Martial Breaks Nine Desolate

Chapter 622: Long overdue

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Wu Po Jiuhuang!

This is a duel between the titles of imperial martial arts powerhouses, and ordinary imperial martial arts powerhouses are not eligible to participate, let alone Xiao Ye and others.

Looking at the Taiyi Holy Palace, which had been turned into a ruin, the main face of the Holy Palace was gloomy.

This holy feast, it was a moving heart, and the scenes changed, even he, the pinnacle of the true spiritual continent, was unexpected and even lost a large number of disciples, which made his heart bleed.

What made him unbearable most was Jun Shitian, who was originally valued by him. He actually took the strong man of the Jidao Palace to the Taiyi Holy Palace. This made the face of the entire Taiyi Holy Palace in front of the world’s heroes. , Really lost.

"Palace, this time our Holy Palace, we lost a total of ... fifty thousand disciples, and the elder Wang Wujing also lost twenty-one."

"As for the young arrogance of other forces, they have also lost a lot." At this time, an elder of the imperial martial arts who had completed the loss of statistics flew to the holy palace, saying it was quite difficult, as if this short sentence It seems like it contains a huge weight.

"Okay, I see." Taiyi Holy Palace Palace Master, when he heard the figure shaking, he closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened it again, the anger in his eyes had been replaced by a calm.

I saw him suddenly turned around, and his eyes swept through the many powerful soldiers present. Under the eyes of everyone, he actually bowed his fists and bowed to salute: "This time, it is our Taiyi Holy Palace that you can't live with you. You came to the banquet, but let you Suffering losses, the lord of this palace apologizes to you here."

"The lord of the palace swears here that he will definitely get revenge!"

Hearing this sentence, many of the martial artists present looked at each other, and then politely greeted each other.

There is no way, such a strong man like the main palace of the Holy Palace, has been so kind to them, what can they say?

What’s more, even if they have resentment in their hearts, they dare not find the trouble of Taiyi Holy Palace. After all, the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse, not to mention that Taiyi Holy Palace suffered the most losses this time. None of the elders of the Imperial Imperial Realm died.

"Holy Palace Master, you don't have to blame yourself. The loss this time is trivial. We must thoroughly investigate the Jidao Palace. We must not give the other party any chance of recovery!"

"Yes, we must understand the actions of the Ji Dao Palace clearly, and then wipe them out completely, otherwise our real spirit continent, we may have to step into the situation of nowhere."

At this moment, the powerful emperors of the Iron-Blood Emperor and Wushuang Emperor Realm spoke one after another, their faces full of dignity.

In the past, when the Ji Dao Palace was strong, it had several half-step emperors. Although the iron-blooded emperor ruined it, he also suffered irreversible trauma. For such a terrifying strength, even their four emperor domains are not Dare to have the slightest care.

"This is nature!" The Taiyi Sheng Gong Palace nodded, then looked down and shouted.

"Whether the elder or the disciple listens to the order of Taiyi Sheng Palace, today the master of the palace issued a mortal order. In the future, if he meets Jun Shitian, he will kill him!"

"Yes!" All the disciples and elders replied in unison after hearing the order of the holy palace.

Xiao Ye clenched his fists secretly, without saying more about the holy palace. In the future, when he met Jun Shitian, he would kill the opponent with all his strength, but his current behavior is still too low compared to the opponent.

"Ah!" Lin Feng, the first demon disciple in the main hall of today's main hall, sighed when he heard the mortal order issued by the holy palace.

Moreover, his actions against Xiao Ye because of Jun Shitian's actions would definitely pose a great threat to his status in the Holy Palace.

Sure enough, he had just thought of this, and he felt a sharp gaze swept across, locking him firmly.

"As for Lin Feng, because he is very close to Jun Shitian, in addition to the previous punishment, he needs to avoid one year in Tianbiya in the Holy Palace, and should not be in contact with anyone. If you can survive this year, In the future, you will still be one of the disciples of the main hall of my holy palace." The master of Taiyi holy palace said.

Lin Feng shuddered and his face was filled with helplessness. He glanced at Xiao Ye with a vague glance, and then he said: "The disciple is following the will of the palace."

After talking, Lin Feng turned to the west, and his back was full of loneliness, leaving the remaining disciples in a daze for a while. It seemed that for a long time, they could not see Lin Feng.

Jun Shitian alone, the impact is too great.

A series of orders were sent out from the main entrance of the Holy Palace Palace, and a large number of Elders of the Emperor Wujing began to act, using the magical powers of the powerful Emperor Wujing, and began to repair the Taiyi Holy Palace that had been ruined.

With their repairs, the repair time is extremely short, but in a short period of incense, the ruins on the central square are cleaned up, and the military forces of all forces are seated again.

The main hall of the Holy Palace is to gather with the strongmen of the four emperors, and begin to discuss how to find and deal with the resurgent Jidao Palace.

Rather than saying that the banquet is going on, it is better to say that this has become a gathering of the top state forces in Zhongzhou. Ordinary forces are not eligible to join in, but they dare not leave for the time being, fearing that they will be hit by the Jidao Palace halfway. The resistance of the strong.

"Leaf, I believe that after this time, your status in the Holy Palace will rise rapidly. This is a good thing!" The crown prince walked to Xiao Ye and said, patting Xiao Ye's shoulder, a smile appeared on his face. There is no consciousness that has just experienced a tragic war.

"Yes, Brother Xiao and Jun Shitian battled with each other in the realm, and they can still occupy the absolute advantage to crush each other. As long as your holy palace owner is not stupid, you will definitely value you." Nangong Xingyu also flew over, aside With a glance, he glanced at the holy palace in the distance.

Xiao Ye couldn't help laughing.

This is indeed good news for him, but at the moment he is heavy in his heart, because he has a sense of belonging to the holy palace, and the holy palace was hurt so much at this time, and the disciple lost a Mostly.

In this case, he was really not happy.


At this moment, the earth suddenly trembles. On the eastern sky of the Holy Palace, there are soft snowflakes, which are slowly drifting down. At the same time, a cold and noble voice reverberates suddenly. Open, let Xiao Ye startled.

"Holy Palace Master, Bingxue Palace's birthday is late, please forgive me!"