Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5931: No longer keep

The joining of Xiao Ye and Luo Liuli greatly improved the situation of the Bailu Academy.

In particular, Luo Liuli's Shuyuan Lock was extremely useful.

Half a stick of incense.

In the first area, there were already more than a dozen Youyu domain powerhouses. After being restrained, they were beaten to death on the spot.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect these two little guys to be so powerful."

"Happy, it's so happy!"

More than 30 college geniuses are all refreshed.

For Xiao Ye and Luo Liuli, there is no longer any previous contempt.

More than a dozen of Youyu experts were killed, so that they have gained a lot, and their fighting spirit is high, and they want to continue to gain.


Luo Liuli was short of breath, and using Shu Yuansuo in such a wide range, she couldn't bear it, and her mixed strength was exhausted.

"Next, it is bound to be a hard fight."

Xiao Ye flickered, guarding Luo Liuli's side, looking around the audience.

Fight till now.

In the first area, there are about one hundred and fifty creatures in the secluded area.

The mixed power of most lives is around seven or eight hundred drops.

The top ten experts who had condensed 900 drops of mixing power were forced into the distance by the three of Pang Feng.

They want to win in this situation, and it is still extremely difficult.

As the fierce battle continues.

Luo Liuli followed the law.

More than a dozen of Yuyu lives were lost.

More than one hundred and twenty secluded beings, with mixed power shining in their bodies, regarded Luo Liuli as a huge threat and blatantly killed them.

Xiao Ye was also violently shooting, bringing the Taiqing tactics into full play.

But in the face of group attacks, his body kept breaking apart, and cracks were punched in the blood mist.

After discovering that Luo Liuli's breath had declined.

This group of Youyu beings slowed down their offensive, waiting for the opportunity.

The situation was stalemate for a while.

Luo Liuli staggered and his mixed strength was completely exhausted.

"not good!"

Xiao Ye's heart jumped wildly.

At this moment.

The Youyu Life in front of you moved at the same time.

At the very least, dozens of mixed origin auras rushed in and turned into various attacking techniques, like a torrent of surging waves.


Xiao Ye yelled, standing in front of Luo Liuli, and the Hunyuan soldiers in his hand slashed away frantically.

With the constant sound of clang.

Xiao Ye's Hunyuan soldiers trembled, and they were directly sent out by the shock, even their arms were shattered.

He gritted his teeth and insisted that he supported his figure with the Taiqing tactics to harden the aftermath, and his body was immediately riddled with holes.

So far.

Xiao Ye couldn't hold it anymore and was hit by hundreds of feet before stopping. The golden thread spread out, reshaping his body.

At this time, other college geniuses were counterattacked by the Youyu Life and killed the three on the spot.

Reverberated with the roar.

There are another forty Yuyu beings, tearing apart the ranks of geniuses in the academy, and solving Luo Liuli first.


Xiao Ye was shocked.

He didn't care about the injury, the mixed power in his body was shining, and he was stretching back to the sea.

Luo Liuli is kind to him, he must not look at the other person in distress.

"Xiao Ye, you should take care of yourself first."

Luo Liuli struggled to get up and stopped Xiao Ye.

The words fall.

Her jade body was wrapped in a mysterious arrogance, and it was directly transformed into a fairy phoenix with a length of one million feet.

This fairy phoenix surpassed all the rules, stretched its wings and rushed forward.

Looking around, all the four major areas were trembling, and even the Seven-Colored Galaxy shook crazily.

All of the forty Yuyu beings who killed Xiang Luo Liuli's expressions changed drastically, their auras became chaotic, and they felt the threat of death.

Before they recovered, their figure was already shrouded in Xianhuang.


Mysterious flames rose up, turning into a sea of ​​flames and swept away.


I saw these forty creatures in the quiet domain, rolling in pain in the sea of ​​flames.

The mysterious flames did not burn their bodies, but domineeringly penetrated into their bodies, burning their will and mixed power.

Just in the blink of an eye.

The screams disappeared one after another.

Forty statues of Youyuyuyu stayed in the same place, keeping their movements from the previous moment, their faces twisted.


A breeze blew by, and all forty lives turned into quicksand, disappearing between the heaven and the earth.

"Falling Yuan Xianhuang!"

"This is the body of the Fallen Yuan Immortal Phoenix!"

"Her flame of Fallen Yuan, with a mixed power of less than 900 drops, she can't stop it at all!"

The beings in the Youyu Region who were fighting back fiercely breathed in air-conditioning, and then retreated madly, their faces full of horror.

It was just a shock.

What is the concept of directly killing forty seventh-order peak powerhouses?

Among the lightning and flint, the million-foot-long Xianhuang had swooped and swooped over.


The scalp tingling screams resounded again.

There were another twenty Yuyu beings, unable to dodge, and were enveloped by the fire of Fallen Yuan, and then turned into flying ashes.


The fear that has never been seen before spreads to the hearts of all parties.

Even Pang Feng and others have their hearts beating wildly.

It was the first time they saw Luo Liuli's body, and that power was really terrifying.

"This girl is actually the Fallen Yuan Xianhuang, no wonder the talent is amazing."

"But she still can't control it, the power of the body!"

Wu Xiangzi clearly understood the Fallen Yuan Xianhuang, and after seeing the clues, his expression was solemn.

The three of them.

Trying to block the ten most aura beings is not easy, and it is impossible to free his hands.

The words of Wuxiangzi quickly became reality.

After launching two offensives, the fairy phoenix wailed and fell straight down, turning into a black-robed girl again.

Her face was covered with blood, and her body was on the verge of collapse.


The shocked Youyu Life reacted.

Two of them, condensing the life of 800 drops of mixed power, have urged the soldiers of Hun Yuan to come.

Even the powerful people in the quiet domain who were forced to the distance by Pang Feng, Wu Xiangzi, and Ning Beihong were rioting.

Let Luo Liuli recover, even they are in danger.

Life and death, in an instant!

"I have done my best."

"If you still want to retain your strength, we have to explain it here."

While coughing up blood, Luo Liuli looked towards Xiao Ye.

In a flash.

The expressions of the two urging the lives forced by the soldiers of Hunyuan condensed.

Xiao Ye was indeed their target.

But the threat is far worse than Luo Liuli.

Luo Liuli, think Xiao Ye still has some reservations?

"Can Luo Liuli see my depth?"

Xiao Ye's expression was a little weird.

His second form is related to the Honglong clan.

If not necessary, he didn't want to be exposed at all.

But at the moment.

There seems to be no other choice.

"If you want to be fierce in the abyss, pass me first!"

Xiao Ye's hair moved, his figure leaped into the air and stood in front of Luo Liuli.

He faced the two powerful masters with 800 drops of mixed strength in the palm of his hand, fighting up to the sky, and the towering tree rooted in his body swayed.


Xiao Ye's body resonated with it, and his whole body changed drastically, transforming into a dragon shape.

The long dragon's body stretches across the first area. It is long and shining with immortal luster. Every inch of its body can crush the endless heavens. Its dragon tail is rolled up and swept forward fiercely.