Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5948: Dafukuzawa

This drastic change is invisible to the naked eye and unchecked by the will.

But whether it is a master or a heavenly being, it can be truly perceived.

In their practice system, a new step to the Hunyuan level has completely appeared.

this moment.

Many Qitians were excited and roared.

They are the juniors of the real chaos.

Although he benefited from the system developed by Xiao Ye, he missed the opportunity of the foundation of the plastic mixed element.

In the endless years, they can only do their best to maintain a realm that is level with heaven.

Now they finally waited for a new chapter.


"I want to break through the heavens, rush to Zhong Hai, and follow in the footsteps of Master Xiao Ye!"

All the heavenly beings dispersed separately, cultivating hard in their own dojo.


Morning chaos.

Xiao Ye stood up, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He was also very excited in fulfilling his long-cherished wish.

Seeing Xiao Ye closing in, the Four True Spirits, Xiao Bai and others all greeted him quickly.

Xiao Ye's reaction made them all understand that the other party had accomplished the task.

"Master Xiao Ye, you definitely have great fortune!"

Hua Zang also followed, and he looked at Xiao Ye carefully, his eyes filled with weirdness.

He has also been to the open sea and witnessed the grandeur of the true spirit, and he still finds it incredible.


Xiao Ye's shaping into a greater splendor made him extremely shocked.

"Da Fukuze?"

Xiao Ye touched his nose: "When you break through to a high level, you may also have this ability."

"How simple it is."

Hua Zang smiled bitterly when he heard the words.

"Master Xiao Ye, I am not as strong as you, and I have never been to the Inland Sea, but I also know that to develop a system to cultivate to the Hunyuan level is like reversing Jun Meng Haohai's good fortune."

"This is not something that can be done just by high level."

Russell took the call and talked freely.

Xiao Ye was startled when he heard the words.

Hua Zang and Russell in front of them are inferior to him in terms of strength and realm.

But breaking through to the Hunyuan level was much earlier than him.

In some respects, he is more experienced and has more say.

"Could it be that I can improve the cultivation system, not because of the extreme mystery, and the comprehension of the Master of Bailu?" Xiao Ye muttered to himself.

In the dry and deep areas of the Inland Sea, he had indeed not seen any chaos that could give birth to Chaos Yuan in batches.

Thinking about it carefully, his upgrade of the True Spirit Chaos System this time went too smoothly, it was just a matter of course.

It is not only caused by one's own realm, but also has a certain element of luck.

The Master Bailu once said that he can grow to this point and cannot be summed up by luck.

"Is there really a kind of blessing in me?" Xiao Ye felt a little restless.

Hua Zang’s reminder.

It made him feel as if there was a big hand, pushing him and the true spirit onto Jun Menghaohai's stage.

"When I have time, I'll study."

Xiao Ye secretly said, no longer thinking about it.

If he creates a practice system that reaches the Hunyuan level, it is his unique blessing, then he will have more advantages in the future hegemony.

And here it is.

He must return to the Inland Sea as soon as possible, so he can't waste any more time.

"Yes, since the Hunyuan-level giants in the Inland Sea, they can't intervene in Zhonghai across the border."

"The chaotic future of the morning light, there should be no more twists and turns, but you must be careful."

"Hate us, the strength is too bad, I can't kill the enemy side by side with you."

The Four True Spirits said one after another, their expressions extremely solemn.

The cause and effect of the Honglong clan that Xiao Ye carried on his body was even alarmed by the Hunyuan-level giants, and they were naturally worried.

"Practice well, I am waiting for you in the inner sea."

Xiao Ye said.

Come back this time.

He left many treasures to Chenguang's chaos.

He condensed again and gave Bingya a hundred drops of mixed power.

As long as the Hunyuan giants no longer mess around and guard the chaos of the morning light, the problem is not big.

"Father, I let you down."

At the time of farewell, Xiao Nian blamed herself all over her face.

He finally walked out of his own way, created his own Hunyuan Method, and transformed to Hunyuan level.

But his realm has only reached the second-tier pinnacle.

When the Dusheng Alliance struck, he couldn't even get out of Chenguang Chaos.

"No, I'm very happy for my father."

Xiao Ye stared at her parents and grinned.

Xiao Nian grew up under his brilliance, without being tempered, and once lost his way.


He was very pleased to be able to get rid of his brilliance and achieve Hunyuan level by himself.

"Father, I will work hard!"

Xiao Ye's words inspired Xiao Nian.


Xiao Ye smiled and nodded, looking far away towards the sea, "This time, I can't go to see my parents!"

Xiao Yang, Luo Meilan, as well as the couple of Zhenhuangwang, all lived in the chaos of the real spirits far away in the sea.

The explanation is complete.

Xiao Ye stood tall, disappearing into the chaos of the morning light.

"Farewell this time, and I don't know how many years will be until I will see you again."

Hua Zang and Russell stood side by side, both sighing in low voices.

The foundation of Wanfu and Sun-Moon Alliance has been destroyed.

They have already made a decision to give up everything in the past, join the Chenguang Alliance, and protect this pure land on behalf of Xiao Ye for the future.

The boundless Jun Meng Hao in the sea.

Xiao Ye's figure flickered, and he teleported to the abyss leading to the inner sea.

This place is the same as ever.

Many corpses can be seen in the abyss.

Some are still alive, and some have withered.


There are also pieces of dragon scales floating in them, like stars in the universe.

"This is the fate Honglin left by the ancestors of the Honglong clan when they withdrew to Zhonghai."

Xiao Ye swept across these dragon scales.

Perhaps it was with the Honglong clan who had a deeper bond.

Seeing these fateful scales again, he felt extremely cordial.

Xiao Ye's figure quickly fell and rushed towards the bottom of the abyss.

At this moment—


The dragon scales floating in the abyss, like a living creature revived, stirred up a dragon-shaped phantom.

These phantoms are too long.

It was like reversing the order of time, and suddenly projected in front of Xiao Ye.

The ancestors of the Honglong clan!

These are the ultimate beings evolved from the Hunyuan Primal Device, who have fought with the Hunyuan Giants, and are extremely powerful.

Even if it was not a physical entity, Xiao Ye's body was shocked, and he felt tremendous pressure.

As the dragon-shaped phantom appeared, the Honglong Ancestral Tree in Xiao Ye's body seemed to be excited and violently shaken.

The ancestor tree's nest was full of movement, and huge fluctuations continued to spread out.

Immediately afterwards.

A sturdy Honglong suddenly opened his eyes, as if awakened.

He rose into the sky from the lair and came to the outside world. The waves that radiated from him made the abyss tremble gently.

"Brother Tulie!"

Xiao Ye stopped and looked at the Honglong in surprise.


Tutu's father.

Also the elite of the Honglong clan of later generations.

In the past, because it broke through to Tier 6, it touched the bottleneck of this family and was rapidly aging.

to this end.

Xiao Ye shot and sealed Tu Lie.

Until the Honglong ancestor tree appeared, Tulie fell asleep in the lair and recovered to a young state.

At this moment, he woke up unexpectedly.

Before Xiao Ye recovered, from the other nests of the Honglong Ancestral Tree, dragon-shaped beings also rushed out one after another.

"These Honglong dragons have all been awakened!"

Xiao Ye was overjoyed.