Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 6108: Unicorn

Unicorn Venerable

Liuguang Chaos was the headquarters of Liuguang Mountain, a powerful force on the edge of Beginning Domain in the past.

this force.

It rose after the localized war. Although it is not as powerful as the Bailian Palace, it should not be underestimated.

in the passage of time.

This force, like Bailiangong, is extremely low-key and never participates in any competition.

Until many ninth-order powerhouses come.

Only then did the native life on the edge of the beginning domain know that Liuguang Mountain was already under the control of the Fallen Primordial Immortal Phoenix clan, secretly guarding a vast sea passage in the chaos of Liuguang.


Liuguang Mountain has long ceased to exist and has become history.

As for the Chaos of Streaming Light, it was also penetrated and became the ruins of chaos.

at this time.

The terrifying aura in the chaos of the streamer is gushing out, and it seems that some behemoth wants to complete the cross-domain.

Before the real body came, there was a surging dharma, which caused the surrounding vast sea to be restless.

"There is another strong person at the core of the beginning domain, who will come here through this passage!"

The nearby parallel chaos controllers, when they noticed the clue, were all excited.

Xiao Ye and Luo Liuli joined forces to kill the ninth-rank powerhouse, which was almost desperate.

Fortunately, the core of the beginning domain has already taken action, and it may be able to solve the group of outsiders!


That momentum continued to skyrocket, making the streamer chaos that had turned into ruins completely annihilated and turned into smoke and dust in the vast sea.

The place where the Primal Chaos was originally had been sunken, and a passage was faintly revealed.

There is a radiance from the sky pouring out, condensing a unicorn with a height of ten thousand feet.

He has the temperament to look down on all directions and look down on the Primordial level. Just a roar caused countless parallel chaotic turbulence, and the heart of the sky seemed to be split.


The one-horned giant had just broken free from the passage. Fang Haohai suddenly became radiant, and a foot intertwined in French suddenly stepped down towards the other side.

A thud.

With the strength of this one-horned giant, his body trembled when he was crushed, and half of his body sank into the passage.

"White deer!"

"You dare to stop me!"

The unicorn's eyes flashed with anger, looking directly at a silver-robed middle-aged man in front of him.

The streamer was chaotic, and the distance was not too far away. With the realm of the master of Bailu, he quickly arrived here, just in time to see this unicorn.

"Why don't I dare to stop you?"

"I still want to try, can I kill the core of Shiyu, the famous one-horned venerable!"

The white deer chuckled lightly, and swooped forward.

At the same time, he raised his hands and kept pressing towards the unicorn.

Although his movements are simple, each strike is wrapped in the Hunyuan Technique and Hunli, making Haohai sag like crazy.

"White deer!"

The unicorn is resisting.

But the collision of each blow will make his body sag down half a point.

"You kill the core of my Beginning Domain first, dozens of ninth-order early stage!"

"You still dare to stop me now, it seems that you are not afraid of the intervention of the giants!"

The unicorn shouted, and leaned forward while fighting against the white deer.


"Those dozens of early ninth-order statues were not killed by me."

Bai Lu laughed lightly when he heard the words, "As for why I dare to stop you, it's because there is no need to worry about the balance being broken."


As soon as this statement came out, the unicorn was taken aback.

Looking at the core of the entire Beginning Domain, other than White Deer, who else has the ability to kill dozens of early ninth-order powerhouses?

"It's the kid with the ancestral power of Honglong!"

The next moment, noticing that a Hunyuan life rushed to the vicinity, the unicorn's eyes burst with cold light.

Xiao Ye, Luo Liuli, and Qi Tai all rushed to the vicinity.

With his realm, he instantly knew that these three had already broken through to the ninth order.

Xiao Ye's growth speed is unparalleled, and he has entered the ninth order!

"The powerhouse in the middle stage of the ninth order!"

Xiao Ye stood in the distance, and his expression became solemn.

That one-horned giant, mixed violently, was the most he had ever seen in his life.

And the body of Hunyuan is also strong and unparalleled, and can easily crush the early life of the ninth order.

Fortunately, the master of Bailu is also extremely strong, otherwise Fang Haohai would be overthrown by the other party.

"Every time the realm breakthrough of the ninth-order powerhouse will drive the body of Hunyuan, and it will undergo a substantial transformation."

"Some ninth-order powerhouses with high realm, the body of Hunyuan can even be compared with the ultimate life."

Qi Tai is speaking.

He is not as strong as Xiao Yeqiang, but he has practiced for too long and knows a lot of secrets.

He said that the ninth order, which is the first order of the evolution of the Hunyuan life to reverse Jun Meng Haohai, has endless mysteries.

"So it is." Xiao Ye nodded when he heard the words.

After he stepped into the ninth rank, his combat power was very strong, but he didn't know much about the mystery of this rank.

"Xiao Ye, it seems this guy is determined to kill you."

At this time, Luo Liuli said, a little gloating.

The unicorn, while facing off against Bailu, glanced at Xiao Ye from time to time, bursting out with monstrous killing intent.


A sneer appeared at the corner of Xiao Ye's mouth.

He is no longer the one he used to be, and can be threatened by high-level Primordial Primordial Life.

not to mention.

This unicorn fought against the white deer, and could not gain any upper hand, and could only keep from being pushed back into the passage.

"Just right!"

"After Xiao Ye broke through to the ninth rank, I haven't done anything with the mid-ninth rank. Today, I want to experience it!"

Xiao Ye's hair fluttered and he walked forward.

"Ha ha!"

"Then let's go side by side and kill the one-horned Venerable. Maybe he has the treasure brought from the core of the beginning domain!"

Seeing this, Bai Lu laughed heroically.

old days.

The boy who was ignorant of the Primordial Rank has finally grown to the point where he can join forces with him to kill the enemy.

He has waited a long time for this day.


Xiao Ye nodded, there was only one word.

The words fall.

Xiao Ye's figure disappeared directly in place.


A dragon shadow rushed towards the unicorn, so fast that it was difficult to capture.

"Second form!"

"This kid is going to be real!" Qi Tai was shocked.

Xiao Ye, who has just entered the ninth rank.

Under normal conditions, he could even kill the early stage of the ninth order. He had been guessing how strong Xiao Ye's second form would be.

At this moment, I can finally witness it with my own eyes. Joining forces with Bailu may really kill the opponent.


Haohai boils in all directions, and the channel sunken in Haohai is shaking.

I saw that the one-horned giant, who was able to keep leaning out, was violently impacted, groaned, fell towards the passage, and disappeared.

"It's coming, let's stay!"

With the sound of dragon roars, Long Ying and Bai Lu rushed in side by side, making the blood of the real souls who came late in a hurry to boil.

Xiao Ye and Bai Lu joined forces to kill the one-horned Venerable in the middle stage of the ninth order!

(End of this chapter)