Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5848: Dawn

There is naturally no resistance in the line of true spirits, creating forces in Zhonghai.


Once the news spread, Hua Zang and Russell both expressed their support.

Xiao Ye's strength had reached the top of Zhong Hai, and he was already able to stand on his own.

Moreover, the creation of a power of the true spirits does not mean that Xiao Ye will draw a clear line with them.

Under the leadership of Shiyi, a group of true spirit beings found a parallel chaos that had already withered in Zhonghai.

This chaos.

It used to be level six.

It was only with the fall of the master that this was going to decline.

But in the shattered chaos, many Great Forbidden Heavens were well preserved, and it was a good base area.


A group of true spirit beings, each show the Hunyuan Method, to reshape the way of heaven, and condense the new heavenly heart.

This step.

They have all experienced it in the chaos of the real spirit, and naturally they are familiar with it.


This broken chaos has been integrated, gradually glowing with new vitality, blooming in the dryness.

Only limited by the cultivation base of the true spirit beings, it is still impossible to reshape it to the sixth level, but it has already reached the level that can be contained.

This chaos, named Chenguang, is temporarily controlled by Shi Yi.

"In the future, this will be our home in Zhonghai!"

"As long as the beings of the true spirits and chaos, they can come here after they have successfully cultivated!"

The Four True Spirits, Xiao Fan, Xiao Bai and others were all full of excitement.

Regardless of Hua Zang's attitude towards them.

Being in the chaos of Wanfu, there is always a feeling of being under the fence.

But here is different.

The morning chaos is their home, unfettered.

In the Morning Light Alliance, when the flag was officially raised.

The entire Zhonghai is boiling.

All the Hunyuan-level beings all came to congratulate with heavy gifts.

Some Tier 6 powerhouses even lowered their bodies, with smiles on their faces, and presented many treasures that could raise the level of Hun Yuan.

There is no doubt.

These Tier 6 powerhouses all wanted to resolve their grievances with Xiao Ye through this method.


They did not see Xiao Ye.

"Hey, these guys miscalculated, they didn't agree with the big brother, but gave out so many treasures."

Xiao Fan was happy, and Xiao Bai and the others also laughed.

The creation of a force belonging to the true spirit was the result of their deliberations, and Xiao Ye did not participate at all.

"If it weren't for Leaf, it would already be the master of True Spirit Chaos."

"The chaotic heaven of Chenguang should be shaped by him."

The peerless empress whispered softly.

To know.

The higher the realm of the life in control of the Heavenly Dao, the level of this chaos will naturally not be bad.

It is a pity that a chaos-level being can only control a chaos.

If Xiao Ye were to enter the morning light, then the true spirit chaos must give up.

"It's okay."

"Morning Chaos, let us take turns in charge, when the time comes, it will depend on whose realm is stronger."

"After all, the chaos we created in the open sea is nothing, and it is not a pity to give up."

Celestial Sacred Emperor grinned.

She was sheltered by Xiao Ye's Yu Wei.

There is no shortage of resources for their practice in Zhonghai.

All the dust waits to settle.

Thousands of true spirit beings all dispersed separately and began to practice retreat.

As time goes by.

Tu Shi, led by the Honglong people, also came to Chenguang Chaos and moved here.

In addition, there is a steady stream of life coming from all over the world, expressing its intention to join the Chaos of Morning Light.

Shiyi naturally knew that the intentions of these lives were politely rejected.

Chenguang Chaos is the home of the True Spirit in Zhonghai, which cannot accommodate outsiders.

at the same time.

Shiyi himself also opened up a route in Zhonghai to the true spirit chaos outside the sea.


When Xiao Ye's clone went to the True Spirit Chaos and took away the lives of thousands of Hunyuan, he also left a lot of resources for Xiao Nian to keep.

These years passed.

The chaos of the true spirits also gave birth to some second-order beings one after another.

The lives of this level were all connected to the Chaos of Morning Light.

"Is this the territory that Master Xiao Ye has laid down in Zhong Hai?"

"I didn't expect that we would also have a day in Zhonghai."

Aunt Wang, Rhubarb and others all came into the chaos of the morning light, with excitement on their faces and full of curiosity about everything.

"Our true spirits will not stop here."

"In the future, we will rush to the inland sea!"

Xiaobai raised his arms and shouted, talking about the future freely, making other people also emotional.

As their horizons widened, they felt more and more that the potential of the chaos of the true spirit was terrifying.

To know.

All members of the Chinese maritime forces are recruited from all over the world.

But True Spirit Chaos is different.

Many Hunyuan-level beings have been born, and the hearts of the people are gathered.

This alone is far from comparable to China's maritime forces.

If it can really create a practice system that penetrates all realms and directly reaches the Hunyuan level, the future of the true spirit chaos will become extremely terrifying, and a super powerful army of Hunyuan level can be formed.

And only Xiao Ye could solve this problem.

There are more and more lives in the Chaos of Chenguang, and they will soon reach the multitude, but the resources are still abundant.

"Refused to wait for me to join, but instead brought in low-level beings from the sea."

"This Morning Light Alliance is really weird."

Many lives in China Shipping are discussing,

On overall strength.

The Chenguang Alliance is too bad, the controller Shiyi, who has not even reached Tier 5, is not qualified to establish a foothold in Zhonghai.

But no one dared to mess with it.

Even if the major forces competed, there was no war in the morning.

all of these.

It's all Xiao Ye's influence.

This terrible life, even if it hasn't appeared for many years, still has unprecedented influence.

Since the dawn of the Morning Light Alliance, it is destined to have a transcendent status.

As for the two major forces of Wanfu and Sun and Moon, they have already dominated Zhonghai, and their spheres of influence have expanded to all parties.

Xiao Ye ignored these ups and downs.

He is still in retreat in Wanfu League.

The magnificent buildings above the heavens are already empty.

Only Bing Ya was left with Xiao Ye.

"These guys are really noisy!"

"Taking advantage of Ye Ge's retreat, a China Sea power was freed up."

Bing Ya wore a plain robe, and looked beyond Wanfu Chaos with a smile on her face.

What Huangtu domineering industry.

What Hunyuan must be.

She didn't care, just enjoying the time with Xiao Ye.

Suddenly, the four wilds roared, and only saw a dazzling beam of brilliance, rising from a certain temple to the heavens, causing the Wanfu Alliance to be turbulent, as if it was about to collapse.

Such as Hua Zang, appeared directly with a pale face and blood spurting from his mouth.

Just a ray of fluctuations spread, and it hurt Hua Zang!

"Has Brother Ye made a breakthrough?"

Bingya's expression changed suddenly.

She has been with Xiao Ye for many years, and naturally knows that Xiao Ye retreats to practice in order to find the possibility of sprinting to the seventh step.

This move.

It is not only about entering the inland sea, but also about the destiny of the Honglong clan.