Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5873: Was found

Only when his words fell, a monstrous mixed force fluctuation suddenly rose into the sky.

I saw Xiao Ye and Luo Jiang who were fighting side by side, both received a violent impact and were forced to stop.

Look at Rongfeng again.

His Hunyuan body crackled and cracked, and there was no trace of scars. The mixed power in his body turned into a whirlpool, with amazing strangulation power, making Xiao Ye and Luo Jiang both heavy and unable to move forward.

"His mixed power has two hundred and twenty drops!"

Xiao Ye's eyes changed.

The seventh-order Hunyuan mainly condenses mixing power.

And mixing power is closely related to body, origin, and mixing element method.

Like him.

Relying on the Secret Code of Cultivation and Refining Tian Yuan's inner sea treasures, he finally reached the threshold of the middle stage of the seventh stage, and possessed two hundred drops of mixing power.

"Unexpectedly, you are a genius!"

Rongfeng's hair fluttered and stared at Xiao Ye.

Do it this time.

He didn't put Xiao Ye in his eyes at all.

After all, Xiao Ye had just broken through to the early stage of the seventh stage.

But he didn't expect Xiao Ye's growth rate to be so terrifying.

This is extremely rare in the Inland Sea.

"If that's the case, I can't keep you even more."

Rongfeng's mixed power fluctuations are still erupting, and the vortex is expanding disorderly, swallowing towards Xiao Ye.


Luo Jiang was holding a spear in the whirlpool in Yizhen.


Suddenly, there were muffled noises.

Like two chaos soldiers, they collided thousands of times in an instant.

Luo Jiang's beautiful body trembled, and with her strength, she couldn't even break this whirlpool.

"When I kill this kid, I'll solve you!"

Rongfeng's voice is cold and his figure has stepped into the whirlpool.


Xiao Ye's vision dimmed, and there were raging mixed forces everywhere, and even the Hunyuan level will was greatly suppressed.

The breath of Rongfeng is even more ubiquitous, and it is completely integrated with this whirlpool.

Immediately afterwards.

Countless palm prints, carrying a monstrous flame, shook towards Xiao Ye.

"What a terrible attack technique!"

Xiao Ye didn't dare to be careless.


Xiao Ye demonstrated the Hunyuan Method, urging the ultimate secret code, and comprehending the attacking technique.

I saw endless golden threads rising up, and then turning into swords, spears, and sabers, rushing in all directions like a storm.

Back then.

When Xiao Ye slaughtered the side of Rongfeng, the sixth-order pinnacle black armor had used these tricks.

As his realm breaks through, this attacking technique has skyrocketed in power.

Each of those long swords, spears, and battle knives can threaten the powerhouses in the early stage of the seventh stage, let alone the large number.


The vortex trembles.

As the golden thread faded rapidly, the palm prints that carried the overwhelming firelight were also going to collapse.

"It's not that easy to trap me!"

Xiao Ye's eyes were clear and exquisite, and his hands suddenly joined together. Two hundred drops of mixed power in his body resonated with the Hunyuan Method. A long sword of hundreds of millions of meters took shape. It hit the vortex and knocked it out. A crack.

Xiao Ye turned into a light and rushed out from the crack.

"Who on earth are you?"

Rong Feng's figure emerged from the whirlpool, staring at Xiao Ye's gaze in surprise.

With such a rapid growth rate, and mastering this terrible attack technique, the identity may not be simple.

"I am the one who killed you!"

Xiao Ye sneered coldly, too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly burst into mixed force to kill.

Luo Jiang had a tacit understanding and attacked from another direction.

"Want to kill this seat is really wishful thinking!"

Rong Feng laughed in anger, and the flames rising from his body skyrocketed with Hun Li.

He stretched Hun Yuan's body, shook Xiao Ye back with a palm, and pressed Luo Jiang with a fist.

Rongfeng alone had a strong advantage against the two major seventh-tier mid-term powerhouses.

"Have you finally used Tai Sui to elevate the essence?"

Xiao Ye's eyes became cold.

Tian Yuan has this thing on his body, let alone Rongfeng.


In the opponent's body, ten pieces of ancient jade exploded, and the torrent of agitation covered the whole body, and the mixed power rose greatly.

"Senior Luo Jiang, do it!"

Xiao Ye let out a low cry, and the ancient jade inside his body also exploded, and the torrent of agitation caused every drop of his mixed power to swell.


Luo Jiang also let out a soft drink, and his mixed power skyrocketed.

Before the battle with Rongfeng.

Xiao Ye distributed the Tai Sui Yan Jing to Luo Jiang just for this moment.

The mixed strength suddenly skyrocketed, causing the bodies of both Hun Yuan to make an overwhelmed click, and the blood mist evaporated.

Huh! Huh!

Immediately, two brilliant lights tore open the sea, and hit them directly.

Rongfeng Shenlong's body trembled, and he couldn't stop moving back, his mouth was bleeding.

"Damn it!"

Rong Feng's expression was ashen.

Tianyuan fell.

It is not surprising that Tai Sui Yan Jing fell into the hands of both.

What shocked him was.

These two powerhouses were extremely crazy, and while fighting against him, they continued to urge the new Tai Sui Yan Jing.

Just a few breaths.

The Tai Sui Yan Jing exploded in Xiao Ye's body was already as high as 13 yuan.

The Tai Sui Yan Jing urged by Luo Jiang also reached twelve yuan.

"Are you crazy?"

"Too much urging at once, Hun Yuan's body will not be able to hold it!"

Looking at Xiao Ye and Luo Jiang, who were covered in cracks, like broken porcelain, the color of Rongfeng changed, and he felt an unprecedented pressure.

"Ha ha!"

"You lit the flames of war to accomplish your ambition to unify the eternal sky."

"We fought with you, but to protect the pure land behind us, we dare to die, do you dare?"

There was a hint of hatred in Luo Jiang's voice, and he urged another Tai Sui Yan Jing.


"What a lunatic!"

Rong Feng was a little bit shy, and he retreated subconsciously.

In the sea of ​​Jun Menghao, which Hunyuan-level life spared no effort?

Xiao Ye was so crazy, he could understand, after all, he wanted to obliterate the opponent.

But Luo Jiang's actions, he couldn't understand.

In order to protect a group of irrelevant Hunyuan-level beings, they have to fight him desperately.

"Now that I am afraid? Isn't it too late!"

Xiao Ye rushed towards Rongfeng.

He has urged fifteen Tai Sui Yan Jing, Hun Yuan's body is wrapped in Dharma, so that it will not collapse.

Luo Jiang is blocking the way of Rongfeng and is also taking action.

"In that case, I will accompany you to see who will die first!"

Rong Feng was roaring, and continued to urge Tai Sui Yan Jing.

The three big seventh-tier mid-stage powerhouses fought like this, and the black armor beings who retreated to the distance were all dumbfounded.

They did not find out.

An old stone man with a height of hundreds of feet has quietly arrived in the eternal sky.

"A war is breaking out here!"

The old stone man frowned slightly and looked around.


When his gaze swept across Xiao Ye, who was covered in blood, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"It's that kid back then!"

"It turns out he is hiding here!"

In the eyes of the old stone man, bursts of cold light appeared.