Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 6165: back to tranquility

Return to tranquility

"Do you have a solution?"

As soon as these words came out, the three fallen ancestors looked at Xiaoguang in unison.

"Saving people is not my area of ​​expertise."

"But every time this kid uses Honglong Ancestral Power, he will establish a deeper connection with this power."

Xiaoguang talked eloquently, "So, as long as he still has a breath left, he will be able to recover naturally under the influence of Honglong's ancestral power."


The expressions of the three fallen patriarchs changed slightly when they heard the words.

They stepped forward to investigate carefully and finally found something.

Although Xiao Ye's body collapsed and his flesh and blood withered, the Honglong ancestral tree was still there, and it was stretching its rhizomes to form a skeleton vein, which was to reshape Xiao Ye's flesh and blood.

Aware of this, the three fallen patriarchs were amazed.

They never thought about it.

An ordinary Primordial Being can have such a bond with a Primordial Primordial Device.

"Okay, don't look at it."

"Since the battle is over, let's go back. When this kid is alive and kicking again, there are still big things to do!"

At this moment, Xiaoguang glanced at the group of Honglongs.

There are 20,000 people in the ninth-order Honglong who accompanied Xiao Ye on the expedition this time.

After a brutal fight.

About 5,000 heads fell.

As Xiaoguang's words fell, a burst of black light suddenly rose up, covering the remaining Honglong, disappearing in this place of origin together with Xiao Ye's withered flesh and blood.

"Fortunately, Xiao Ye can still recover."

"That's right, this guy can even control the Honglong scepter, and it's hard to die."

A group of ninth-order immortal phoenixes looked at each other, and they all breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

This time, Xiao Ye, in order to help them destroy the enemy, is desperate, making them feel endlessly grateful.

"You should see clearly."

"As the ultimate life, in the core of the Beginning Domain, don't try to stay out of it!"

"If you don't want the tragedy to happen again, you must practice hard and have stronger strength!"

The three fallen patriarchs all had serious expressions.

"Yes, follow the teachings of the ancestors!"

Several ninth-order fairy phoenixes lowered their heads.

these years.

The three old ancestors sheltered Xiao Ye, and they also aroused their criticism, thinking that the three old ancestors would contaminate the cause and effect by doing so.

But after experiencing this, they realized just now that they were short-sighted.

The giants who will coveted Honglong Zuli will also target them sooner or later.

At such times, they cannot share the same hatred, and they will be helpless at that time.

The giant-level melee only lasted for a moment, but it brought an extremely far-reaching impact to this vast sea.

This is the first time such a collision has occurred since the birth of the Hunyuan giants and mutual restraint.

The giant-level law and countless attacks collided with each other, causing waves to spread to the endless void, and many heaven, earth, heaven and earth and treasures were turned into ruins.

Look around.

The ninth-order life at the core of the entire Beginning Domain was nearly half as much.

Several giant-level forces have collapsed, filled with mourning everywhere, and even Haohai's strength has been thinned.

Such a sight made the survivors break into a cold sweat.

If the giants go to war, and continue for a while, everything will cease to exist.

"Tie Qi, you propose to use the fire of war to drive the general trend and force the Fallen Primordial Immortal Phoenix Clan to compromise!"

"But look at what Haohai looks like now!"

There was an angry roar, crossing the vast sea.

The figure of the iron flag was shrouded in mist and surrounded by large purple flags.

Hearing the questioning, Tie Qi was silent, and the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme.

He really did not expect that the situation would develop to this point.

"It's all to blame that little **** Xiao Ye!" Tie Qi gritted his teeth.

Xiao Ye sacrificed the Honglong scepter at the origin of the Fallen Primordial Immortal Phoenix Clan, which was the main reason for attracting the three fallen ancestors to go shopping!

"This kid's breath is gone!"

"I want to see, Qingteng and the others, what to do next!"

Tie Qi's icy eyes looked towards Qingcheng.

This giant battle has indeed brought obstacles to his plan.


It also made many wandering and neutral giants full of hatred for the Qingteng camp.


The war at the core of Shiyu over the years has not affected this city.

But the battle of the giants just now also brought a great impact to Qingcheng.

In the majestic giant city, the moat is spread across the sky, the time and space storm is raging, and many planes have been penetrated.

Qingcheng, which had only a few hundred people left, became more and more desolate.

Fortunately, the method of Qingteng was integrated into this place, so there were no casualties.


"Xiao Ye, this kid, Hunyuan's body was broken?"

When Xiaoguang came back with the Honglong family and the news spread, Qi Tai's eyes widened.

He is still in the early stage of the ninth order.

Since the beginning of the battle for hegemony, he has been practicing in seclusion.

The changes during this period, as well as Xiao Ye's situation, caught him off guard.

"Junior Brother Xiao Ye, went to the origin of the Fallen Primordial Immortal Phoenix Clan!"

"Because the strong action used the Honglong scepter, this was backlashed!"

The ninety-nine Qingteng disciples could not calm down, and gathered to discuss countermeasures.

"You don't need to worry about this matter. Next, look at his own creation."

Qingteng dispersed the crowd and banned Xiao Ye's plane with amazing means.

"Master's response was very calm."

"In addition, with that senior there, Junior Brother Xiao Ye will definitely be fine."

After Chao Yan saw Xiaoguang's figure, he suddenly turned and left silently.

In addition to Xiao Ye, the recent situation of Mo Yuan also worried the disciples.

They have been informed.

Since the beginning of the battle for hegemony, Mo Yuan has been targeted by the giants.

Although Mo Yuan got rid of Kaigo, it was also disturbed by conquest.

Coupled with the impact caused by the giant's shot, no one knows whether Mo Yuan has escaped.

Separated by the boundless ocean, it is difficult for them to see Mo Yuan, so they can only pray silently in their hearts.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, another epoch has passed.

The boundless war at the core of the Beginning Domain suddenly disappeared.

The giant war has brought endless grief to the core of the beginning domain. The major giants are all recuperating and recovering their vitality.

The core of the beginning domain has ushered in a tranquility that has never been seen before.

"Junior Brother Xiao Ye, he is already recovering."

The silver-haired Qingxiu looked at Xiao Ye's plane, showing a happy expression.

In this epoch, he often looked at Xiao Ye's plane.

The loneliness there was gradually dissipated by the glowing breath of life, and the sound of dragon roars could often be seen.

Qingxiu deduced it according to the law, and gained insight into an astonishing scene.

A towering tree protruded from the body of a young man, reflecting the sky on the plane.

This big tree is the ancestral tree of Honglong.

As for the young man, it was Xiao Ye.

The disintegrated body of the other party was pieced together by the ever-growing Honglong ancestral tree, and the two seemed to be integrated into one, regardless of each other.

Xiao Ye hasn't woken up yet.

Qingxiu could clearly feel that Xiao Ye's breath was radiating through the Honglong ancestral tree, and it was getting stronger and stronger.

(End of this chapter)