Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 6204: sad fate

Sad fate

This sigh was full of helplessness, and it really resounded in the vast sea at the edge of the beginning domain, shaking all directions, causing one parallel chaos after another to be a sensation.

There is no order and no rules in the vast sea.

If you want to speak like this, you need a very strong Hunyuan method to support.

The opener is definitely a very strong ninth-order life!

At this moment, Xiao Ye stopped and stared straight ahead.

His perception was indeed correct. The person who committed the murder on the edge of the Beginning Domain was indeed the ninth-rank peak powerhouse who ambushed him because of the ruins of the temple.

"Since you are willing to show up openly this time, why are you hiding your true face?"

Xiao Ye stepped across the boundless territory and approached the slender figure.

The other party did not escape, and the brilliance that surrounded the whole body was like a mist being blown away.

A man with white hair and smooth skin appeared in Xiao Ye's sight.

I don't know how many years this man has practiced, and his body is full of twilight, but just standing there, it brings a sense of endless vicissitudes.

"My name is Lulian."

"It's an ascetic at the core of the Beginning Domain."

The man said to Xiao Ye.

"Ascetic?" Xiao Ye raised his brows.

Since he lives as an ascetic, it means that the other party is not affiliated with any giant-level forces.

That's it.

Why did you want to ambush him back then, and now you have to cause trouble on the edge of the Beginning Domain?

"It's a trend."

"I can't reverse the trend of being carried by the giants of mixed yuan."

"Just like the fish in the river, few people can swim against the current, and most of them follow the current." The man named Lu Lian showed a trace of sadness on his face.

"The trend?"

"Using the Primordial Giants as an excuse to satisfy your selfish desires?" A sneer appeared on the corner of Xiao Ye's mouth.

Even this Lulian was really coerced by other giants.

What about the **** cases made on the edge of the Beginning Domain?

There are endless creatures in the heavens and the world, and many Hunyuan-level beings, all of which have been washed with blood by Lu Lian.

"If it wasn't for you in charge of the Honglong Ancestral Power, which triggered a big cause and effect, how could it lead to a major change in the core environment of the Beginning Domain, and it would be difficult to breed Primordial-level treasures."

"You know, ascetic cultivators like me stand at the pinnacle of the ninth rank and silently accumulate strength, so that one day, they can break through the shackles!"

"Those creatures and lives can be my stepping stone, they should be satisfied." There was hatred on Lulian's face.

"Silently accumulate strength?" Xiao Ye's eyes flashed, and he instantly understood.

At the core of the beginning domain, is there really no ninth-order peak powerhouse?

Do not!


A life of that level has only one goal, jumping up and condensing the supreme fruit.

During this period.

Also avoid the perception of other giants, so as not to be stifled.

Therefore, this has led to the ninth-order peak powerhouses who never live in the world, let alone participate in battles.

Only the ink dollar is an exception.

"Since you hate me so much, let's fight."

Xiao Ye's hair was raised.

After the words were finished, his body turned into a beam of light, and he went straight to Lu Lian, with a peaceful palm hitting Lu Lian's face.

"I didn't have many options."

"Killing you is the best policy at the moment."

Lu Lian also raised his palm and fought against Xiao Ye.


A turbulent wave spread from the palms of the two, causing the vast sea to collapse, and the endless power of the vast sea rolled back, terrifying to the sky.

Xiao Ye and Lu Lian both swayed, and then made moves at the same time.

"Lord Xiao Ye, we have fought against a terrifying powerhouse!"

"Get out of here quickly, so as not to be affected!"

There were exclamations all around.

A ninth-order and eighth-order life, all madly rushed out of the dojo, and wanted to leave.

This level of fighting.

Maybe they can turn the entire edge of the beginning domain into ruins, they can't stop it at all.


"Boss Xiao Ye!"

In the chaos of the real spirit, it is also boiling.

The Four Emperors of the True Spirit, Nangong Xingyu, and Xiao Bai all rose into the air, trying to rush out of the Chaos of the True Spirit.

During this time, Xiao Ye informed them of what happened through the True Spirit Heavenly Dao.

The outbreak of war at this moment made them worry.

Because no matter how strong Xiao Ye is, he has not broken through to the peak of the ninth rank after all, such a reversal is too dangerous.

"Don't worry."

Tu Shi stopped a group of true spirit leaders, very calm, "What to worry about, it should be Xiao Ye's enemy."

Xiao Ye's strength, how powerful, far surpassed those of the same realm.

After the Hunyuan body is integrated with the Honglong Ancestral Tree, even if the Honglong Ancestral Power is not used, it can show amazing healing power.

Plus the years of hard work.

He doesn't think that this ninth-rank peak powerhouse can get Xiao Ye.

And what they have to do is to protect the chaos of the real spirit and keep it from being attacked.

this battle.

It has aroused great attention on the edge of the entire Shiyu, and the atmosphere of panic is spreading.

With a flash of Xiao Ye and Lu Lian, they can traverse the boundless territory, and everything collapses wherever they go.

The two collided with the attacking technique, which caused the vast sea to be translucent, and all kinds of terrible sound waves were swept through, pressing down the eighth-level Chaos Heavenly Dao to whine.

Fortunately, Xiao Ye took the initiative in this battle and deliberately led Lulian to rush towards the barren area, minimizing the impact on the edge of the starting area.

After dozens of fights, all the turbulence quickly disappeared, and many ninth-order life probes were suddenly stunned.

They saw that there was a splash of blue Primordial Blood, which was drenched in Haohai, shocking.

Look carefully.

Lu Lian's slender figure stopped and stood in the vast sea. There were cracks all over Hunyuan's body, like broken porcelain.

"I used to have a lot of love for this vast sea."

"I also helped justice, and wanted to open up a pure land for a group of lives with a sad fate."

"Why did it come to this point and cause so many **** cases."

Lu Lian seemed to think of the past, murmured in his mouth, and kept spurting blood.

In fact, from the time he fought against Xiao Ye, he knew the result.

"You have long forgotten the original intention of stepping into the path of Primordial Level."

Xiao Ye looked at Lu Lian and said calmly, "Even if there is no cause and effect caused by me, you can't become a primordial giant."

These words made Lu Lian silent.

"Maybe." Lu Lian smiled miserably and took a few steps forward.


His Hunyuan body exploded like a dead tree and turned into dust.

Lu Lian, who was at the peak of the ninth rank, had only a few dozen moves against Xiao Ye, and he had already perished.

Xiao Ye's mood is not disturbed.

Reaching his realm, it is difficult for a powerhouse of Lulian's level to put pressure on him.

"According to Lu Lian's words, there are still some peak ninth-level powerhouses like him."

Xiao Ye turned to look at the core direction of Shi Yu, his eyes were extremely cold.

Lu Lian will be surrounded by the general trend of the Primordial Giants, so the other ninth-order peaks may be the same.

"Those who dare to commit crimes will have no other fate except death." Xiao Ye clenched his fists.

Obviously, Qingteng and Moyuan at the core of Shiyu have begun to compete with those giants again.

(End of this chapter)