Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 6142: the eve of the end

6142 The eve of the end

"In this ninth-level chaos, there are not only four late ninth-level gods!" Xiao Ye's mind was shocked.

Because of his participation in this Beginning Domain hegemony, a series of chain reactions were triggered, and some late-stage ninth-order powerhouses appeared in this chaos.

All kinds of news have already made a lot of noise.

He thought that all of his late ninth-order stages had surfaced.

Unexpectedly, there is still such combat power dormant, if it is not for his meditation, he will not be able to find it.

"The battle for hegemony in the Beginning Domain has been going on until now, and these dormant powerhouses have not acted. They must have come for me!" Xiao Ye clenched his fists and his expression became solemn.

He is not afraid to put himself in danger.

What he was worried about was that if there was a fight, other Qingteng disciples would be implicated.

after all.

Among the disciples of Qingteng, except for Mo Yuan, the rest are in the middle stage of the ninth order.

Even if his own strength is sturdy, the gap in realm is still there.

"As far as Master is concerned, if the disciple under the seat falls, there is no need to grieve."

"Because of chasing the end of the Primordial Level and reversing Haohai's creation, this is inevitable."

A gentle voice resounded, and it was Mo Yuan who spoke.


Xiao Ye was silent when he heard the words.

He has witnessed the evolution of chaos and experienced the ups and downs of the years, but he does not know that life is destroyed and reborn, which is a kind of reincarnation.

But he can't be innocent because of himself.

"No wonder Senior Brother Mo Yuan said that I will have the opportunity to fight against the late ninth-order." Xiao Ye looked at Mo Yuan, who was calm as usual, and thought to himself.

He had a hunch.

The reason why Mo Yuan came to this chaos is not for the ranking of the beginning domain.

It's more like coming to protect the way for him and witness him being tested, otherwise why wouldn't he kill an enemy.

next moment.

Xiao Ye shook his head, immersed in himself.

In his inner world, the Honglong ancestral tree glows with colorful rays of light.

Although the people of the Honglong clan did not accompany them and stayed in Qingcheng, the tree was still full of vitality, and there were illusory dragon shadows wandering around.

As for Tutu, he was sitting cross-legged above the ancestral tree, his eyes were slightly closed, and all his energy was restrained.

Xiao Ye thought about it and found that the connection between himself and Honglong Zuli still existed.

As long as he is willing, he can control the Honglong Scepter.

But at the same time.

There was also an endless sense of crisis that swept through my heart.

This sense of crisis comes from outside the ninth-level chaos.

In the Beginning Domain hegemony, it is forbidden to use all powers beyond the ninth order.

Honglong Ancestral Power, naturally bears the brunt.

If Xiao Ye used it, he would give other giants an excuse to intervene.

Xiao Ye pondered for a while, abandoned distracting thoughts, and continued to meditate.

This discovery made Xiao Ye realize that there might be more terrifying killings in the future, and he did not dare to be careless.

time flies.

The power of Haohai is constantly pouring in, smelting all over Xiao Ye's body, his method is also transpiring, and rubbing into the chaotic sky here, maintaining vitality and an endless stream.

On the other hand, the disciples of Qingteng, as well as the life from Qingcheng, are still in a relaxed mood.

They are either meditating, or talking in a low voice, or looking into the distance to obtain information.

They are satisfied with the current ranking, no longer take the initiative to kill the enemy, and have to wait for the end of the beginning domain hegemony.

On the other hand, other giant-level forces cannot be calm.

After the massive siege against Xiao Ye came to an end, they fought each other again. After gaining military exploits, they wanted to raise their rankings a few more levels in the final years.

The billions of miles around Mo Yuan have become a safe area, and no other life dares to approach.

The river flows over time.

Almost all the major forces were red-eyed, and I don't know how many ninth-order lives fell, making this chaos like a ghostly underworld, and corpses can be seen everywhere.

"The competition at the core of the Beginning Domain is really cruel."

Qi Tai sighed softly.

At the edge of the beginning domain, a ninth-order powerhouse is enough to push all the way and deter all directions.

Available at the start domain core.

The life of the early stage of the ninth order is as fragile as straw.

Even in the middle stage of the ninth order, it is difficult to be eternal in the world, and maybe it will be bombed and killed at some time.

Without the protection of giants, it is too difficult to gain a foothold in the core of the beginning domain.

"It's good to know, and practice well after going back, so as not to drag us down in the future." Luo Liuli glanced at Qi Tai, and the light voice made Qi Tai's mouth twitch.

this girl.

Really don't miss any chance to hit him.

"But this time, the old man survived anyway, and he also helped Qingcheng and gained millions of military exploits."

"At that time, if the reward is based on merit, the old man should also be able to share some resources."

Thinking of this, Qi Tai rubbed his hands together excitedly.

Although his realm is not strong, but thanks to his good Hunyuan body, he still slaughtered some early ninth-order and accumulated several million battle merits.


Only the last hundred years remained until the beginning of the battle for hegemony.

Looking at the current situation, with Mo Yuan around, almost no one dared to commit the Qingcheng camp.

"It's just a pity that our ranking in Qingcheng has slipped to fifth."

Qingxiu looked up at the sky, and regretted seeing the number of military exploits formed by the rules.

"Rest assured, there is still a chance to gain military exploits."

"It's not good, we can still rush to the first place."

A man with purplish-blue skin suddenly stood up, and his deep eyes looked into the distance.

He is a disciple under the Ivy Throne.

In addition to Mo Yuan, his strength is the strongest, and his realm is close to the late ninth order, and his name is Chao Yan.

Chao Yan's words came out.

All of the Qingteng disciples suddenly changed their expressions.

They released the will of Primordial Primordial, and soon caught a strong aura, which appeared without warning.

The boundless brilliance rose from the four directions and quickly converged, forming a boundless sky that fell down, as if the world had been forcibly stripped out of the ninth-level chaos.

"It's still here!"

Xiao Ye opened his eyes.

these years.

The disciples of Qingteng are all paying attention to the fighting of the major forces.

And he.

It is to perceive the late ninth-order powerhouses who are dormant in this chaos, but have never appeared.

Long years passed.

Those powerhouses still did nothing, which made Xiao Ye think that the other party was afraid of Mo Yuan and was about to give up.

However, on the eve of the beginning of the battle for hegemony, a change has come.


In the chaotic sky, the boundless aura rolled backwards, Xiao Ye couldn't tell at all, how many late ninth orders came.

The boundless sky shrouded.

Xiao Ye wanted to rush out, but he couldn't lead the war away.

"You don't have to participate this time, just watch it quietly." Mo Yuan rose to the sky, Lang Lang's voice made the life of Qingcheng change.

Ink dollars.

This is to fight the raiders alone!

"Junior Brother Xiao Ye, don't you want to fight against the late ninth-order?"

Mo Yuan stood high in the sky and said to Xiao Ye, "That's the case, I'll leave one for you, you can show it to Master, and show it to those giants!"

(End of this chapter)