Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 6145: upside down black and white

Reverse black and white

In the ninth-level chaos, the long river of time is really flowing.

This time, the beginning domain hegemony has really come to an end.

More than 50 giant-level forces have suffered great casualties.

The rest stopped fighting, and with a heavy heart, gathered towards a certain place.

That is the only place in this chaos, the only place where the sound of war is still resounding, affecting every surviving heart.

Xiao Ye and Yong Yu in the late ninth order have been fighting for decades!

During this period.

Xiao Ye's second form, I don't know how many times it was crushed by Yong Yu, and how many times it was blown up.

But Xiao Ye is constantly breaking his cognition, reshaping his body again, and fighting against Yong Yu.

Under the sky shrouded in the aura of destruction, life from all sides gathered here, and no one spoke.

One after another, he looked at the two fighting figures, or stared at a man in sackcloth.

That is the deity of Mo Yuan.

The other party alone has overwhelmed many late ninth-order stages.

Afterwards, the deity returned to the arena with no blood stained, and was sitting in the seat in person.

such a result.

It made the lives of all parties more fearful, and how dared to deal with Xiao Ye.

The beginning of the domain hegemony.

With Mo Yuan on the Qingcheng side, Xiao Ye should have been unscathed.

It was actually a kind of sadness that Yong Yu could get close to hurting Xiao Ye.

Ivy has great spirit.

Take Yongyu to hone your disciples!


A beast-like roar came from Yong Yu's mouth.

The gazes cast around him, like a knife pierced into his heart, made him mad with hatred.

He is a late ninth-order powerhouse.

In the core of the beginning domain, they all enjoy the honorable name, but as a result, even a kid who has just broken through to the middle stage of the ninth order cannot win it.

This long battle has been close to a hundred years.

"It's almost, I can kill him!"

Yong Yu's body rushed, another attacking technique, which shook Xiao Ye's dragon body into several pieces.

The invisible force of Haohai rolled back, and the speed of Xiao Ye's reorganization has dropped sharply, like an old chariot that will collapse at any time.

This is a sign that the source is about to dry up.

Even if Xiao Ye has a turbulent foundation at all levels, and even if his vitality is tenacious, he will not be able to carry it any longer.

This made Yong Yu's eyes flash with joy, and he punched Xiao Ye's remnant body.

Unexpectedly this time.


A splendid ray of light poured out like a nine-day star river, which surprised Yong Yu, and the whole person was hit and flew out.

"Mo Yuan, do you still want to intervene after all?"

Yong Yu staggered to a stop and looked at the man in linen angrily.

He was fighting against Xiao Ye, so he couldn't see the hope of killing the other party, but was interrupted by Mo Yuan, how could he not be angry in his heart?

"If I really want to intervene, you are already dead."

Mo Yuan said calmly, then pointed to the sky above, "The battle for hegemony in the Beginning Territory is over."


Yong Yu's expression changed suddenly.

Only at this time did he realize that the surging rules of God had disappeared.

The rankings of more than 50 giant forces have been fixed.

Beginning domain hegemony is over, no more fighting.

This is a rule jointly formulated by the giants of all parties!


Yong Yu's face darkened.

Hundred years of fighting.

He failed to kill Xiao Ye, how should he face it afterward, because of the giants of the temple.

Looking at Mo Yuan again, Yong Yu turned and left without saying a word.

"Haha, this guy probably has a psychological shadow on Junior Brother Xiao Ye!"

"Tsk tsk, a late ninth-order stage can take a hundred years to win the ninth-order mid-stage. This person can be regarded as the only one in the core of the beginning domain."

The Qingteng disciples all laughed.

A hundred years!

Xiao Ye has fought against Yong Yu for a hundred years in the middle of the ninth rank, and it is a miracle that he has really survived until now.

"Oh, let's go."

The ninth-order lives of all parties also left alone.

they know.

If you miss this time, if you want to take down Xiao Ye in the future, it will be difficult.

The talent of this life is too terrifying, who can predict what level the other party will reach when the next time the beginning of the battle for hegemony comes?

As long as Xiao Ye can't retreat in Qingcheng after returning, they won't have a chance to do it.

When the survivors of the major forces exited one after another, a bang spread.

I saw Xiao Ye's dragon body falling from the sky, and it exploded into a cloud of blood, which made the smiles of many Qingcheng life freeze.

Xiao Ye endured until the end of the Beginning Domain hegemony, but he also paid a heavy price.

The source and mixed power are all exhausted, and even the breath of life is rapidly declining, almost imperceptible.

The next moment, an amazing sight happened.

Crashing strange sound waves came from Xiao Ye's flesh and blood.

It was as if a towering tree was shaking, its branches and leaves rubbing.

Immediately, colorful rays of light burst out, covering Xiao Ye's withered flesh and blood.

In everyone's horrified eyes.

Xiao Ye's life breath turned from weak to vigorous, and the blood mist gathered together, turning into a heroic black-robed youth.

Chaos light surging all over his body, his body is immortal, where is the slightest injury?

"Is this the reversal of life and death of Honglong Zuli?" Qi Tai looked at Xiao Ye's figure, and his heart shook violently.

he knows.

The Honglong ancestral tree was rooted in Xiao Ye's body, and he had also felt the wonder of Honglong's ancestral power when he was on the edge of the Beginning Domain.

Now that I have witnessed it again, it has been greatly impacted.

It is terrifying that Xiao Ye, who is on the verge of death, can be restored to his best state in an instant.

No wonder many Hunyuan giants covet this kind of power.


Xiao Ye was also stunned.

Just now, his body exploded, his consciousness fell into darkness, and he recovered in a blink of an eye. Obviously, Tutu was helping him.

Just like when he was on the edge of the Beginning Domain, he was hit hard by Saint Chu at the early stage of the ninth order, and then was reshaped by Tutu.

Do this.

It will cause some damage to the picture!

"In this chaos, use Honglong's ancestral power, do you think we don't exist?"

A cold voice suddenly came from outside the chaos.


The stable ninth-level chaos trembled wildly, and a figure surrounded by thousands of orders suddenly teleported into the field.

This is a mixed yuan giant!

Followed by.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The second, third, fourth, and fifth giants are all emerging one after another, and the orderly fluctuations spread out, causing Mo Yuan to shake and retreat backwards.

As for Xiao Ye, his body rattled and was directly bent.

"Hundred Yuan giants, are they all so shameless?" Xiao Ye roared, his eyes were full of anger.

He abides by the rules of the Beginning Domain hegemony.

Now the beginning of the domain hegemony is over.

Only then did Tutu spontaneously manifest power and help him recover.

As a result, these giants used this as an excuse to attack!

This is forcibly inverting black and white!

"In front of us, when will it be your turn to speak!"

The giant who came first said indifferently and grabbed Xiao Ye with a big hand.

(End of this chapter)