Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5944: Giant figure

"It's really Master Xiao Ye!"

Hua Zang and Russell were overjoyed, like people in the dark, when they suddenly saw light.

"Master Xiao Ye!"

The Hunyuan rank army from the true spirit burst into heaven-shaking cheers, and many people cried with joy.

Xiao Ye.

This man who pioneered a system of direct spiritual practice and has repeatedly turned the tide has a supreme status in their minds.

They practiced assiduously and came to the Chenguang Chaos in Zhonghai to be able to follow Xiao Ye's battle.


The speed of Xiao Ye's realm improvement was too fast, and he had already detached from Zhong Hai, making them both excited and disappointed, and they secretly hated that they couldn't see Xiao Ye again.


At the critical moment, Xiao Ye unexpectedly showed up.

This feeling is beyond words.

"Boss Xiao Ye!"

The four emperors Xiaobai, Shiyi, and True Spirit were all yelling excitedly, but they didn't rush over.

Although Du Sheng was shaken back.

But the life of the surviving alliance still never gave up, and wanted to break through the interception and destroy the Chaos of Morning Light.

"Xiao Ye?"

"You came back from the Inland Sea?"

Du Sheng stopped in embarrassment, his eyes uncertain.

Xiao Ye's reputation in Zhong Hai is too great.

The real body is gone, and the influence is still unprecedented.

For example, the development of Zhonghai over the years has been unable to get rid of Xiao Ye's shadow.

In the face of such a genius Hunyuan-level being, he couldn't keep calm.

"Do you want to raid Zhonghai and capture my relatives?"

"Who gave you the courage!"

Xiao Ye's killing intent became stronger and stronger, and his voice was extremely cold.

Come back to Zhonghai.

It was discovered that many parallel chaos were broken down, and many chaos beings gathered after the morning light.

He had a foreboding of the unknown, and immediately teleported over to see the scene that made him extremely angry.


Almost, Bingya was about to be robbed!

How dare this seemingly ordinary Zhonghai Life!

If it weren't for Zi Yan, let him come back to see, his dearest relatives, I'm afraid all of them will fall.


"You are indeed a genius, but the breakthrough time is too short, I'm afraid it is still hovering in the early stage of the seventh stage."

"That's right, the old man even cleaned up with you!"

Du Sheng did not answer Xiao Ye's question.

The color of greed appeared in his eyes, and the heavy gloomy light formed a whirlpool in his body, causing his rickety body to suddenly skyrocket, and the power filled him, causing the surrounding sea to sink.

In a flash.

Du Sheng's figure reached hundreds of feet, Zhong Hai's binding force could not affect him, and his whole body teleported in front of Xiao Ye, like a giant looking down at the ants.

He lifted his right leg and stepped hard towards Xiao Ye.

"What's the chance for this Dusheng!"

Such sights shocked Hua Zang.

He was already close to the sixth-order peak, standing in the distance, he felt the mixed element blood stagnated, and his whole mixed element method was suppressed.

Can imagine.

Xiao Ye, who bears the brunt, will bear the pressure.

"Go together, help Xiao Ye kill the enemy!"

The young Shiyi, who was flying with Xuefa, rushed over with the Four True Spirits, worrying that Xiao Ye could not cope with it.

Only the next moment, they took a halt and stopped.

There was a hum, as if endless parallel chaos had exploded.

I saw that Xiao Ye had risen against the sky, and his entire body was radiant, causing Du Sheng's huge body to tremble, and the entire right leg was permanently shattered by the roots and could not be reshaped.

"You... how can you be so strong?"

Du Sheng's eyes were horrified.

Xiao Ye was more than ten times stronger than he expected.

At this moment, he did not have time to retreat, and Shitian pressed it up with his big hand.

Two bangs.

I saw that Du Sheng's arms exploded likewise, and the vortex inside his body was trembling.

Xiao Ye's eyes were cold, and he blasted towards Du Sheng with a punch.

The body is a hundred feet tall, and the mighty radiating Zhonghai's Dusheng is fragile in front of this fist, like a piece of paper being shredded.

When Xiao Ye's fist fell, flesh and blood flew all over the sky.

I saw that Du Sheng's Hunyuan body disintegrated in an instant, and only one head remained intact, throwing away backwards.

"So strong!"

The Four True Spirits, Xiao Bai, Nangong Xingyu, and Shi Yi all had their throats rolling and shocked.

Their worries seem too ridiculous.

No matter how strong Du Sheng was, it was not Xiao Ye's enemy.

With only one punch, Xiao Ye caused Zhonghai's precarious murderer to have been severely injured.

At this time, Xiao Ye grabbed his right hand volley, and saw Du Sheng's head curled up by the mixed force and fell into his palm.

"Who instigated you?"

Xiao Ye's eyes were like a knife.


It's just Zhonghai Life, but it seems to know the seventh step very well.

And the combat power that the opponent has just shown is almost comparable to the mid-tier seventh stage.

All this caused Xiao Ye's doubts and many speculations.

Watson was desperate.

This genius from the outside world is really terrifying.

Even if he had the ability to wash Zhonghai in blood, he was far from an opponent.

Being photographed by Xiao Ye Hunli, let alone escape, he couldn't even reshape his body.

"Refusing to speak?"


Xiao Ye exploded with Yuan-level will, covering Du Sheng's head.

High-level Hunyuan-level beings can use their will to read the memories of low-level ones.

Du Sheng's own realm was too low, how could he be able to stop Xiao Ye.

However, as Xiao Ye's will was surging, a deep gloomy light rose up, stopping his search.

"This force comes from the inner sea?"

Xiao Ye frowned.

Du Sheng is the life of the sixth stage in the early stage, and it must be this force to be able to display the strength of the seventh stage.

"I want to see who it is!"

Xiao Ye continued to explode, causing Du Sheng to scream in pain.

But counting interest time.

His head was completely exploded, his will was annihilated, and he had already fallen.

The wind howled.

Heavy faint light escaped from Dusheng, flowing in the vast sea.

At the same moment.

The members of the Thousands of Life Crossing Alliance who were fighting, all fell silently.

The gleaming light surrounding their bodies all flew out of their bodies, quickly blending together.

In an instant, a whirlpool took shape.

Unlike the vortex pushed by Du Sheng, this vortex possesses a unique will, with the aura of looking at all the mixed origins of life, which upset all parts of Zhonghai.

Morning chaos near.

No matter what the realm of beings, their footsteps are swaying, they can't straighten their bodies at all, and their cultivation is suppressed until they disappear.

Even Xiao Ye had a heavy body.

"Zhong Hai's life is really useless. With the help of him, I failed so quickly."

"Bailu Academy is even more a good method. It can be deduced to this seat and will interfere with Zhonghai."

A deep voice came from the whirlpool.

A vague shadow appeared, he was shrouded in thousands of orders, and he was staring coldly at Xiao Ye.

"This is…"

Suddenly, Xiao Ye took a deep breath.

At the beginning, he consulted the lord of Bailu and witnessed the origin of the Honglong clan.

In that scene, he also saw the Hunyuan-level giants in the Inner Sea Beginning Region, fighting against each other, which made his memory still fresh.

The shadow was invisible, but he recognized it at a glance.

This is impressive, a Hunyuan-level giant!