Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 6084: Realm leap

6084 Realm leap

up to now.

Most of the lives in the Chaos Chaos are experienced in the edge of the Beginning Domain, and few live in the Chaoxia for a long time.

The major forbidden sky in the Chaos Chaos is an empty scene, only the innate gods and masters are left in action.

"The Four True Spirit Emperors, Nian'er, Xiao Fan and other True Spirit leaders are all recovering quickly, and they have basically reached the seventh rank."

"In the past few years, Bailu Academy has absorbed a lot of fresh blood. The number of lives in the academy has exceeded 100,000, and all of them are eighth-order lives."

"The army of true spirits that took root with me in the Beginning Domain has also completed its transformation one after another. Except for the rebuilders, the worst is the seventh-order peak, and it is expected that all of them will enter the eighth-order!"

"Pang Feng, Wu Xiangzi, and Ning Beihong have successfully attacked and entered the late eighth-order stage and are in the same realm as Luo Liuli!"

Xiao Ye, who had returned from collecting the rough stones of the Inland Sea, heard the news and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After taking root in the domain for many years.

The realm of the academy and the true spirit life has reached the average level of the edge of the beginning domain.

Coupled with the eighth-order peak here, all of them are slaughtered.

As long as the ninth-order powerhouse at the core of the Beginning Domain does not take action, there is no need for him to take care of it.

"I'm in the middle of the eighth-order, and I've stayed long enough, it's time to break through!"

Xiao Ye jumped up and rushed into the Xianxuan Hall.

"This kid, is he finally willing to break through?"

In an instant, in the stretch of buildings, the master Bailu opened his eyes, and there was a strange light in his eyes.

After solving the problem of the shackles of good fortune, Xiao Ye's path to the ninth order of the Primordial Yuan can be called a smooth road, and there are no shackles.

after all.

In the late Hunyuan level, the accumulation of perception is far more important than resources.


The unparalleled sword master and others have already stepped into the ninth order.

The master of Bailu has been expecting that Xiao Ye rises against the sky and crosses the eighth order.

However, Xiao Ye was obsessed with the foundation of Hunyuan and perfected the tactics of extreme realm, and the realm has been stagnant.


Xiao Ye finally wanted to make a change.

"It seems that Xiao Ye knows about the Haohai Passage." The head of the Bailu Court said softly to himself.

many years ago.

He has passed through the Haohai Passage many times to the core of the Beginning Domain, and naturally knows the current situation.

Time flows.

The majestic Xianxuan Hall, suspended in the chaotic sky of the morning glow, has a simple atmosphere, and a kind of atmosphere is gradually spreading.

That is Xiao Ye's Hunyuan method in the transformation.

Escaping from the Xianxuan Hall, and then blending into this chaos, the heart of the sky was shaking.

This kind of scene has not subsided for many years, but has become more and more violent.

While the heart of the sky was boiling, various heavenly visions descended, surrounding the Xianxuan Hall and submerging it.

"This master's skill is truly terrifying!"

"I heard that Mr. Xiao Ye's talent is comparable to that of the ultimate life, and he is a demon at the Primordial level!"

The gods and masters in the Chaos Chaos, looking at the Xianxuan Hall from afar, are full of amazement.

Over the years, the academy and the true spirits have lived here, and they are no strangers to it.

Like other Primordial-level beings, if they practice hard in the Chaos Chaos, they will be more or less suppressed by the way of heaven, which is why they often practice outside.

But Xiao Ye is different.

Obviously not the controller of Chaoxia Chaos, but he can inscribe his own law into Chaoxia Chaos.

Now that the transformation of the Primordial Primordial Law has resonated with the Heavenly Dao, it is truly incredible.

"Is the leaf going to break through?"

The four emperors of the true spirit and others were alarmed, and they appeared one after another, staring at the Xianxuan Hall, quite excited.

They cut off the old body and transformed into a new body for rebuilding.

