Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5853: Tutu breakthrough

Wanfu chaos.

"Brother Tulie, it's no longer possible."

Xiao Ye opened his eyes and sighed.

Since the Tu Shi was sealed, he has paid great attention to the Honglong clan.

"Next, is it Tutu's turn?"

Xiao Ye secretly said in his heart.

Tulie chose Tutu to shoulder the responsibility of the Honglong clan. Although he couldn't bear it in his heart, he couldn't say anything.

The only thing he can do is to seal it in time when the Honglong tribe reaches Tier 6 and save it for later.

"Fortunately, my Hunyuan will has recovered a little over the years, and it has been restored to 40%."

Xiao Ye was working silently, making some of the methods of the Zhoutian Secret Code.

Back then.

When sealing the figure stone, his deity also suffered a certain amount of damage.


Sealing Tu Lie again, it's not so difficult.

After recuperating for a while, Xiao Ye released a Hunyuan-level will and enveloped the mysterious stone seat.

He has only realized a small part of this high-level method of immortality.

The rest is still in the deduction stage.

With the restoration of Hunyuan's will, Xiao Ye naturally refused to waste time and wanted to continue to comprehend.


His will can't be compared with the peak period, it is naturally difficult to comprehend something.


Xiao Ye believes that the accumulation now will definitely be good for the future.

Xiao Ye was no longer in retreat. Apart from comprehending the stone seat, he often walked out of the palace to accompany Bingya.

Xiao Ye was full of apologies for Bingya.

After the true spirit became invincible, he planned to take Bingya and hide into the world together to make up for the lack of companionship.

But with the touch of Jun Meng Haohai.

With new pressure and new battle coming, he had to mention the sword again.

But Bingya never complained, and Xiao Ye naturally felt ashamed.


Situ and Dulu in the first sequence of the Great Forbidden Sky have also become frequent visitors of this complex.

Xiao Ye had no pretensions and gave a warm hospitality.

These two have great favors to him, and they are his few friends in Zhonghai.

Once in the inland sea, it is difficult to see you again.

Although Xiao Ye's years of cultivation are short, his realm is extremely high, and he often points to both.

At this moment, Hua Zang couldn't help showing up and listening.

Xiao Ye sits in the chaos of Wanfu, and the fluctuation of practice often shakes Tianxin and puts great pressure on Hua Zang.

However, it also brought him a lot of benefits. The touch on his practice gave him a faint sign of improvement in his realm, and he was hopeful in the late stage of the fifth stage.

Hunyuan-level beings don't care about time at all.

But in the parallel chaos, the rush of time is still subtle, affecting Jun Menghaohai.

If Hunyuan-level life rises, so Hunyuan-level life disappears.

Either they were damaged by the battle, or they fell on the path of spiritual practice.

Many years later, Xiao Ye raised his eyes to look at Zhong Hai, and suddenly found that some familiar faces had disappeared.

"As long as you reach the level of the Qitian, you can easily control it, a parallel and chaotic time."

"But in the end, even if it is a Hunyuan-level life, it will be buried by the long river of time."

Xiao Ye said softly with emotion.

It's not that time is merciless, but the vast sea is boundless.

Even at the Hunyuan level, I dare not say that it can live forever.

Xiao Ye sat in the void, feeling silently.


There was a dazzling brilliance, reflected in the chaos of Wanfu, causing a burst of exclamation.

Look carefully.

The brilliance dissipated, and a white-robed human youth appeared.

Wanfu Chaos is not what it used to be.

In the vast sky, various Hunyuan-level arrays were arranged. Without the permission of the Hua Zang members, life below the sixth order, don't even want to break in.

But to this white-robed youth, it was like a hypothesis, the other party just rushed to the heavens, causing Tianxin to be turbulent, as if it was about to collapse.

"Don't move rashly, that is Master Xiao Ye's white robe clone!"

A member of the main league recognized the white-robed young man and suddenly shouted, his eyes full of shock.

A clone of Xiao Ye gave them a sense of suffocation, and their realm was unpredictable.

"This clone has actually reached the sixth-order peak?"

Hua Zang also appeared, looking at the white robe clone, stormy waves appeared in his heart.

He already knew the purpose of Xiao Ye's cultivation of the four avatars.

But he always felt that this road was too difficult to walk.

Enter the sixth stage, step on the top.

So far, only two lives in China Shipping have done it.

Now Xiao Ye's white robe clone is clearly at the sixth-order peak, and it's absolutely abnormal to the extreme.

Above God.

Xiao Ye's deity stood long, and the white robe clone turned into a beam of light, blending into his body.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

In an instant, Xiao Ye exuded a terrifying aura, and the will that he revealed even soared.

"At the beginning, I scored five points for the Hunyuan level will."

"The deity only left 30%."

"Now I just merged into a clone, and my Hunyuan level will has almost returned to its peak state."

A smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Ye's mouth.

This time.

Not only his deity, the will of the four avatars, but also gradually increased due to the improvement of realm.

"Really looking forward to the other three clones!"

Xiao Ye did not integrate into the origin of the white robe clone.

The other three clones.

Knowing his Hunyuan Method, and also in charge of the practice method of the deity, to cultivate to the sixth-order peak is not a problem, it just requires time and resources.

This feeling made Xiao Ye sure.

Returning to the sixth order of transcendence is definitely not a lie!


At this moment, Xiao Ye's expression changed.

"Does this girl Tutu finally break through?" Xiao Ye looked towards the chaos of Chenguang.

Before Tulie died, he chose to train Tutu to create the Honglong clan, a new Tier 6 powerhouse.

And since Tulie was sealed by him.

For so many years, Tutu has never appeared and fell into a deep sleep.

The members of the Honglong clan, on the contrary, heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that Tutu had failed in the breakthrough.

"Tutu girl, it's not easy!"

The essence of Xiao Ye's eyes surged.

Before Tulie disappeared, Tutu barely touched the fifth level.

The deep sleep during this period of time even directly spanned the entire fifth step, which was truly astonishing.


Xiao Ye stepped forward and disappeared directly into the chaos of Wanfu.

In Xiao Ye's current state.

It is extremely easy to gallop in the vast sea and reach another parallel chaos.

not to mention.

Between Wanfu and Chenguang, it is not far away.

"The leaves are coming!"

"Boss Xiao Ye!"

Not long afterwards, there were exclamations in the chaos of the morning light.

The Four True Spirits, Xiao Bai, Xiao Fan and others stood with the Honglong people and waited.

Seeing Xiao Ye's figure appeared, they all greeted him.

Xiao Ye nodded, and immediately looked towards the Great Forbidden Sky in front of him.


There is a huge dragon-shaped figure, rising into the air, roaring, shaking all sides.

"Is that Tutu?"

Xiao Ye stared at the dragon-shaped being, his expression gradually changed.