Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 618: Panic

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

In this contest of the banquet, because Nangong Xingyu and Jun Shitian took action, the atmosphere at the scene reached its peak, and everyone was excited. They all wanted to know whether Nangong Xingyu is powerful or Jun Shitian. Even better.

Even the emperors of the four emperor realms stood up from each other's seats, gazing at the two in midair, their eyes filled with interest.

"Hum, Jun Shitian!" Behind Nangong Xingyu, Xiao Ye took a piece of Wang Jing from the space ring, instantly repaired all the injuries, and his eyes became cold.

Such a villain, after a battle with the realm, actually turned back, and used the emperor Wujing's cultivation to suppress himself. Fortunately, Nangong Xingyu once again helped.



Nangong Xingyu and Jun Shitian's emperor's imperial momentum rose into the sky and reached its peak at this moment. It was very terrifying and terrifying. Even Xiao Ye was forced to fly upside down for thousands of kilometers before stopping hard.

The atmosphere on the field was ignited, and a peerless battle was about to erupt.

"Enough, stop!"

But at this moment, a majestic voice suddenly sounded, as if Tianwei was violent, directly causing Nangong Xingyu and Jun Shitian to tremble, almost falling from midair, and the body's momentum was suppressed. The void next to them seemed to be sealed, so terrible.

Throughout the square, turning the hand can suppress the handful of these two young geniuses. Everyone shuddered and guessed who was shooting.

Sure enough, I saw that on the eastern island of the sky, the owner of the Taiyi Holy Palace stood up from the seat and drank coldly, with suppressed anger in his eyes.

It was a pity in everyone's heart that, in the current form, the confrontation between Nangong Xingyu and Jun Shitian would never be seen.

"Jun Shitian, you self-proclaimed Xiu Ye to show off against Xiao Ye, the master of the palace allowed it, but after losing, you disregarded the agreement of the showdown and forcibly unlocked the seal to kill Xiao Ye, which violated You can plead guilty to the rules of our Holy Palace!"

The voice of the Master of Taiyi Holy Palace seemed to be thundering, which triggered the movement of the four sides, and the majestic emperor's martial pressure, like Huanghuang Tianwei, was released from him.

Especially the disciples of the Holy Palace sighed in their hearts when they heard the angry words of the Lord of the Holy Palace.

Jun Shitian was too presumptuous. On such occasions, he publicly provoked the majesty of the holy palace. If the holy palace owner no longer resorted to sanctions, then the holy palace would have no face in gaining a foothold in Zhongzhou.

It can be said that Jun Shitian's move really violated the bottom line in the heart of the holy palace.

Seeing this, Nangong Xingyu withdrew his momentum, and then flew to the ground together with Xiao Ye, and gave all the initiative to the holy palace master to prepare to see how the other party handled Jun Shitian.

"Plead guilty?" Hearing the question of the holy palace's master, Jun Shitian was carrying his hands, and there was a magic energy rolling on his body, and he smiled with his head raised.

"When you forcibly expelled me out of the Holy Palace, I thought that Jun Shitian was not a disciple of the Holy Palace!" Jun Shitian's mouth showed a hint of sarcasm.

The holy palace master breathed a stagnation, and his expression became somber.

At that time, he expelled Jun Shitian, but it was also a helpless move. Who else violated the palace rules, but now the other party took this reason as an excuse to attack him, which made him think that Jun Shitian still had one. The good thoughts were completely crushed.

Seeing the silence of the holy palace master for a long time, Jun Shitian stepped on the void and said again: "Since I am no longer a disciple of the holy palace, then why do your **** rules govern me?"

"I'm acting like Shi Tian, ​​relying solely on my own thoughts, I don't need to look at other people's faces at all!"

The harsh words rang abruptly in the square, causing the long-standing backlash of the holy palace master to burst out again.

"good very good!"

"Since you are the king, you have betrayed my Taiyi Holy Palace today, so the lord of the palace does not have to be merciful!" The lord of the palace shook his sleeve and sighed in his mouth, "Where is the law enforcement elder in the main hall!"

"Palace, I'm waiting here!"

At the moment when the main voice of the Holy Palace fell, ten white-haired old men flew out of the square. Their old and dry body projected energy that cannot be ignored.

As the law enforcement elders of the main hall, although they rarely appear, they are closed for the same year as the holy palace, but everyone’s cultivation practices have reached the level of the title of imperial martial arts. Among the holy palaces, second only to the holy palace.

After they flew out, they saluted respectfully to the holy palace.

"This son violated the majesty of the Holy Palace. You slaughtered it to prove my demeanor of the Holy Palace!" The Lord of the Holy Palace shouted coldly and ruthlessly, completely disappointed with Jun Shitian.


Ten law-enforcement elders took orders, and then turned around, bursting into the turbid eyes with a burst of fine awns. Between the flashes of the figure, Jun Shitian was surrounded by the regiment, and the great imperial martial arts was surging.

At this moment, the square fell into deathly silence, and many martial artists looked at this scene with different thoughts.

Could it be that today, there are a few genius-level geniuses in Zhongzhou?

Xiao Ye shook his head slightly, Jun Shitian fell to the present end, he was just a fuse, the real reason is that the other party blamed himself, and he did not blame others, but unfortunately he couldn't avenge himself.


At this time, Jun Shitian, surrounded by the ten law enforcement elders in the main hall, suddenly looked up and laughed, without any panic on his face, but instead filled with a crazy expression.

"I Jun Shitian returned to the holy palace today, the first is to kill this fellow Xiao Ye, in order to revenge my doppelganger!"

"Secondly, I can turn the Tai Yi Holy Palace upside down. You ten old dogs, dare to stop my footsteps of revenge? Really dreaming!" Jun Shitian's mad words swept across the square like a gust of wind. Let everyone's face change, and his face is incredible.

Immediately afterwards, the whole world of the Taiyi Holy Palace shook up, as if it had a powerful force, attacking the gate of the Holy Palace.


In an instant, the world of Taiyi Holy Palace was torn apart by a huge and immense force, and the overwhelming devil qi came from the ripped cracks. The layers of magic clouds covered the sky and the demons danced, The fierce light came directly towards the square.

"Jun Shitian is the contemporary young master of my Jidao Palace. Who would dare to deal with him? Looking for death!" A voice full of magical sounds rolled like thunder.