Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 5995: Five geniuses, meet again

The arrival of Wuxiangzi and Ning Beihong is just an episode.

The life in the chaos of the morning light is quite exciting.

There are two eighth rank powerhouses comparable to Xiao Ye, sitting in the morning light, fearing any difficulties.

"I have heard of Inland Sea life, and I have dismissed Zhong Hai, let alone a genius of Tier 8."

"When these two adults come here, they will live in the morning light forever?"

All kinds of discussions were heard everywhere, and the true spirit beings were speculating about Wu Xiangzi and Ning Beihong's intentions.

Soon after the discussion, he was interrupted by the Heavenly Silkworm Holy Emperor.

How can it be arrogant about the eighth-tier powerhouse.

The emperor said.

The level of True Spirit Chaos was raised to level 7.

Coupled with the cultivation system developed by Xiao Ye that goes straight to the Hunyuan-level, the number of Hunyuan-level beings born will continue to increase.

Nangong Xingyu has gone back.

Prepare to select a group of beings whose realm is enough to gallop in Zhonghai to train in the morning chaos.

At that time.

The chaotic competition in the morning light is bound to become more intense.

The words of the Emperor Celestial Silkworm made many lives both happy and worried.

I'm so happy.

Xiao Ye's great blueprint is becoming a reality.

True Spirit Chaos really wants to get rid of the open sea, competing against the sea.

The worry is.

If they wanted to get the resources that Xiao Ye had prepared for the true spirit, the difficulty would be greatly increased.

For a time.

With more than 400,000 Hunyuan-level beings, they practiced harder and harder, concentrating on comprehending the Huiyuan fighting technique.

Although Wu Xiangzi and Ning Beihong are in retreat, they often release their will to explore the scene in the chaos of the morning light.

"Xiao Ye has big ambitions!"

"He retired to Zhonghai to accumulate strength!"

The hearts of the two couldn't stop shaking.

They are all eighth-order powerhouses with amazing vision.

At a glance, it was obvious that most of the lives in this chaos came from the same chaos.

This is simply a miracle in the sea of ​​Jun Menghao.

At the very least, they haven't seen it.


Reminiscent of the Honglong ancestor tree rooted in Xiao Ye's internal world, they were relieved.

That kind of treasure.

It is bound to have incredible ability to make Hunyuan giants covet it.

At the fingertips, a long period of time passed by Chenguang Chaos.

Inside the Xianxuan Hall.

Honglong dragons were cruising beside Xiao Ye, and the stars transformed by various sentiments were turning in the hall.

"The eighth-level cultivation is really difficult, I'm still too optimistic."

Xiao Ye whispered to himself.

At this time, the mixing force in his body reached 1,100 drops

This still consumes half of the Tier 8 resources on the body.

It is still quite far away from the middle of the eighth stage.

"The Honglong clan is really enviable."

Xiao Ye raised his eyes to look at the dragon-shaped beings, and his gaze stayed on Tu Shi and Tu Lie's couple.

These three great dragons.

It was the Honglong clan, the first to break through to Tier 8.

Relying on the perception in the Xianxuan Palace, it is still evolving, and it will definitely enter the middle stage of the eighth stage earlier than him.

"This time I went to Shiyu to experience it. If you bring the Honglong clan, it will be a bit risky."

Xiao Ye fell into deep thought.

According to Wu Xiangzi, once the Beginning Domain Chaos Talisman is activated, nearby lives will also be teleported over.

After a while, Xiao Ye shook his head.

The Honglong ancestral tree is rooted in the world in his body, even if he intends to remove it, I am afraid that he will not be able to do it.


To really remove the Honglong Ancestral Tree and stay in the Chaos of Morning Light will only bring disaster here.

"I hope the Beginning Domain Chaos Talisman can really obscure the breath."

Xiao Ye secretly said in his heart.

Prompt this talisman, it can silently descend to the edge of the beginning domain.

At the same time, they can come back quickly.

So, it's still safe, but if it doesn't work, just run away.

"Almost there."

Xiao Ye felt something and walked out of the Xianxuan Palace.

"Brother Xiao, your perception is sharp, I am planning to inform you."

Wu Xiangzi and Ning Beihong are standing outside the temple.

"Pang Feng and Luo Liuli, are they coming?" Xiao Ye put away the Xianxuan Palace and asked.


Wuxiangzi opened the mouth and looked beyond the chaos of the morning light.

He and Pang Feng visited the Bailu Academy at the same time, and they were so familiar with each other's breath.

"Xiao Ye."

Wu Xiangzi's words fell, and suddenly a cold voice came.

Immediately, the chaotic light overwhelmingly emerged.

A grim young man and a black-robed girl appeared together in the chaos of the morning light.

"It's two eighth rank strong again!"

"Master Xiao Ye, how many strong people do you know!"

All the true spirit beings trembled in horror.

"Pang Feng!"

"Luo Liuli!"

Xiao Ye hurriedly greeted him.


Looking at Xiao Ye, Luo Liuli snorted coldly.

"Luo Liuli."

"We haven't seen each other for many years..." Xiao Ye couldn't help smiling wryly.

"The five of us are leading the distress in Piaoxue at the same time."

"Only you recover quickly, and you have broken through to the eighth level, what kind of face can she treat you?"

Seeing this, Pang Feng laughed.

"This guy is really strong."

Xiao Ye touched her nose, glanced at Luo Liuli, her expression changed.

He was also an eighth-order being, but he couldn't see through Luo Liuli.

The other party just stood there, faintly giving him a great sense of oppression.

"The Fallen Yuan Immortal Phoenix who has reached the eighth rank is very terrifying."

"Among the four of us, except for Xiao Ye, everyone else can't beat her." A trace of helplessness appeared on Pang Feng's face.

Departing from Bailu Academy, on the way to the chaos of morning light.

He and Luo Liuli have also discussed with each other, and this is the conclusion.

"So strong?"

Wu Xiangzi and Ning Beihong, who were greeted, were shocked when they heard this.

"Well, in the future, there will be opportunities to relive the past. It is important to do business."

Pang Feng was eager to try.

"Come with me."

Xiao Ye took the four of them and flew towards a forbidden sky.

With the Beginning Domain Chaotic Talisman, secretly escape to the edge of the Beginning Domain to experience, the fewer people who know, the better.

This forbidden sky.

It has been emptied by Xiao Ye's order, and there is no life.

Xiao Ye declared to the outside world.

When Pang Feng and Luo Liuli arrive, their five great geniuses will stay here to keep an eye on them.

When he rushed into this forbidden sky, Xiao Ye waved his hand, and the Hun Yuan Fa moved, directly banning the place.

"let's start."

Xiao Ye took out the Beginning Domain Chaos Talisman.

The four Pang Feng also showed an ancient jade in their hands.

The method of stimulating the chaos in the beginning area is not complicated.

Take the will as the guide, and inject all of your own mixed power.

The five geniuses stood in the air, the ancient jade lingering and the white light was increasing, engraved with mysterious patterns like living creatures resurrecting, forming an inexplicable totem, which spread all of a sudden.


Xiao Ye felt that he was disarmed by soldiers, and Hunyuan's will, body, and mixed strength were all stripped away, forming black matter, which was then swallowed by a mysterious totem.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The figures of the five great geniuses suddenly disappeared here.

For Xiao Ye, this process seemed to last only a moment.

The split Hunyuan will, body, and mixed strength quickly regrouped together.

At the same time, the dazzling light suddenly shines.

This is the brilliance radiated by Haohai, which is completely different from Dryland, Deepland, and Netherland.

"It's the beginning domain!"

Xiao Ye was shocked.