Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5878: Block the exit

From the outside, Tai Sui Valley looks like a world condensed by two Tai Sui Mountains facing each other.

But the space inside is even bigger than the parallel chaos in Zhonghai.

Tai Sui Valley.

There are many Hunyuan-level beings haunting them, carrying Hunyuan soldiers in their hands, digging for something.

Yanai also has the oppressive force of the vast sea, although it is smaller than the inner sea, but it can also make the sixth-order life difficult.

Before Xiao Ye rushed into the Tai Sui Valley, he felt that the pressure was greatly reduced, and the speed had increased by several percent.

"Go away!"

"This area is mine!"

At this moment, a majestic Hunyuan level will rushed towards him.

"Early stage seven?"

A cold light flashed in Xiao Ye's eyes.

The lives of those stone people have already been chased, and they must not be exposed.


Without the slightest hesitation, Xiao Ye's figure abruptly accelerated and rushed towards the front.


In an instant, Xiao Ye released the life of the Hunyuan level will, his body was torn apart, and even the Hunyuan blood was wiped out.

As for Xiao Ye, he didn't stop walking.

He rushed forward, into a cave, and then concealed his breath.

"Where is that kid?"

After a while, the mixed force wave raged, and the lives of several stone men also entered the valley.

Although Xiao Ye suddenly used Jing Hongye, he lost track.

But around here.

Except for Tai Sui Valley, there is no other hiding place, so they guessed that Xiao Ye would come here.

At this moment, these stone people's life-stricken eyes scanned the surroundings.

Those who came to Tai Sui Valley were all here to discover the essence of Tai Sui.

Fighting and fighting often broke out.

Just now.

At least there were more than a dozen places where battle fluctuations broke out, so they couldn't tell whether Xiao Ye was among them for a while.

"Keep looking!"

"He must be here!"

The lives of these stone people are going deep into Tai Sui Valley.

"have they gone?"

Xiao Ye waited for a long time, and when he saw that there was no movement outside, he breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at the cave.

This cave was excavated from the body of Tai Sui Mountain.

There are many similar caves nearby.

Xiao Ye touched it with the palm of his hand and found that the mountain wall was extremely hard. With his cultivation skills, it would take a hundred years to dig out such a large cave.

"The Tai Sui Yan Jing in this position should have been dug out."

Xiao Ye glanced around and shook his head.

According to the introduction of the map of Tai Sui Valley, Tai Sui Valley has existed for a long time and is well known in the Yuan domain.

So there are often Hunyuan-level beings who come here to dig.

Fortunately, those two Tai Sui Mountains can continue to nurture Tai Sui Yan Jing, so this kind of treasure is not exhausted.

But it is not easy to dig out this kind of treasure, so be patient.

"There are so many Hunyuan-level beings in Tai Sui Valley. I came here like a fish to the sea."

"It's not easy for those stone people to find me."

"This cave is very close to the exit, so I rushed out when the situation was wrong."

Xiao Ye secretly said in his heart.

Shiyue Mansion, after all, was in the Yuan domain, so naturally he couldn't be careless.


Xiao Ye never walked out of the cave, but hid here, silently meditating.

Not to mention.

From the dry domain to the deep domain, he consumes a lot.

Take the shopping with Rongfeng that day, he is still unhealed.

As for the Honglong clan, he didn't even dare to let it go, and still put it in the body world.

Tai Sui Valley is no different from Parallel Chaos, and there is also a time avenue here.

Xiao Ye could truly perceive the passage of time.

In the blink of an eye, ten thousand years have passed.

During this process, Xiao Ye repeatedly felt the fierce battle fluctuations.

It was digging out the life of Tai Sui Yan Jing and fighting.

In addition, he found that more and more stone people came to Tai Sui Valley.

Even Xiao Ye was forced to change a few caves, otherwise he would have been discovered long ago.

"If this continues, I will definitely be exposed."

Xiao Ye frowned.

Sure enough, Shiyue Mansion sent more Hunyuan Life to search for him.

"In that case, I can only fight it."

"If you can find Tai Sui Yan Jing, or other treasures, you will be able to break out of the siege."

Xiao Ye thought about this and walked out cautiously.

Being in the Tai Sui Valley, the Hunyuan level will of the middle seventh stage can spread millions of miles, but compared to the vast Tai Sui Valley, it is nothing at all.

At the moment, at the entrance and exit of Tai Sui Valley.

There are shining patterns of the world, dense and dense, which can be called overwhelming, like a canopy, it has been sealed off.

Above these formation patterns, a statue was vaguely visible, and the stone life stood tall, exuding mixed power fluctuations in the middle of the seventh step.


"This Shiyue Mansion is too overbearing. In order to hunt down the enemy, we are not allowed to leave!"

"I'm really not afraid to annoy us, so join forces to besiege?"

A Hunyuan-level life, looking up at the sky above Tai Sui Valley, is swearing.

"Don't die?"

"This time, Shiyue Mansion has sent more than a hundred mid-tier powerhouses of the seventh rank, and most of them are searching in the valley!"

"Furthermore, Shiyue Mansion still has seventh-tier late-stage powerhouses sitting in town, do you want to die?"

Someone whispered, admonishing other lives not to speak falsely.

"Among the lives of the stone men sent by Shiyue Palace, there are more than a hundred in the middle stage of the seventh rank alone?"

Xiao Ye felt heavy.

He knew that Shiyue Mansion was definitely very strong, but he didn't expect it to have such a background.

If he is blocked by a hundred seventh-tier mid-level powerhouses, no matter how many methods he uses, he will fall.


Xiao Ye covered his face with chaotic light, and walked towards the depths of Tai Sui Valley.

The lives that haunt here are all for the purpose of digging out the essence of Tai Sui.

Most of them are unwilling to show their true appearance, for fear of being robbed and killed, so Xiao Ye's move is not conspicuous.

In front of Xiao Ye.

It's a piece of forest with a height of one hundred feet.

Xiao Ye walked in. The place where he entered was a corpse with a Hunyuan-level life, most of which were mutilated.

"The fighting in Tai Sui Valley was really tragic enough."

Xiao Ye checked, but didn't find any treasures, and immediately moved on.

What I saw and heard along the way was still a tragic sight.

Both the majestic mountains and the vast land have been excavated with potholes.

Whenever Xiao Ye encounters a Hunyuan-level being, the opponent will show extremely strong hostility.

"It seems that most of the lives acting in the Tai Sui Valley are in the early stage of the seventh stage, and they are rare in the middle stage of the seventh stage."

Xiao Ye didn't come close, she would stay away when she encountered it, watching closely the traces of the Stone Man beings.

Once he saw the figure of the stone man's life, he would also avoid it.

"There is a seventh-tier mid-stage powerhouse who dug a secret road in front, and there are many Tai Sui Yan Jing there!"

"Hurry up!"

At this moment, a loud voice suddenly resounded.


There was noise everywhere.

I saw a Hunyuan-level being, rushing in the same direction like a sharp arrow.

"Tai Sui Yan Jing?"

Xiao Ye's eyes flashed, and he followed directly.