Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 6070: Return to the Clock Tower

6070 Revisiting the Bell Tower

With the Bailu Academy and the life of the true spirit, the Chaos Chaos was withdrawn.

Without their suppression, the war on the edge of Shiyu subsided, and the local life began to rise savagely.

One force after another reappeared, and the power swept across the sea, facing the Chaos Chaos in the air.

The native life on the edge of the beginning domain did not dare to attack the Chaos Chaos.

The life in Chaoxia Chaos is also on guard against the attack of the unparalleled sword master and other powerhouses.

After this kind of confrontation has lasted for a long time, there are more and more eighth-order powerhouses in Chaoxia Chaos.

The most significant change is the army of true spirits.

old days.

In order to get rid of the shackles of good fortune, almost all of the two million true spirits that have been rebuilt with new ones have recovered to about the sixth order.

As for Bingya, the Four Emperors of Zhenling, Nangong Xingyu and others, they have already reached the seventh rank.

Under the guidance of Xiao Ye.

They also came into contact with the profound meaning of the extreme tactics. Although the foundation of each level was not as good as Xiao Ye's, it also surpassed the original.


The true spirit beings who are not trapped by the shackles of creation are all based on the seventh order, and they are constantly attacking the eighth order.

The benefits of taking root in the beginning domain are fully manifested.

As you can imagine.

It won't be long before the cultivation of the 'outsiders' within Chaoxia Chaos will reach the average level on the edge of the Beginning Domain.

Coupled with the dual techniques in charge of the True Spirit Army, it can definitely form a battle force that is proud of one side.

Of course.

The life in Chaoxia Chaos, the most anticipated, is still Xiao Ye.

After the war with Di Zong.

Xiao Ye fell into weakness and retreated for several epochs before recovering.

Followed by.

The breath that Xiao Ye burst out began to grow rapidly.

That was a sign of Xiao Ye's cultivation, and he was recovering quickly.

this day.

Xiao Ye, who was dressed in black and black hair, left the customs. He joined Pang Feng, Wu Xiangzi, and Ning Beihong, and rushed out of Chaoxia Chaos, which was under martial law.

Xiao Ye leaves the customs.

It is not that the war will resume, but to go to the clock tower to experience.

Knowing Xiao Ye's purpose, the entire Chaos Chaoxia boiled.

The bell tower is a special place within the edge of Shiyu.

Those who can break into the bell tower, the worst is the life of the seventh-order peak, otherwise it will be difficult to even break through the first floor.

After rooting in the origin domain.

Most of the academies and true spirit beings have gone through the clock tower and gained a lot.

Now that Xiao Ye went to break into the tower, it meant that the opponent's realm was far beyond when he was fighting with Di Zong.

"Senior Xiao Ye rushed out like this, aren't you afraid of being intercepted by the eighth-order peak halfway?"

"Since the master of Bailu did not stop it, it means that Senior Xiao Ye has the ability to deal with it. Maybe he has completely recovered."

"What's more, the owner of the clock tower and the master of Bailu are old friends, and they won't watch those eighth-order peaks mess up."

In addition to the heated discussions between the academy and the true spirit beings, many people followed curiously.

The edge of the beginning domain has undergone a major blood change, and many forces have become ruins.

But the bell tower has not changed.

The eighty-eighth-story bell tower, like a pillar of the sky, stands in the seventh-level Qingxiu Chaos.

With the chaotic martial law in the morning glow, Bailu Academy and Zhenling Life rarely come to the Bell Tower to practice.

But now.

Qingxiu is chaotic but very lively, and tens of thousands of lives are gathering here, and they enter the tower for experience in turn.

They are all local beings on the edge of the Beginning Domain, most of them are at the peak of the seventh-order, and many of them are strong in the early and middle stages of the eighth-order.

"One year spent similar, each year is different."

"After years of evolution, many seventh-order lives have been born on the edge of the beginning domain."

A three-eyed giant walked out of the clock tower. He glanced at the unfamiliar faces, feeling quite emotional.

He is Wang Que.

When the five geniuses, Xiao Ye, Luo Liuli, and Pang Feng, used the Beginning Domain Chaotic Space Talisman to come to practice, they once joined Wang Que and came to the bell tower together.

For Xiao Ye.

Wang Que admired it.


When the localized war broke out, Wang Que was in retreat, so he survived and successfully broke through to the mid-eighth-order.

up to now.

Wang Que already knew that the five geniuses he met back then came from the White Deer Academy in the Abyss.

"I have become the edge of the beginning domain, and there are several strong people."

"But even so, I only made it to the thirtieth floor, which is far from Xiao Ye's original record." Wang Que secretly said in his heart.

Think back then.

Xiao Ye broke through to the mid-eighth-order, then reached the fiftieth floor, and killed the late-eighth-order powerhouse against adversity.

These achievements made Wang Que look up to the mountains.

While thinking about it, a loud noise suddenly came, which made the atmosphere in Qingxiu Chaos tense.

Wang Que raised his eyes and looked up, and was immediately startled.

I saw a group of people coming from afar.

The leader was a black-clothed and black-haired boy, who attracted the local life of Shiyu gathered near the clock tower, showing strong hostility.

"Xiao Ye?"

Looking at the black-clothed boy, Wang Que showed a shocked expression.

he knows.

Xiao Ye has the power of Honglong, and he has a big problem.

How dare the other party, so open and upright, come to Qingxiu Chaos?

"Wang Que, long time no see."

"I didn't expect you to be alive."

Xiao Ye's eyes fell on Wang Que.


"If I hadn't just missed the localized war, I might have died in your hands." Wang Que said quietly, with a rather complicated expression.

"The killing of the localized war is not what I want."

Xiao Ye sighed and walked towards the entrance of the clock tower.

His energy is not obvious, the depth is unfathomable, and he has a look of contempt.

Pang Feng, Wu Xiangzi, and Ning Beihong followed behind, and while the Hunyuan Dharma unfolded, the local life along the way did not dare to make a move, and they all retreated silently.

"Little guy, we finally meet again."

At the entrance of the bell tower, the illusory old man looked up. He looked at Xiao Ye carefully, frowning slightly, "You have only recovered to the middle stage of the seventh order, and you are also coming to the bell tower?"

"That guy Bailu didn't stop you?"

Mid-level seventh!

This sentence made the surrounding of the clock tower silent.

"The owner of the bell tower, you can see Xiao Ye's current state!"

The native beings on the edge of the Beginning Territory all looked strange.

The news of Xiao Ye's re-cultivation has spread.


Xiao Ye rushed to the bell tower, they thought that the other party might have recovered to the eighth order.

Xiao Ye didn't respond, he flipped his palm, and suddenly ten pieces of pure blue gold flew towards the owner of the clock tower.

"Well, let's go with you."

The owner of the bell tower took a deep look at Xiao Ye, took the Wushou Blue Gold directly, and let Xiao Ye enter the tower.

"This kid is really arrogant, I want to see how many floors he can break into!"

"Hmph, it's better to die in the clock tower, so that we can also have one less enemy."

Many native beings on the edge of the Beginning Region are staring at Xiao Ye's back.

Pang Feng, Wu Xiangzi, and Ning Beihong looked at each other and smiled.

How can the rebuilt Xiao Ye use his realm to measure his strength?

these native life.

I'm afraid I still don't know how terrible Xiao Ye is after being rebuilt.

(End of this chapter)