Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5891: Destined

Xiao Ye chose an unmanned stone building to live on the mountainside of Bailu Mountain.


Xiao Ye quickly took out the treasure and continued to heal his injuries.

At the same time, he released the Hunyuan rank will and headed towards the void to explore.

He was really curious about this Bailu Mountain.


Xiao Ye's mind seemed to have escaped into a vast, vast sky.

In the sky, fuzzy fonts emerged one after another, shining like stars, interpreting the meaning of Hunyuan.

Xiao Ye felt the broad and profound Hunyuan Method, and also felt the terrifying attack technique.

Although these perceptions were still very vague, Xiao Ye's figure trembled, and her own mixed power actually resonated with it.

"This is…"

Xiao Ye was awakened immediately, with a look of horror on his face.

Mixed power is a joint condensed by the origin, body, and mixed element method of the seventh-order life.

And his seventh-level practice method is the ultimate secret code.

In the second test, when he comprehended the Taiqing warfare, he found the most secret code, which had a connection with the Taiqing warfare.


This guess was confirmed.

Not only the Taiqing tactics, but even the Master of Bailu had a connection with the Extreme Secret Code.

Perhaps the lord of Bailu had also practiced the secret to the utmost.

Otherwise, how can it attract his mixed resonance?

"Extremely unpredictable and unpredictable."

"In my realm, I still only comprehend the fur."

"And this Bailu Mountain may contain the master of Bailu's understanding of the most profound secrets!"

Xiao Ye got excited.

This is equivalent to a well-known teacher teaching him the secrets of cultivating the best, and these benefits are undoubtedly huge.


With a wave of Xiao Ye's palm, a stone pedestal flew out. This thing contained the most secrets.


Following Xiao Ye's Hunyuan will, surging toward the ashlar, a turquoise light suddenly reflected the void, presenting 8,000 small characters like flies.

"Even if you find clues to the origin of the Honglong clan in Bailu Academy, you must have a strong strength to rush over!"

Xiao Ye combined with the insights captured from Bailu Mountain and immersed himself in the deduction.

The injury is almost recovered.

Xiao Ye continued to refine various treasures and cultivated.

I don’t know the years in my practice.

Bailu Mountain is the same as before, tall and majestic, with strange scholarly fragrance.

There are constantly blurred fonts, rushing out of the mountain, and being captured by the life in the stone building.

"Unexpectedly, this time, the academy only accepted two lives."

"It seems that these two lives are not simple!"

At the same time, a wave of mixed elementary will was flowing, silently paying attention to Xiao Ye and the stone building of the black-robed girl.

Especially on the mountainside of Bailu Mountain, the owners of each stone building showed a bit of hostility towards both.

The life of worshipping Bailu Academy is also in a competitive relationship.

Every few years.

Bailu Academy will eliminate the ten slowest beings.

This kind of cruel rules makes everyone dare not care.

"What are you afraid of?"

"None of us came here without passing many tests. We all have similar talents."

A life chuckled, and he didn't think Xiao Ye and the black-robed girl could threaten them.


Only then did the words of life fall, and the void oscillated.

Looking closely, there were ten vague fonts falling like meteors, rushing towards one of the stone buildings, causing a tumult.

After noticing that the owner of this stone building was the black-robed girl, the lives that were being exchanged were all dumbfounded.

Bailu Mountain contains the inheritance of the owner of Bailu.

Each fuzzy font actually represents a kind of sentiment.

These Hunyuan-level beings, once they are successful in their comprehension, they will cause the fonts to hang down and be engraved in their hearts.

This black-robed girl, not long after coming to Bailu Mountain, got ten insights?

"This... how is this possible!"

"When I first came to Bailu Mountain, it took a hundred thousand years to get an understanding!"

A life full of evil spirits, exclaimed, his face full of incredible color.

How terrifying is the talent of this black-robed girl?

Hum! Hum!

At this moment, another stone building also had a vision.

There were also ten vague fonts, rushing towards there, making the Hunyuan-level beings who were waiting and watching were all cold and sucked in cold air.

Because the owner of this stone building is Xiao Ye!

Just like the girl in the black robe, he only came to Bailu Academy!


"How could it be possible that two such terrifying lives appeared at once!"

All kinds of exclamations were heard everywhere, and even the life on the mountainside was shocked.

"Nothing is impossible."

"The black-robed girl is named Luo Liuli. Although she is also a life in Yuanyu, her identity is not simple. She has a talent that can surpass ninety-nine percent of Haohai's lives, and will break through to the eighth level in the future without any suspense."

"You and her are not comparable."

At this time, a misty voice came from the air, making Bailu Mountain silent.

After worshipping into the Bailu Academy for a period of time, everyone knows who the speaker is.

Master Bailu!

This existence was also shocked by the visions caused by Xiao Ye and Luo Liuli.

To be able to surpass ninety-nine percent of Haohai's life, this sentence is desperate.

Luo Liuli, what is his identity?

"Master, does that Xiao Ye also have such talents?" Someone asked not willingly.

"He, don't say it."

The voice of the Lord Bailu came faintly, and immediately fell silent, no more words.

The atmosphere of Bailu Mountain became extremely heavy.

A talent is amazing.

One cannot be said.

These two beings bring tremendous pressure to practitioners here.

"Oh, practice hard, don't really be eliminated."

At the moment, all beings withdraw their minds and continue to retreat.

at the same time.

The black robe girl Luo Liuli opened her eyes and looked towards Xiao Ye's stone building.

"His comprehension ability is not weaker than mine?"

The girl's jade fist clenched tightly and her expression became extremely complicated.

She knew exactly how strong her talent was, and she couldn't use it as a reference at all.

Therefore, she was a little surprised when she saw Xiao Ye's performance in the second and third trials.

At this moment, she looked very unwilling: "I will definitely surpass you!"

The ethereal void.

The master of Bailu Yuan stands on auspicious clouds with his feet and hands.

"Interesting, interesting!"

"Guarding the Honglong clan, I have obtained the ultimate secret code. It seems that this child is destined to have a fate with me!"

A smile appeared on the face of the owner of the White Deer Courtyard.


Suddenly, the Master Bailu seemed to have thought of something, "I heard that there are still forces searching for Xiao Ye's whereabouts in the abyss?"

"Yes, it's Shiyue Mansion."

"But no one knows exactly why they chased Xiao Ye."

There was a response from the void.

"Shiyue Mansion?"

The lord of the White Deer Court slightly narrowed his eyes, revealing a murderous intent: "Pay attention to the movement of Shiyue Mansion. If it doesn't work, just erase it."