Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 6154: with strong pressure

With strong pressure

Xiao Ye fought with the giant beast he turned into with the help of the transformation mark.

I know how terrifying that state is.

How can you give the opponent a chance to fight against the enemy now!

Xiao Ye's target was an early ninth-order life, and he was shocked at this moment.

Xiao Ye's grasp of the timing was too precise, and his body was wrapped in the transformation marks, showing the shape of a giant beast, and Xiao Ye killed him.

boom! boom!

Xiao Ye used extreme tactics, and his mixed forces fluctuated far beyond his own realm. The violent offensive actually broke up the mottled streamer that had just condensed.


The life of the early ninth-order life fell, the whole exploded, and fell directly.

"Little bastard, you!"

This scene made the nearby Duan be furious because of the life of the temple.

"Since it is an enemy, do you want me to wait for you to take the initiative to attack?"

Xiao Ye's eyes were cold, and his body suddenly changed, directly transforming into a dragon shape.

Look around.

Xiao Ye's dragon body was winding, five million feet long, and every inch was shining with a destructive aura, and it was already swept forward.

old days.

Xiao Ye has the demeanor of being respected in the same realm in the struggle for hegemony in the beginning domain.


He continued to refine resources in Qingcheng, and then entered the secret realm of Fallen Yuan to hone. How fierce the realm has improved. This time the dragon's body showed, the time and space in Guangyuan Yu seemed to be frozen.

One after another, the bodies of the Primordial Primordial body were swept apart, and they merged with the transformation marks, which were all dissipated.

There were 200 people in the Duanyin temple surrounding Xiao Ye.

But in the blink of an eye, he was half washed with blood by Xiao Ye, and Qingxiu, who was watching from a distance, was dumbfounded.

He knew that Xiao Ye's growth rate was astonishing and could be called the second ink yuan.

But also did not expect, will reach this situation.

This is where the showdown is, it's a complete slaughter.

"Junior Brother Xiao Ye, be careful!"

At this time, a Qingteng disciple snorted and reminded.

Although Xiao Ye killed a hundred people who died in the temple.

But the rest is also completed, the fusion of transformation marks.

The world has become violent.

One hundred giant beasts with bodies covering hundreds of thousands of miles suddenly stood in the four directions, and they were screaming, shaking Guangyuanyu.

Pairs of black claws, like a vast world, pressed down on Xiao Ye's dragon body.

This is a kind of offensive that can make any ninth-order mid-stage despair.


Time and space paused again, the transpiring mist in the Guangyuan Region was frozen, and the ubiquitous mottled streamers also dimmed.

A thud.

The entire Guangyuan Region seemed to explode, and the unparalleled shock wave swept away in all directions, causing Qingxiu and other six disciples to stumble back, affecting their injuries.

Looking at the field again, their faces were full of shock.

A hundred terrifying beasts couldn't hold Xiao Ye down!

Xiao Ye, who displayed his second form, showed no weakness in the face of these giant beasts.

His dragon body moved and rushed forward, shaking his pair of black claws away.

"It's not enough to deal with me in this way!"

Xiao Ye's dragon eyes were filled with coldness.

through the initial confrontation.

He can be sure.

The Duan Yin temple life that caught up was all in the early stage of the ninth order.

After the fusion of the transformation marks, it is indeed difficult to find an opponent in the middle stage of the ninth order.

But he, Xiao Ye, is different from ordinary Hunyuan-level life.


With the development of the extremely powerful Hunyuan method, Xiao Ye's dragon body almost turned into light.

"Damn, how can this guy be so strong!"

The hundred giant beasts were fighting frantically, and there were turbulent waves in their hearts.

They chased Xiao Ye with the realm of the early ninth order, not reckless.

Because as long as they merge the transformation marks, everyone can be invincible at the ninth-order mid-level, and no matter how strong Xiao Ye is, he will be killed.

But who would have thought.

Xiao Ye was also extremely powerful, and they all came to a deadlock when they joined forces.

in the heat of battle.

Impacted by Xiao Ye's dragon body, their transformation marks will vibrate and will collapse.

"We fuse the transformation marks, occupy the innate advantage, and kill him if it's a big deal!"

Some people open their mouths and give orders.

"Yes, let's take your time, don't worry."

One hundred giant beasts slowed down their offensive, and their huge bodies moved, as if stalwart mountain peaks surrounded Xiao Ye.

The method of merging the transformation marks was researched by them at a huge cost.

Using this method, in the battle, it does not consume itself at all.

On the other hand, Xiao Ye.

How long can you fight in the second form?

So this fight was doomed from the start.

"Mad, it's shameless to judge the life of the temple!"

Seeing the situation, Qingxiu became impatient.

If he hadn't been injured, his strength would have been greatly affected, and he would have rushed up to fight.

"Senior Brother Chao Yan, why haven't they come yet?"

The other five Qingteng disciples are also looking up.

they know.

With Chao Yan's ability, he can find this place sooner or later, but I'm afraid Xiao Ye can't hold it.

With a bang, the four poles of heaven and earth trembled.

The battle situation in the field became fierce again.

Xiao Ye's second form continued to attack, and finally broke the three giant beasts, and the transformation marks escaped into the void.

at the same time.

Xiao Ye's dragon body was also torn apart by a claw, almost breaking, and blood spurted out.

"Haha, can't you finally stand it?"

The remaining giant beasts came again, and the words were full of sarcasm.

from their perspective.

Xiao Ye's aggressive style of swapping injuries for injuries clearly can't sit still and is about to break through in a hurry!

"I really can't stand it anymore."

Xiao Ye's body stopped, his eyes were still cold, "I can't help but kill them all!"

The words fall.

A colorful light emerged out of thin air, shrouding Xiao Ye's body at once.


Thunder bursts, if the immortal world is reshaping, I saw Xiao Ye's dragon body healed instantly, emitting a strong vitality of life, and returned to its peak state.

After stepping into the ninth order, Xiao Ye seldom motivated the ancestors of Honglong to attack them, focusing on his own cultivation.

This time, he is just using this force to heal.


This scene made those giant beasts tremble, and their inexplicable emotions were rolling.

they know.

It was Honglong Ancestral Power, which repaired Xiao Ye's injury.

This move is not a life-and-death reversal, and it has no burden on Xiao Ye, but it makes them terrified.

In this way, Xiao Ye is almost immortal!

"What, is it surprising?"

"Or do you naively think that in the core of the beginning domain, under the eyes of the Primordial Giants, I dare not use the Honglong Ancestral Power at will?" Xiao Ye sneered.

Guangyuanyu is their Qingcheng site!

Duanyin Temple was set up here, how could he be polite and have to wash the lives of these Duanyin Temples with blood.

As for the consequences, he was too lazy to think about it.

"Don't hold back, kill him!"

The ninety-seven giant beasts were silent for a while, and they all attacked frantically.

(End of this chapter)