Now that it has only recovered to the seventh order, it is still unable to gallop in the vast sea of ​​the beginning, and can only stay in retreat in the Chaos Chaos.

"This guy, it's long overdue to break through, otherwise I'll catch up with him."

Nangong Xingyu said with a smile.


"Even if you reach the late eighth stage, you are not a match for Boss Xiao Ye." Xiaobai glanced at Nangong Xingyu, and then the corner of the other's mouth twitched.

When they were rebuilding, they were also in touch with the extreme tactics.

The more the deduction, the more unfathomable this method becomes.

Comparing the strength with Xiao Ye, that is asking for no fun.

The news that Xiao Ye was breaking the boundary spread.

Many lives who have experienced abroad have returned one after another.

Since Xiao Ye created the extreme realm of warfare, the entire life in the Chaos Chaos has been waiting for the opponent to break through.

This day has finally arrived.

"Hey, I finally broke through to the late eighth-order stage, and I will be surpassed by Brother Xiao again in a blink of an eye!"

Pang Feng, Wu Xiangzi, and Ning Beihong also rushed back, and the three geniuses all had bitter expressions on their faces.


Anyone can feel that the breath escaping from Xianxuan Hall is constantly increasing.

a few hours.

You can complete a lot of Primordial Life, and the accumulation of hundreds or thousands of epochs.

Needless to say.

Xiao Ye is devouring the high-level Honglong corpse.

In this way, you can ignore the Primordial Law and forcibly improve the realm.

But just like pulling the seedlings to encourage growth, it will have a great impact on the future of Primordial Life.

But for Xiao Ye, this hidden danger does not exist at all.

When the pointer of time is drawn to 100,000 years later.


Inside the Xianxuan Hall, bursts of roaring sounds erupted, causing Chaoxia's chaotic Tianxin to be unstable for a while.

The figure of the woman dressed in the rays of the sun swayed for a while.

She is the master of the Chaoxia Palace, and she is only in the late eighth order.

After Xiao Ye was in the same realm with her, her breath alone could shake the heart of the sky, and it was difficult for her to resolve it.

"This kid, broke through to the late eighth-order!"

Chaoxia Palace Master revealed a surprise in his eyes.

The stronger Xiao Ye's cultivation is, the more likely it is to save her son-in-law.

The lives gathered together also burst into cheers.

their camp.

There is another late-stage eighth-order powerhouse, who is still the kind of evildoer who cannot measure combat power by realm!

They are curious.

Based on this situation, Xiao Ye used all means to kill the first stage of the ninth order in adversity?

After the hustle and bustle.

The aura that erupted in Xianxuan Hall continued to increase.

"In the localized war, there are probably as many as hundreds of thousands of high-level Honglongs who have fallen."

"Now, Xiao Ye will continue to sprint."

The stern young man Pang Feng said.

With the foundation of Xiao Ye's accumulation, as long as there are enough resources, how can it stop at the late eighth-order?

Pang Feng's words made everyone's heart skip a beat.

Could it be that Xiao Ye wants to rush directly to the ninth order?

No one can answer this question.

When the time passes a million years.

The entire Chaos Chaoxia was clattering, and the major forbidden days turned into smoke and dust.

The vast sky is like a glass being struck, and it is becoming fragmented.

Even if the Hall Master Chaoxia tried his best to push Tianxin, he would not be able to stabilize this chaos.

Xiao Ye's breath is too strong, he doesn't need to push it deliberately, he will overwhelm Zhaoxia.

As for the Primordial-level beings, they are all ears buzzing, almost unsteady.

Xiao Ye, who was in the rush, also seemed to have noticed this.

The next moment, the entire Xianxuan Palace rose into the sky, like a comet crashing directly into the vast ocean.

"Xiao Ye, you are about to reach the peak of the eighth rank!"

Pang Feng took the lead in chasing after him and wanted to witness it with his own eyes.

(End of this chapter)