standing on the top of the middle sea, and he feels different.

Xiao Ye continued to go deeper.

After going down thousands of feet, Xiao Ye felt discomfort, and Hun Yuan's body was creaking, as if there was a huge grinding crushing his body.

Arrived at this position.

The corpse of the Hunyuan-level life was no longer visible.


Except for the powerhouse at the sixth-order peak, in the entire Zhonghai, no one can reach this place.

Look around.

Xiao Ye saw dragon scales floating not far away.

This is the Honglong clan, the fierce scale of the sixth-order powerhouse, containing majestic energy.

Back then, Xiao Ye's white robe clone broke into this place, and was directly shattered by the terrifying pulling force.

Fortunately, the resonance of these dragon scales burst out of energy, helping the white robe clone to reorganize, and this was a disaster.

Seeing these dragon scales again now, a different color appeared in Xiao Ye's eyes.

"The Honglong clan of Zhonghai gave birth to three rank six powerhouses, namely Turin, Tudi, and Tushi."

"But these natal scales are not owned by them!"

Xiao Ye whispered to himself.

He originally thought that these dragon scales were the three sixth-order Honglong dragons, deliberately placed here to lure the enemy into deep.

But after communicating with Tu Shi, he realized that this was not the case.

These natal scales have not existed for many years.

Xiao Ye learned from Tu Shi's mouth that this abyss was the origin of the Honglong clan.

But that's it.

Because even the figure stone doesn't know much.

no way.

The Honglong clan cannot be eternal in the world, and change from generation to generation like a mortal.

Those who can truly understand the secrets have dissipated in the years.

"These natal Honglins may have been left by the ancestors of the Honglong clan."

Xiao Ye continued to fly downward, and the situation became more and more difficult.

The pulling force is still skyrocketing, even he can't hold it anymore, his body is constantly erupting with mixed blood, and he can't resist the use of the mixed method.


In the end, Xiao Ye's Hunyuan body burst open.

"I don't believe it!"

Xiao Ye refining mixed ingots, reshaping his body with difficulty, continued to explore downwards.

Every time it flies down a few feet.

Xiao Ye's body would explode once.

To the end.

At almost every moment, Xiao Ye was suffering the difficulty of destroying his body.

Xiao Ye relied on a strong cultivation base to make it through.


Suddenly, Xiao Ye's whole body suddenly lightened, and the terrible pulling force dissipated directly.

"Broken past!"

Xiao Yechang breathed a sigh of relief.

Back then, his white robe clone, rushed in, and he knew it.

This abyss should be divided into several major areas.

In the first area, there was a terrifying pulling force, enough to stop Zhonghai Hunyuan-class life.

In the second area, there is no such power anymore.

As Xiao Ye dived, he had already seen the white robe clone standing on the stone platform.

Xiao Ye didn't stop, but was still diving.

Strands of cold whistling sound continued from below, like an invisible torrent, impacting Xiao Ye's Hunyuan level will.

"It turns out that there is danger in the second area."

Xiao Ye's expression changed.

This kind of impact, the arrival of the strong below the sixth order, the will will be directly collapsed.

But fortunately, Xiao Ye, with a strong cultivation base, also broke through.

"This is the third area of ​​the abyss..."

When Xiao Ye came to a space where the rays of light rose, all the hairs on his body stood upright.

Just rushed in.

He felt his body become illusory, like a cloud of mist.

The body, mixed-element blood, and will all disappeared, leaving only the ascending of the mixed-element law.

"What's going on!" Xiao Ye was shocked to the extreme.

The third area is full of mysterious rules, so he can't avoid it.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Before Xiao Ye could come back to his senses, the space was suddenly turbulent, and a long river of lavishness, like a blade of light and a sword of light, slashed towards him.

"Damn it!"

Xiao Ye's heart trembled.

In this state, he can only use the Hunyuan Method.


I saw the golden thread rise and turn into golden light, colliding with those lavish rivers.

boom! boom! boom!

The terrifying explosion constantly resounded through this space.

Stronger than Xiao Ye, also showing signs of decline.

The offensive towards him was too intensive.

His body is illusory, even Tier 6 dual weapons can't be sacrificed, and he can only use the Hunyuan Method, which can't resolve these attacks at all, and can only be forced to float upwards.

Retreating to the edge of the third area, Xiao Ye's body became solid, and all the offensives stopped.

"Broken into the first area, it is difficult to destroy the body."

"In the second area, Hunyuan-level will will be impacted."

"When you reach the third area, you can only resist the attack with the mixed element method."

Xiao Ye pondered, feeling something in his heart.

These great horrors.

It looks like some kind of test.

Test the life that broke into the abyss, Hunyuan body, will, and Hunyuan law.

If there are shortcomings, it will be compromised.

"Isn't this abyss formed naturally by Haohai?" Xiao Ye was restless.

He was already standing on the top of Zhonghai, unable to break through.

What is there at the end of the abyss?

Xiao Ye stood on the edge of the third area, using the Hunyuan Method, and looking down.

Although the third area is dangerous, it is not vast, but full of strange rules, forming a unique space.

Just now, it was this strange rule that made Xiao Ye's body illusory and subject to intense offensives.

Xiao Ye glanced at it and saw the end of the third area.

"That is…"

Gradually, Xiao Ye's expression changed.