Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5949: Guidance from ancestors

To know.

With the revival of Honglong's ancestral power, and the emergence of Honglong's ancestral tree.

The defects of this group of dragons disappeared, and they were all growing rapidly.

Until now, the worst is the sixth order.

Part of it has been transformed to the seventh stage.

Xiao Ye had thought that if this group of dragons could be used, it would definitely be a powerful combat force.

Regrettably, these dragons have been sleeping.


Just as the Bailu Academy was about to be impacted, these Honglong people were awakened by the phantoms of their ancestors one after another, and Xiao Ye was naturally surprised.

In just a few dozen breaths of time.

One after another dragon-shaped life, flying in the abyss, without fear of the danger in the abyss, the mighty breath will penetrate this place.

"Brother Xiao Ye!"

Among them is a dragon-shaped life, transformed into a middle-aged man.

"Through your hard work these years!"

His eyes fell on Xiao Ye, tears in his eyes, and he walked one step at a time.

"Brother Tulie!"

The corner of Xiao Ye's mouth twitched.

In order to protect the ethnic group, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his own man, but he survived after all.

Seeing again, he was full of emotion.

"If it weren't for Xiao Ye's little friend, how could we reproduce the world?"

Other dragon-shaped beings also turned into human forms one after another.

"Little friend Xiao Ye, please be respected by us!"

One of the spirited old men, led all the clansmen, bowed and saluted Xiao Ye.

He is a figure stone.

At the end of his life, he was sealed by Xiao Ye, and now he has recovered, without any previous decline.

"Everyone, it doesn't need to be like that."

"Xiao has also received a lot of favors from the Honglong clan."

Xiao Ye quickly lifted up the figure stone.

"In the Beginning Region of the Inland Sea, most of those who benefited from my Honglong clan turned into executioners."

Tu Shi's eyes were sad.

During the deep sleep, they all knew about Xiao Ye's experience.

The emergence of the Honglong ancestor tree.

It also gave them insight into the origin and past of the Honglong clan.

"Everyone, where do you plan to go next?" Xiao Ye pondered a little and asked.

"Honglong Ancestral Tree, in your body."

"We naturally want to follow you."

Tu Shi smiled.

They believe that being awakened by the shadows of their ancestors is a guide.

Guide them.

Along with Xiao Ye, resist the powerful enemy together and resolve the impact of Bailu Academy.

Tu Shi's words attracted the recognition of other Honglong people.


Xiao Ye nodded.

This group of Honglong tribes totaled fifteen thousand people.

The worst are all in the middle of the sixth order.

Hundreds of people from the tribe, such as Tu Shi, Tu Lie, Tu Tu’s mother, have broken through to the seventh-order peak.

There are thousands of tribesmen.

Either in the late stage of the seventh stage or in the middle stage of the seventh stage.

Such a lineup.

If you can help, the pressure on the Bailu Academy can be greatly reduced.

"The girl Tutu still hasn't regained consciousness?"

Perceiving the Honglong Ancestral Tree in his body, there is no change, Xiao Ye secretly said.

What kind of state the Tutu carrying Honglong's ancestral strength is now beyond his ability to probe.


A group of Honglong people returned to the lair.

Xiao Ye returned to the Inland Sea through the abyss.

Passing by the eternal sky of the dry domain, Xiao Ye glanced at Luo Jiang Hunyuan's plane.

Finding Luo Jiang was refining the treasure he had left behind, Xiao Ye left quickly.

Xiao Ye dashed across the sea and hurried towards Yuanyu.

After passing through a large area of ​​dead silence and darkness, Xiao Ye felt a huge Hunyuan-level aura, as if in the universe, he could see a piece of life star.

Obviously, Yuan Yu is ahead.

Only when Xiao Ye approached, his heart jumped.

With the opening of the Bailu Academy, the news of no more thresholds spread.

Almost all the forces in the Yuan domain have been subverted.

A large number of Hunyuan-level beings are heading for the academy, so that the forces of all parties in the Yuan domain are withered, and naturally there will be no more disputes.


Xiao Ye's will spread, and he caught the wisps of war sounds spreading.

"Has the war broke out?"

Xiao Ye's expression was solemn, distinguishing the position of the war tone, and rushed forward.

The source of the war tone is a fragmented parallel chaos.

This chaos is located at the seventh level, is penetrated by the monstrous combat power, and the Tianxin is exhausted.

In the ruins of chaos.

Two teams are fighting each other.

Look carefully.

Among them, dozens of lives, with the unique breath of Bailu Academy, are frantically resisting, a group of fierce and powerful men.

There are as many as a hundred of this group of strong men, all located in the seventh rank and coming from the secluded domain.

With their powerful attacking technique, more than a dozen colleges have been coughing up blood.

"Is Bailu Academy going to the hospital in a hurry? Even this kind of life with low talent is willing to cultivate."

"Everyone, remember to capture this group of lives alive, capture them back, and then refine them into Hunyuan puppets, so that they will suffer the pain of enslavement!"

The hundreds of Youyu domain powerhouses are all laughing wildly.

These words fell in the ears of the lives of more than a dozen colleges, making them pale.

They had known for a long time that the wide open gate of Bailu Academy was unusual.

After worshipping into the academy, they felt the oppressive feeling of wind and rain.

One time before the Epoch.

The deep and secluded realm opened up by the White Deer Court's owner collapsed, and the moat that separated the two realms was flattened.

So far.

There is no barrier between the secluded and dark realms of the inner sea.

Since then.

A large number of lives in the Yuyu area rushed into the Yuyu area in groups, not knowing how many lives were captured.

They listened to the academy's dispatch, and fought with Youyu Life, but they weren't opponents at all.

no way!

They were originally the wanderers of Yuanyu, and their time to join Bailu Academy was short, and their progress was extremely limited.

"I would rather die than be enslaved by you!"

The lives of the Bailu Academy roared, and the soldiers in charge of Hunyuan fought hard, not wanting to catch them.

"That can't be for you!"

A Youyu powerhouse sneered.

He is located at the peak of the seventh order, and dozens of thick iron chains appear in his hands at this moment, like a dragon moving, winding toward the front.

The iron chain in the sky is so fast that it has never tied the target.


A majestic palace fell from the sky, taking all the lives of more than a dozen academies into it.

The iron chain slammed into the palace, but it couldn't shake it at all.

"This is a soldier of Hunyuan!"

Seeing this, all the strong people in the field changed their expressions.

This palace is made of **** piles, with mottled marks, and the three characters of Xianxuan Hall are inscribed on the door.

"I heard that the lord of Bailu had refined ten palaces with his own hands, both offensive and defensive."

"Two of them have been opened recently, and they must be the super geniuses of Bailu Academy!"

A powerful man in the domain, recognizing the origin of this palace, suddenly felt like an enemy.

With vigilant gazes, they looked at the top of Xianxuan Palace.


Xiao Ye's figure appeared above the Xianxuan Palace.

Xianxuan Hall recognized him as the master, and Xiao Ye was already able to enter his body.

"You Yuyu life, unexpectedly make a big shot in Yuanyu?"

At this moment, Xiao Ye frowned.

"Send you on the road first!"

With a wave of Xiao Ye's palm, the Immortal Xuan Palace under his feet was urged, and he rose in the air, heading towards the suppression of the hundred Youyu domain powerhouses.